Lukas Gravley 3dbc49c3b7
Merge pull request from antleblanc/patch-2
Update anchor for both CSS and Env linter in the table of content
2020-06-22 07:33:28 -05:00

566 lines
15 KiB

# Disabling linters and Rules
If you find you need to ignore certain **errors** and **warnings**, you will need to know the *format* to disable the **Super-Linter** rules.
Below is examples and documentation for each language and the various methods to disable.
## Table of Linters
- [Ruby](#ruby)
- [Shell](#shell)
- [Ansible](#ansible)
- [YAML](#yaml)
- [Python](#python3)
- [JSON](#json)
- [Markdown](#markdown)
- [Perl](#perl)
- [XML](#xml)
- [Coffeescript](#coffeescript)
- [Javascript Eslint](#javascript-eslint)
- [Javascript Standard](#javascript-standard)
- [Typescript Eslint](#typescript-eslint)
- [Typescript Standard](#typescript-standard)
- [Golang](#golang)
- [Dockerfile](#dockerfile)
- [Terraform](#terraform)
- [CSS](#css)
- [ENV](#env)
<!-- toc -->
## Ruby
- [RuboCop](
### RuboCop Config file
- `.github/linters/.ruby-lint.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.ruby-lint.yml`
- **Note:** We use the Default **GitHub** Rule set from [RuboCop-GitHub](
### RuboCop disable single line
method(argument) # rubocop:disable SomeRule, SomeOtherRule
### RuboCop disable code block
# rubocop:disable
This is a long line
var="this is some other stuff"
# rubocop:enable
### RuboCop disable entire file
If you need to ignore an entire file, you can update the `.github/linters/.ruby-lint.yml` to ignore certain files and locations
- .rubocop_todo.yml
- .rubocop_app_overrides.yml
- Exclude
Enabled: true
TargetRubyVersion: 2.5.1
EnabledByDefault: true
- 'db/**/*'
- 'config/**/*'
- 'script/**/*'
- 'bin/{rails,rake}'
- !ruby/regexp /old_and_unused\.rb$/
## Shell
- [Shellcheck](
### Shellcheck Config file
- There is no top level *configuration file* available at this time
### Shellcheck disable single line
echo "Terrible stuff" # shellcheck disable=SC2059,SC2086
### Shellcheck disable code block
# shellcheck disable=SC2059,SC2086
echo "some hot garbage"
echo "More garbage code"
### Shellcheck disable entire file
- **Note:** The disable must be on the second line of the code right after the shebang
# shellcheck disable=SC2059,SC1084
echo "stuff"
## Ansible
- [ansible-lint](
### Ansible-lint Config file
- `.github/linters/.ansible-lint.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.ansible-lint.yml`
### Ansible-lint disable single line
- name: this would typically fire GitHasVersionRule 401 and BecomeUserWithoutBecomeRule 501
become_user: alice # noqa 401 501
git: src=/path/to/git/repo dest=checkout
### Ansible-lint disable code block
- name: this would typically fire GitHasVersionRule 401
git: src=/path/to/git/repo dest=checkout
- skip_ansible_lint
### Ansible-lint disable entire file
- name: this would typically fire GitHasVersionRule 401
git: src=/path/to/git/repo dest=checkout
- skip_ansible_lint
- [YamlLint](
### Yamllint Config file
- `.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml`
### Yamllint disable single line
This line is waaaaaaaaaay too long # yamllint disable-line
### Yamllint disable code block
# yamllint disable rule:colons
- Lorem : ipsum
dolor : sit amet,
consectetur : adipiscing elit
# yamllint enable
### Yamllint disable entire file
If you need to ignore an entire file, you can update the `.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml` to ignore certain files and locations
# For all rules
ignore: |
ignore: |
ignore: |
## Python3
- [pylint](
### Pylint Config file
- `.github/linters/.python-lint`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.python-lint`
### Pylint disable single line
global VAR # pylint: disable=global-statement
### Pylint disable code block
"""pylint option block-disable"""
__revision__ = None
class Foo(object):
"""block-disable test"""
def __init__(self):
def meth1(self, arg):
"""this issues a message"""
def meth2(self, arg):
"""and this one not"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ "foo")
def meth3(self):
"""test one line disabling"""
# no error
print(self.bla) # pylint: disable=no-member
# error
### Pylint disable entire file
# pylint: skip-file
var = "terrible code down here..."
