this release finishes the page on the documentation, makes specifying a `user_agent` mandatory when instantiating a `FloweryAPIConfig` class, and fixes a bug that would prevent the `FloweryAPI` class from being instantiated inside of an async event loop
bunch of stuff this update, including a full documentation site (still a WIP)
there is now a cache created whenever an instance of `FloweryAPI` is instantiated, so you don't have to query the api and iterate through the api response to retrieve a single voice anymore!
function names have also been changed with this update, hence the major version bump. `get_tts()`, `get_voices()`, and `get_voice()` have been renamed to `fetch_tts()`, `fetch_voices()`, and `fetch_voice()` respectively. `get_voices()` still exists, but with different functionality (that method retrieves voices from the internal cache instead of querying the flowery api)
added automatic retry handlers for 429 and 5xx error codes, as well as custom exceptions for ratelimiting, client errors, and server errors
also added a more advanced user agent string constructor. previously, setting FloweryAPIConfig.user_agent would override the default user_agent. so, if you set user_agent to `foobar`, the user agent string would be `foobar` in requests. now, the user agent string sent by requests would be the following on my development machine:
`'User-Agent': 'PyFlowery/1.0.3 PyFloweryTests (Python 3.12.6 (main, Sep 8 2024, 13:18:56) [GCC 14.2.1 20240805])'`