This repository stores Factorio scripts I've made.
Go to file
2023-10-31 14:31:52 -04:00
.gitignore renamed folder and remade gitignore 2023-08-14 11:41:06 -04:00 changed experimental parameter to version parameter 2023-08-15 02:27:57 -04:00 fixed color formatting in install_byobu file 2023-10-31 14:31:52 -04:00 3 --> 4 2023-08-15 11:17:11 -04:00 added colored echos to all executable scripts 2023-10-31 14:29:50 -04:00 added colored echos to all executable scripts 2023-10-31 14:29:50 -04:00

Factorio Scripts

Discord Message Link (Galaxy Discord - #general-discussion)
Discord Message Link (seaswimmer (294518358420750336) & infern009 (420197112068964353) - Direct Messages)

These four .sh files were created for Infern009's Factorio server, and use Byobu to run a Factorio server.


  • Clone this repository, then cd into it.
    • git clone && cd Factorio-Scripts
  • Make sure you have Byobu installed.
    • Alpine
      • sudo apk add -y byobu
    • Arch
      • sudo pacman -Sy byobu
    • CentOS/RHEL
      • sudo yum install -y byobu
    • Debian/Mint/Ubuntu
      • sudo apt-get install -y byobu
    • Gentoo
      • sudo emerge -y byobu
      • sudo brew install byobu
    • If none of these commands work for your platform, you can compile Byobu with the script.
  • Run the script.
    • If you haven't changed Byobu's configuration, you can detach from the terminal this spawns by pressing Ctrl + A, releasing those keys, then immediately pressing D.
  • Once the server is online, stop it with /quit from the Factorio server's console or by running the script.
  • Copy the file.
    • cp
  • Modify the parameters in
    • save_name - This parameter controls the name of the save file this script will use to start the server.
    • version - This parameter controls what version of Factorio the script will download. See the Factorio archived downloads page for a list of versions.
      • Set this parameter to stable if you want the most recent stable release of the game, and latest if you want the most recent experimental release.
    • If you have modified any default config files except for the config.ini, you'll want to change the commands' parameters to match those files. I'll assume you're storing them in the ./data directory. You can find more arguments on the Factorio Wiki.
      • extra_params_create="" - This parameter adds additional flags to the --create command the script runs if a save matching save_name is not found.
        • --map-gen-settings ./data/map-gen-settings.json
        • --map-settings ./data/map-settings.json
      • extra_params_start_server="" - This parameter adds additional flags to the -server-start command.
        • --server-settings ./data/server-settings.json
  • Run the script.
    • To stop the server, either run the script from a terminal or type /quit into the Factorio server's console.