Lukas Gravley 08a586cf3b
adding Python MyPy (#1401)
* adding fun

* fix whitespace

* adding tests

* adding the array

* bug in file name

* fix tap

* makes no sense

* adding the hammer

* adding some extra protbuf
2021-03-24 14:00:23 -05:00

383 lines
49 KiB

# Super-Linter
This repository is for the **GitHub Action** to run a **Super-Linter**.
It is a simple combination of various linters, written in `bash`, to help validate your source code.
**The end goal of this tool:**
- Prevent broken code from being uploaded to the default branch (_Usually_ `master` or `main`)
- Help establish coding best practices across multiple languages
- Build guidelines for code layout and format
- Automate the process to help streamline code reviews
## Table of Contents
- [Super-Linter](#super-linter)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [How it Works](#how-it-works)
- [Supported Linters](#supported-linters)
- [How to use](#how-to-use)
- [Example connecting GitHub Action Workflow](#example-connecting-github-action-workflow)
- [Add Super-Linter badge in your repository README](#add-super-linter-badge-in-your-repository-readme)
- [Environment variables](#environment-variables)
- [Template rules files](#template-rules-files)
- [Using your own rules files](#using-your-own-rules-files)
- [Disabling rules](#disabling-rules)
- [Filter linted files](#filter-linted-files)
- [Docker Hub](#docker-hub)
- [Run Super-Linter outside GitHub Actions](#run-super-linter-outside-github-actions)
- [Local (troubleshooting/debugging/enhancements)](#local-troubleshootingdebuggingenhancements)
- [Azure](#azure)
- [GitLab](#gitlab)
- [Visual Studio Code](#visual-studio-code)
- [Limitations](#limitations)
- [How to contribute](#how-to-contribute)
- [License](#license)
## How it Works
The super-linter finds issues and reports them to the console output. Fixes are suggested in the console output but not automatically fixed, and a status check will show up as failed on the pull request.
The design of the **Super-Linter** is currently to allow linting to occur in **GitHub Actions** as a part of continuous integration occurring on pull requests as the commits get pushed. It works best when commits are being pushed early and often to a branch with an open or draft pull request. There is some desire to move this closer to local development for faster feedback on linting errors but this is not yet supported.
## Supported Linters
Developers on **GitHub** can call the **GitHub Action** to lint their code base with the following list of linters:
| _Language_ | _Linter_ |
| -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **Ansible** | [ansible-lint]( |
| **Azure Resource Manager (ARM)** | [arm-ttk]( |
| **AWS CloudFormation templates** | [cfn-lint]( |
| **C#** | [dotnet-format]( |
| **CSS** | [stylelint]( |
| **Clojure** | [clj-kondo]( |
| **CoffeeScript** | [coffeelint]( |
| **Copy/paste detection** | [jscpd]( |
| **Dart** | [dartanalyzer]( |
| **Dockerfile** | [dockerfilelint]( / [hadolint]( |
| **EDITORCONFIG** | [editorconfig-checker]( |
| **ENV** | [dotenv-linter]( |
| **Gherkin** | [gherkin-lint]( |
| **Golang** | [golangci-lint]( |
| **Groovy** | [npm-groovy-lint]( |
| **HTML** | [HTMLHint]( |
| **Java** | [checkstyle]( |
| **JavaScript** | [eslint]( / [standard js]( |
| **JSON** | [jsonlint]( |
| **Kubeval** | [kubeval]( |
| **Kotlin** | [ktlint]( |
| **LaTeX** | [ChkTex]( |
| **Lua** | [luacheck]( |
| **Markdown** | [markdownlint]( |
| **OpenAPI** | [spectral]( |
| **Perl** | [perlcritic]( |
| **PHP** | [PHP built-in linter]( / [PHP CodeSniffer]( / [PHPStan]( / [Psalm]( |
| **PowerShell** | [PSScriptAnalyzer]( |
| **Protocol Buffers** | [protolint]( |
| **Python3** | [pylint]( / [flake8]( / [black]( / [isort]( |
| **R** | [lintr]( |
| **Raku** | [Raku]( |
| **Ruby** | [RuboCop]( |
| **Rust** | [Rustfmt]( / [Clippy]( |
| **Shell** | [Shellcheck]( / [executable bit check] / [shfmt]( |
| **Snakemake** | [snakefmt]( / [snakemake --lint]( |
| **SQL** | [sql-lint]( |
| **Tekton** | [tekton-lint]( |
| **Terraform** | [tflint]( / [terrascan]( |
| **Terragrunt** | [terragrunt]( |
| **TypeScript** | [eslint]( / [standard js]( |
| **XML** | [LibXML]( |
| **YAML** | [YamlLint]( |
## How to use
More in-depth [tutorial]( available
To use this **GitHub** Action you will need to complete the following:
1. Create a new file in your repository called `.github/workflows/linter.yml`
