2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
import json
import logging
2024-02-28 13:21:39 -05:00
import re
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
from typing import Optional, Union
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
import aiohttp
2024-02-28 12:43:26 -05:00
import discord
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
import websockets
from pydactyl import PterodactylClient, exceptions
from redbot.core import Config, commands
from redbot.core.bot import Red
class Pterodactyl(commands.Cog):
"""Pterodactyl allows you to manage your Pterodactyl Panel from Discord."""
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
self.bot = bot
2024-02-27 23:18:17 -05:00
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=457581387213637448123567, force_registration=True)
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-27 23:18:17 -05:00
2024-02-28 12:43:26 -05:00
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
self.logger = logging.getLogger('red.sea.pterodactyl')
self.client = None
2024-02-28 08:47:24 -05:00
self.task = None
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
self.websocket = None
2024-02-28 08:11:15 -05:00
async def establish_websocket_connection(self):
2024-02-28 08:49:02 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Establishing WebSocket connection")
2024-02-28 08:11:15 -05:00
base_url = await self.config.base_url()
api_key = await self.config.api_key()
server_id = await self.config.server_id()
2024-02-28 08:14:40 -05:00
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:57:39 -05:00
client = PterodactylClient(base_url, api_key, debug=True).client
2024-02-28 13:00:11 -05:00
self.client = client
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
websocket_credentials = client.servers.get_websocket(server_id)
2024-02-28 13:00:11 -05:00
self.logger.debug("""Websocket connection details retrieved:
Socket: %s
Token: %s...""",
#NOTE - The token is truncated to prevent it from being logged in its entirety, for security reasons
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
except exceptions.ClientConfigError as e:
2024-02-28 11:08:16 -05:00
self.logger.error('Failed to initialize Pterodactyl client: %s', e)
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
except exceptions.PterodactylApiError as e:
2024-02-28 11:08:16 -05:00
self.logger.error('Failed to retrieve Pterodactyl websocket: %s', e)
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-28 13:18:15 -05:00
async for websocket in websockets.connect(websocket_credentials['data']['socket'], origin=base_url, ping_timeout=60):
2024-02-28 11:46:00 -05:00
self.logger.debug("WebSocket connection established")
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:46:00 -05:00
auth_message = json.dumps({"event": "auth", "args": [websocket_credentials['data']['token']]})
await websocket.send(auth_message)
self.logger.debug("Authentication message sent")
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:46:00 -05:00
self.websocket = websocket
2024-02-28 13:41:51 -05:00
current_status = ''
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:46:00 -05:00
while True:
message = await websocket.recv()
if json.loads(message)['event'] in ['token expiring', 'token expired']:
self.logger.debug("Received token expiring/expired event. Refreshing token.")
websocket_credentials = client.servers.get_websocket(server_id)
auth_message = json.dumps({"event": "auth", "args": [websocket_credentials['data']['token']]})
await websocket.send(auth_message)
self.logger.debug("Authentication message sent")
2024-02-28 12:43:26 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:46:00 -05:00
if json.loads(message)['event'] == 'auth success':
self.logger.debug("Authentication successful")
2024-02-28 12:43:26 -05:00
2024-02-28 13:07:31 -05:00
if json.loads(message)['event'] == 'console output' and await self.config.console_channel() is not None:
2024-02-28 13:44:13 -05:00
if current_status == 'running' or current_status == 'offline' or current_status == '':
2024-02-28 13:39:40 -05:00
channel = self.bot.get_channel(await self.config.console_channel())
if channel is not None:
content = self.remove_ansi_escape_codes(json.loads(message)['args'][0][:1900])
if content.startswith('['):
await channel.send(content=content)
#TODO - Add pagification for long messages to prevent Discord API errors
2024-02-29 16:53:09 -05:00
chat_message = await self.check_if_chat_message(content)
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
if chat_message:
info = await self.get_info(chat_message['username'])
if info is not None:
2024-02-29 17:01:00 -05:00
await self.send_chat_discord(chat_message['username'], chat_message['message'], info['data']['player']['avatar'])
2024-02-28 13:32:31 -05:00
if json.loads(message)['event'] == 'status':
2024-02-28 13:39:40 -05:00
current_status = json.loads(message)['args'][0]
2024-02-28 13:32:31 -05:00
console = self.bot.get_channel(await self.config.console_channel())
if console is not None:
await console.send(f"Server status changed! `{json.loads(message)['args'][0]}`")
2024-02-28 11:46:00 -05:00
except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:
self.logger.debug("WebSocket connection closed: %s", e)
websocket_credentials = client.servers.get_websocket(server_id)
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
def remove_ansi_escape_codes(self, text: str) -> str:
2024-02-28 13:21:39 -05:00
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])')
#NOTE - https://chat.openai.com/share/d92f9acf-d776-4fd6-a53f-b14ac15dd540
return ansi_escape.sub('', text)
2024-02-29 16:53:09 -05:00
async def check_if_chat_message(self, text: str) -> Union[bool, dict]:
2024-02-29 16:52:10 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Checking if message is a chat message")
2024-02-29 16:53:09 -05:00
regex = await self.config.chat_regex()
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
match: Optional[re.Match[str]] = re.match(regex, text)
if match:
2024-02-29 16:58:19 -05:00
dict = {"time": match.group(1), "username": match.group(2), "message": match.group(3)}
self.logger.debug("Message is a chat message\n%s", json.dumps(dict))
return dict
2024-02-29 16:52:10 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Message is not a chat message")
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
return False
async def get_info(self, username: str) -> Optional[dict]:
2024-02-29 16:52:10 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Retrieving player info for %s", username)