- [jsonlint](
### JsonLint Config file
- There is no top level *configuration file* available at this time
### JsonLint disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### JsonLint disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### JsonLint disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## Markdown
- [markdownlint-cli](
- [markdownlint rule documentation](
- [markdownlint inline comment syntax](
### markdownlint Config file
- `.github/linters/.markdown-lint.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.markdownlint.yml`
### markdownlint disable single line
## Here is some document
Here is some random data
<!-- markdownlint-disable -->
any violation you want
<!-- markdownlint-restore -->
Here is more data
### markdownlint disable code block
## Here is some document
Here is some random data
<!-- markdownlint-disable -->
any violations you want
<!-- markdownlint-restore -->
Here is more data
### markdownlint disable entire file
- You can encapsulate the entire file with the *code block format* to disable an entire file from being parsed
## Perl
- [perl](
### Perl Config file
- There is no top level *configuration file* available at this time
### Perl disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Perl disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Perl disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## XML
- [XML](
### LibXML Config file
- There is no top level *configuration file* available at this time
### LibXML disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### LibXML disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### LibXML disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## Coffeescript
- [coffeelint](
### coffeelint Config file
- `.github/linters/.coffee-lint.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.coffee.yml`
### coffeelint disable single line
# coffeelint: disable=max_line_length
foo = "some/huge/line/string/with/embed/#{values}.that/surpasses/the/max/column/width"
# coffeelint: enable=max_line_length
### coffeelint disable code block
# coffeelint: disable
foo = "some/huge/line/string/with/embed/#{values}.that/surpasses/the/max/column/width"
bar = "some/huge/line/string/with/embed/#{values}.that/surpasses/the/max/column/width"
baz = "some/huge/line/string/with/embed/#{values}.that/surpasses/the/max/column/width"
taz = "some/huge/line/string/with/embed/#{values}.that/surpasses/the/max/column/width"
# coffeelint: enable
### coffeelint disable entire file
- You can encapsulate the entire file with the *code block format* to disable an entire file from being parsed
## Javascript eslint
- [eslint](
### Javascript eslint Config file
- `.github/linters/.eslintrc.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.eslintrc.yml`
### Javascript eslint disable single line
var thing = new Thing(); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
function Thing() {
this.sayHello = function() { console.log("hello"); };
### Javascript eslint disable code block
/*eslint-disable */
//suppress all warnings between comments
/*eslint-enable */
### Javascript eslint disable entire file
- Place at the top of the file:
/* eslint-disable */
## Javascript standard
- [standard js](
### Javascript standard Config file
- There is no top level *configuration file* available at this time
### Javascript standard disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Javascript standard disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Javascript standard disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## Typescript eslint
- [eslint](
### Typescript eslint Config file
- `.github/linters/.eslintrc.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.eslintrc.yml`
### Typescript eslint disable single line
var thing = new Thing(); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
function Thing() {
this.sayHello = function() { console.log("hello"); };
### Typescript eslint disable code block
/*eslint-disable */
//suppress all warnings between comments
/*eslint-enable */
### Typescript eslint disable entire file
/* eslint-disable */
## Typescript standard
- [standardjs](
### Typescript standard Config file
- There is no top level *configuration file* available at this time
### Typescript standard disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Typescript standard disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Typescript standard disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## Golang
- [golangci-lint](
### golangci-lint standard Config file
- `.github/linters/.golangci.yml`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.golangci.yml`
### golangci-lint disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### golangci-lint disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### golangci-lint disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## Dockerfile
- [dockerfilelint](
### Dockerfilelint standard Config file
- `.github/linters/.dockerfilelintrc`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.dockerfilelintrc`
### Dockerfilelint disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Dockerfilelint disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### Dockerfilelint disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## Terraform
- [tflint](
### tflint standard Config file
- `.github/linters/.tflint.hcl`
- You can pass multiple rules and overwrite default rules
- File should be located at: `.github/linters/.tflint.hcl`
### tflint disable single line
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### tflint disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### tflint disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
## CSS
- [stylelint](
### stylelint standard Config file
- `.github/linters/.stylelintrc.json`
### stylelint disable single line
#id {
/* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-no-important */
color: pink !important;
### stylelint disable code block
/* stylelint-disable */
a {}
/* stylelint-enable */
### stylelint disable entire file
- You can disable entire files with the `ignoreFiles` property in `.stylelintrc.json`
"ignoreFiles": [
## ENV
- [dotenv-linter](
### dotenv-linter Config file
- There is no top level *configuration file* available at this time
### dotenv-linter disable single line
# Comment line will be ignored
### dotenv-linter disable code block
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)
### dotenv-linter disable entire file
- There is currently **No** way to disable rules inline of the file(s)