2. Copy the example workflow from below into that new file, no extra configuration required
3. Commit that file to a new branch
4. Open up a pull request and observe the action working
5. Enjoy your more _stable_, and _cleaner_ code base
6. Check out the [Wiki]( for customization options
**NOTE:** If you pass the _Environment_ variable `GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}` in your workflow, then the **GitHub Super-Linter** will mark the status of each individual linter run in the Checks section of a pull request. Without this you will only see the overall status of the full run. There is no need to set the **GitHub** Secret as it is automatically set by GitHub, it only needs to be passed to the action.
### Example connecting GitHub Action Workflow
In your repository you should have a `.github/workflows` folder with **GitHub** Action similar to below:
- `.github/workflows/linter.yml`
- Example file can be found at `TEMPLATES/linter.yml`
This file should have the following code:
## Linter GitHub Actions ##
name: Lint Code Base
# Documentation:
# Start the job on all push #
branches-ignore: [master]
# Remove the line above to run when pushing to master
branches: [master]
# Set the Job #
# Name the Job
name: Lint Code Base
# Set the agent to run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Load all steps #
# Checkout the code base #
- name: Checkout Code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Full git history is needed to get a proper list of changed files within `super-linter`
fetch-depth: 0
# Run Linter against code base #
- name: Lint Code Base
uses: github/super-linter@v3
### Add Super-Linter badge in your repository README
You can show Super-Linter status with a badge in your repository README
[![GitHub Super-Linter](](
[![GitHub Super-Linter](<OWNER>/<REPOSITORY>/workflows/Lint%20Code%20Base/badge.svg)](
[![GitHub Super-Linter](](
_Note:_ IF you did not use `Lint Code Base` as GitHub Action name, please read [GitHub Actions Badges documentation](
## Environment variables
The super-linter allows you to pass the following `ENV` variables to be able to trigger different functionality.
_Note:_ All the `VALIDATE_[LANGUAGE]` variables behave in a very specific way:
- If none of them are passed, then they all default to true.
- If any one of the variables are set to true, we default to leaving any unset variable to false (only validate those languages).
- If any one of the variables are set to false, we default to leaving any unset variable to true (only exclude those languages).
- If there are `VALIDATE_[LANGUAGE]` variables set to both true and false. It will fail.
This means that if you run the linter "out of the box", all languages will be checked.
But if you wish to select or exclude specific linters, we give you full control to choose which linters are run, and won't run anything unexpected.
| **ENV VAR** | **Default Value** | **Notes** |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG** | `false` | Flag to enable additional information about the linter, versions, and additional output. |
| **ANSIBLE_DIRECTORY** | `/ansible` | Flag to set the root directory for Ansible file location(s), relative to `DEFAULT_WORKSPACE`. Set to `.` to use the top-level of the `DEFAULT_WORKSPACE`. |
| **CSS_FILE_NAME** | `.stylelintrc.json` | Filename for [Stylelint configuration]( (ex: `.stylelintrc.yml`, `.stylelintrc.yaml`) |
| **DEFAULT_BRANCH** | `master` | The name of the repository default branch. |
| **DEFAULT_WORKSPACE** | `/tmp/lint` | The location containing files to lint if you are running locally. |
| **DISABLE_ERRORS** | `false` | Flag to have the linter complete with exit code 0 even if errors were detected. |
| **DOCKERFILE_HADOLINT_FILE_NAME** | `.hadolint.yaml` | Filename for [hadolint configuration]( (ex: `.hadolintlintrc.yaml`) |
| **EDITORCONFIG_FILE_NAME** | `.ecrc` | Filename for [editorconfig-checker configuration]( |
| **ERROR_ON_MISSING_EXEC_BIT** | `false` | If set to `false`, the `bash-exec` linter will report a warning if a shell script is not executable. If set to `true`, the `bash-exec` linter will report an error instead. |
| **FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE** | `none` | Regular expression defining which files will be excluded from linting (ex: `.*src/test.*`) |
| **FILTER_REGEX_INCLUDE** | `all` | Regular expression defining which files will be processed by linters (ex: `.*src/.*`) |