2024-02-29 16:55:45 -05:00
endpoint = await self.config.api_endpoint()
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(f"https://playerdb.co/api/player/{endpoint}/{username}") as response:
if response.status == 200:
2024-02-29 16:58:19 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Player info retrieved for %s\n%s", username, json.dumps(await response.json()))
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
return await response.json()
2024-02-29 16:52:10 -05:00
self.logger.error("Failed to retrieve player info for %s: %s", username, response.status)
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
return None
async def send_chat_discord(self, username: str, message: str, avatar_url: str) -> None:
2024-02-29 16:52:10 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Sending chat message to Discord")
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
channel = self.bot.get_channel(await self.config.chat_channel())
if channel is not None:
webhooks = await channel.webhooks()
webhook = discord.utils.get(webhooks, name="Pterodactyl Chat")
if webhook is None:
webhook = await channel.create_webhook(name="Pterodactyl Chat")
await webhook.send(content=message, username=username, avatar_url=avatar_url)
2024-02-29 16:52:10 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Chat message sent to Discord")
2024-02-29 17:14:06 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Chat channel not set. Skipping sending chat message to Discord")
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
2024-02-29 18:50:22 -05:00
def get_tellraw_string(self, username: str, message: str):
return f'tellraw @a ["",{{"text":"{username} (DISCORD): ","color":"blue"}},{{"text":"{message}","color":"white"}}]'
2024-02-28 11:54:16 -05:00
def get_task(self):
return self.bot.loop.create_task(self.establish_websocket_connection(), name="Pterodactyl Websocket Connection")
2024-02-28 08:47:24 -05:00
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
async def cog_load(self):
2024-02-28 11:54:16 -05:00
self.task = self.get_task()
2024-02-27 23:02:03 -05:00
async def cog_unload(self):
2024-02-28 11:08:16 -05:00
await self.client._session.close() # pylint: disable=protected-access
2024-02-28 08:11:23 -05:00
2024-02-28 12:44:54 -05:00
2024-02-28 12:43:26 -05:00
async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
2024-02-29 18:53:17 -05:00
if message.channel.id == await self.config.console_channel() and not message.author.bot:
2024-02-29 18:39:01 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Received console command from %s: %s", message.author.id, message.content)
2024-02-29 17:27:36 -05:00
await message.channel.send(f"Received console command from {message.author.id}: {message.content[:1900]}")
2024-02-28 12:47:15 -05:00
await self.websocket.send(json.dumps({"event": "send command", "args": [message.content]}))
2024-02-29 18:53:17 -05:00
if message.channel.id == await self.config.chat_channel() and not message.author.bot:
2024-02-29 18:39:01 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Received chat message from %s: %s", message.author.id, message.content)
2024-02-29 17:27:36 -05:00
channel = self.bot.get_channel(await self.config.console_channel())
if channel:
await channel.send(f"Received chat message from {message.author.id}: {message.content[:1900]}")
2024-02-29 18:50:22 -05:00
msg = json.dumps({"event": "send command", "args": [self.get_tellraw_string(message.author.name, message.content)]})
2024-02-29 18:39:01 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Sending chat message to server:\n%s", msg)
await self.websocket.send(msg)
2024-02-28 12:43:26 -05:00
2024-02-28 08:11:23 -05:00
@commands.group(autohelp = True, name = "pterodactyl", aliases = ["ptero"])
async def pterodactyl(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Pterodactyl allows you to manage your Pterodactyl Panel from Discord."""
@pterodactyl.group(autohelp = True, name = "config", aliases = ["settings", "set"])
async def pterodactyl_config(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Configure Pterodactyl settings."""
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "url")
async def pterodactyl_config_base_url(self, ctx: commands.Context, base_url: str):
"""Set the base URL of your Pterodactyl Panel. Please include the protocol (http/https)."""
await self.config.base_url.set(base_url)
await ctx.send(f"Base URL set to {base_url}")
2024-02-28 08:56:47 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Configuration value set: base_url = %s\nRestarting task...", base_url)
2024-02-28 10:46:42 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:54:16 -05:00
self.task = self.get_task()
2024-02-28 08:11:23 -05:00
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "apikey")
async def pterodactyl_config_api_key(self, ctx: commands.Context, api_key: str):
"""Set the API key for your Pterodactyl Panel."""
await self.config.api_key.set(api_key)
await ctx.send(f"API key set to `{api_key[:5]}...{api_key[-4:]}`")
2024-02-28 08:56:47 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Configuration value set: api_key = %s\nRestarting task...", api_key)
2024-02-28 10:46:42 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:54:16 -05:00
self.task = self.get_task()
2024-02-28 08:11:23 -05:00
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "serverid")
async def pterodactyl_config_server_id(self, ctx: commands.Context, server_id: str):
"""Set the server ID for your Pterodactyl Panel."""
await self.config.server_id.set(server_id)
await ctx.send(f"Server ID set to {server_id}")
2024-02-28 08:56:47 -05:00
self.logger.debug("Configuration value set: server_id = %s\nRestarting task...", server_id)
2024-02-28 10:46:42 -05:00
2024-02-28 11:54:16 -05:00
self.task = self.get_task()
2024-02-28 12:44:12 -05:00
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "consolechannel")
async def pterodactyl_config_console_channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel):
"""Set the channel to send console output to."""
await self.config.console_channel.set(channel.id)
await ctx.send(f"Console channel set to {channel.mention}")
2024-02-29 16:47:20 -05:00
@pterodactyl_config.command(name = "chatchannel")
async def pterodactyl_config_chat_channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel):
"""Set the channel to send chat output to."""
await self.config.chat_channel.set(channel.id)
await ctx.send(f"Chat channel set to {channel.mention}")