Lukas Gravley f163bb8b27
adding doc
2020-01-09 14:21:43 -06:00

19 lines
1,023 B

# .automation
This folder holds automation scripts to help `deploy` and `cleanup` **DockerHub** images of the **Super-Linter**
This script uses **GitHub Actions** so that when a PR is merged and closed, the **GitHub Action** is triggered.
It will then search **DockerHub** for the image that was deployed during the development, and remove it.
This script uses **GitHub Actions** so that a push to the repository is committed, it will complete the following:
- Checkout the source code
- Build the **Docker** container for **Super-Linter** using that source code
- Upload the container to **DockerHub**
When the script is triggered on master, it will push with the tag:**latest** which is used by all scripting for general avilablity.
When the script is triggered in a branch, it will push with the tag:**NameOfBranch** which can be used for:
- *testing*
- *troubleshooting*
- *debugging*
- **Note:** The branch name will be reduced to AlpaNumeric for consistancy and uploading