| **GITHUB_DOMAIN** | `` | Specify a custom Github domain in case Github Enterprise is used: e.g. `` |
| **GITHUB_CUSTOM_API_URL** | `` | Specify a custom Github API URL in case Github Enterprise is used: e.g. ``|
| **IGNORE_GITIGNORED_FILES** | `false` | If set to `true`, super-linter will ignore all the files that are ignored by Git. |
| **JAVASCRIPT_ES_CONFIG_FILE** | `.eslintrc.yml` | Filename for [eslint configuration]( (ex: `.eslintrc.yml`, `.eslintrc.json`) |
| **JAVASCRIPT_DEFAULT_STYLE** | `standard` | Flag to set the default style of javascript. Available options: **standard**/**prettier** |
| **JSCPD_CONFIG_FILE** | `.jscpd.json` | Filename for JSCPD configuration |
| **LINTER_RULES_PATH** | `.github/linters` | Directory for all linter configuration rules. |
| **LOG_FILE** | `super-linter.log` | The file name for outputting logs. All output is sent to the log file regardless of `LOG_LEVEL`. |
| **LOG_LEVEL** | `VERBOSE` | How much output the script will generate to the console. One of `ERROR`, `WARN`, `NOTICE`, `VERBOSE`, `DEBUG` or `TRACE`. |
| **MULTI_STATUS** | `true` | A status API is made for each language that is linted to make visual parsing easier. |
| **MARKDOWN_CONFIG_FILE** | `.markdown-lint.yml` | Filename for [Markdownlint configuration]( (ex: `.markdown-lint.yml`, `.markdownlint.json`, `.markdownlint.yaml`) |
| **MARKDOWN_CUSTOM_RULE_GLOBS** | `.markdown-lint/rules,rules/**` | Comma-separated list of [file globs]( matching [custom Markdownlint rule files]( |
| **OUTPUT_FORMAT** | `none` | The report format to be generated, besides the stdout one. Output format of tap is currently using v13 of the specification. Supported formats: tap |
| **OUTPUT_FOLDER** | `` | The location where the output reporting will be generated to. Output folder must not previously exist. |
| **OUTPUT_DETAILS** | `simpler` | What level of details to be reported. Supported formats: simpler or detailed. |
| **PYTHON_BLACK_CONFIG_FILE** | `.python-black` | Filename for [black configuration]( (ex: `.isort.cfg`, `pyproject.toml`) |
| **PYTHON_FLAKE8_CONFIG_FILE** | `.flake8` | Filename for [flake8 configuration]( (ex: `.flake8`, `tox.ini`) |
| **PYTHON_ISORT_CONFIG_FILE** | `.isort.cfg` | Filename for [isort configuration]( (ex: `.isort.cfg`, `pyproject.toml`) |
| **PYTHON_MYPY_CONFIG_FILE** | `.mypy.ini` | Filename for [mypy configuration]( (ex: `.mypi.ini`, `setup.config`) |
| **PYTHON_PYLINT_CONFIG_FILE** | `.python-lint` | Filename for [pylint configuration]( (ex: `.python-lint`, `.pylintrc`) |
| **RUBY_CONFIG_FILE** | `.ruby-lint.yml` | Filename for [rubocop configuration]( (ex: `.ruby-lint.yml`, `.rubocop.yml`) |
| **SUPPRESS_POSSUM** | `false` | If set to `true`, will hide the ASCII possum at top of log output. Default is `false` |
| **SNAKEMAKE_SNAKEFMT_CONFIG_FILE** | `.snakefmt.toml` | Filename for [Snakemake configuration]( (ex: `pyproject.toml`, `.snakefmt.toml`) |
| **SQL_CONFIG_FILE** | `.sql-config.json` | Filename for [SQL-Lint configuration]( (ex: `sql-config.json` , `.config.json`) |
| **TYPESCRIPT_ES_CONFIG_FILE** | `.eslintrc.yml` | Filename for [eslint configuration]( (ex: `.eslintrc.yml`, `.eslintrc.json`) |
| **VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE** | `true` | Will parse the entire repository and find all files to validate across all types. **NOTE:** When set to `false`, only **new** or **edited** files will be parsed for validation. |
| **VALIDATE_ANSIBLE** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Ansible language. |
| **VALIDATE_ARM** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the ARM language. |
| **VALIDATE_BASH** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Bash language. |
| **VALIDATE_BASH_EXEC** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Bash language to validate if file is stored as executable. |
| **VALIDATE_CLOJURE** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Clojure language. |
| **VALIDATE_CLOUDFORMATION** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the AWS Cloud Formation language. |
| **VALIDATE_COFFEE** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Coffeescript language. |
| **VALIDATE_CSHARP** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the C# language. |
| **VALIDATE_CSS** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the CSS language. |
| **VALIDATE_DART** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Dart language. |
| **VALIDATE_DOCKERFILE** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Docker language. |
| **VALIDATE_DOCKERFILE_HADOLINT** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Docker language. |
| **VALIDATE_EDITORCONFIG** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process with the editorconfig. |
| **VALIDATE_ENV** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the ENV language. |
| **VALIDATE_GHERKIN** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Gherkin language. |
| **VALIDATE_GO** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Golang language. |
| **VALIDATE_GROOVY** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_HTML** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the HTML language. |
| **VALIDATE_JAVA** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_ES** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Javascript language. (Utilizing: eslint) |
| **VALIDATE_JAVASCRIPT_STANDARD** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Javascript language. (Utilizing: standard) |
| **VALIDATE_JSCPD** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the JSCPD. |
| **VALIDATE_JSON** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the JSON language. |
| **VALIDATE_JSX** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process for jsx files (Utilizing: eslint) |
| **VALIDATE_KOTLIN** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Kotlin language. |
| **VALIDATE_KUBERNETES_KUBEVAL** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of Kubernetes descriptors with Kubeval |
| **VALIDATE_LATEX** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the LaTeX language. |
| **VALIDATE_LUA** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the language. |
| **VALIDATE_MARKDOWN** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Markdown language. |
| **VALIDATE_OPENAPI** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the OpenAPI language. |
| **VALIDATE_PERL** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Perl language. |
| **VALIDATE_PHP** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the PHP language. (Utilizing: PHP built-in linter) (keep for backward compatibility) |
| **VALIDATE_PHP_BUILTIN** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the PHP language. (Utilizing: PHP built-in linter) |
| **VALIDATE_PHP_PHPCS** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the PHP language. (Utilizing: PHP CodeSniffer) |
| **VALIDATE_PHP_PHPSTAN** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the PHP language. (Utilizing: PHPStan) |
| **VALIDATE_PHP_PSALM** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the PHP language. (Utilizing: PSalm) |
| **VALIDATE_PROTOBUF** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Protobuf language. |
| **VALIDATE_PYTHON** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Python language. (Utilizing: pylint) (keep for backward compatibility) |
| **VALIDATE_PYTHON_BLACK** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Python language. (Utilizing: black) |
| **VALIDATE_PYTHON_FLAKE8** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Python language. (Utilizing: flake8) |
| **VALIDATE_PYTHON_ISORT** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Python language. (Utilizing: isort) |
| **VALIDATE_PYTHON_MYPY** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Python language. (Utilizing: mypy) |
| **VALIDATE_PYTHON_PYLINT** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Python language. (Utilizing: pylint) |
| **VALIDATE_POWERSHELL** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Powershell language. |
| **VALIDATE_R** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the R language. |
| **VALIDATE_RAKU** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Raku language. |
| **VALIDATE_RUBY** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Ruby language. |
| **VALIDATE_RUST_2015** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Rust language. (edition: 2015) |
| **VALIDATE_RUST_2018** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of Rust language. (edition: 2018) |
| **VALIDATE_RUST_CLIPPY** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the clippy linting process of Rust language. |
| **VALIDATE_SHELL_SHFMT** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of Shell scripts. (Utilizing: shfmt) |
| **VALIDATE_SNAKEMAKE_LINT** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of Snakefiles. (Utilizing: snakemake --lint) |
| **VALIDATE_SNAKEMAKE_SNAKEFMT** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of Snakefiles. (Utilizing: snakefmt) |
| **VALIDATE_STATES** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process for AWS States Language. |
| **VALIDATE_SQL** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the SQL language. |
| **VALIDATE_TEKTON** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Tekton language. |
| **VALIDATE_TERRAFORM** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Terraform language. |
| **VALIDATE_TERRAFORM_TERRASCAN** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Terraform language for security related issues. |
| **VALIDATE_TERRAGRUNT** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process for Terragrunt files. |
| **VALIDATE_TSX** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process for tsx files (Utilizing: eslint) |
| **VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_ES** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Typescript language. (Utilizing: eslint) |
| **VALIDATE_TYPESCRIPT_STANDARD** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the Typescript language. (Utilizing: standard) |
| **VALIDATE_XML** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the XML language. |
| **VALIDATE_YAML** | `true` | Flag to enable or disable the linting process of the YAML language. |
| **YAML_CONFIG_FILE** | `.yaml-lint.yml` | Filename for [Yamllint configuration]( (ex: `.yaml-lint.yml`, `.yamllint.yml`) |
### Template rules files
You can use the **GitHub** **Super-Linter** _with_ or _without_ your own personal rules sets. This allows for greater flexibility for each individual code base. The Template rules all try to follow the standards we believe should be enabled at the basic level.
- Copy **any** or **all** template rules files from `TEMPLATES/` into your repository in the location: `.github/linters/` of your repository
- If your repository does not have rules files, they will fall back to defaults in [this repository's `TEMPLATE` folder](
### Using your own rules files
If your repository contains your own rules files that live outside of a ``.github/linters/`` directory, you will have to tell Super-Linter where your rules files are located in your repository, and what their file names are. To learn more, see [Using your own rules files](docs/
### Disabling rules
If you need to disable certain _rules_ and _functionality_, you can view [Disable Rules](
## Filter linted files
If you need to lint only a folder or exclude some files from linting, you can use optional environment parameters `FILTER_REGEX_INCLUDE` and `FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE`
- Lint only src folder: `FILTER_REGEX_INCLUDE: .*src/.*`
- Do not lint files inside test folder: `FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE: .*test/.*`
- Do not lint javascript files inside test folder: `FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE: .*test/.*.js`
## Docker Hub
The **Docker** container that is built from this repository is located at [github/super-linter](
## Run Super-Linter outside GitHub Actions
### Local (troubleshooting/debugging/enhancements)
If you find that you need to run super-linter locally, you can follow the documentation at [Running super-linter locally](
Check out the [note](#how-it-works) in **How it Works** to understand more about the **Super-Linter** linting locally versus via continuous integration.
### Azure
Check out this [article](
### GitLab
Check out this [snippet](
And this Guided Exploration: [GitLab CI CD Extension for Super-Linter](
### Visual Studio Code
You can checkout this repository using [Container Remote Development](, and debug the linter using the `Test Linter` task.
We will also support [GitHub Codespaces]( once it becomes available
## Limitations
Below are a list of the known limitations for the **GitHub Super-Linter**:
- Due to being completely packaged at run time, you will not be able to update dependencies or change versions of the enclosed linters and binaries
- Additional details from `package.json` are not read by the **GitHub Super-Linter**
- Downloading additional codebases as dependencies from private repositories will fail due to lack of permissions
## How to contribute
If you would like to help contribute to this **GitHub** Action, please see [CONTRIBUTING](
### License
- [MIT License](