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Aurora is a fully-featured moderation system. It is heavily inspired by GalacticBot, and is designed to be a more user-friendly alternative to Red's core Mod cogs.


[p]repo add seacogs
[p]cog install seacogs aurora
[p]cog load aurora

Commands List

Slash Commands

Moderation Commands

  • /note - Add a note to a user
    • Arguments:
      • target - Accepts User IDs and mentions - This is who you're adding a note to
      • reason - Reason for adding a note to the user
      • silent - Optional - Toggles if the bot will try to send a direct message to the targeted user - Set to the value set by the [p]moderationset dm command by default
  • /warn - Warn a user
    • Arguments:
      • target - Accepts User IDs and mentions - This is who you're warning
      • reason - Reason for warning the user
      • silent - Optional - Toggles if the bot will try to send a direct message to the targeted user - Set to the value set by the [p]moderationset dm command by default
  • /mute - Mute a member - Doesn't work if the member is already muted!
    • Arguments:
      • target - Accepts User IDs and mentions - Must be in the discord server - This is who you're muting
      • duration - Accepts any combination of duration units, as shown below - Maximum duration of 28 days
        • 2 d
        • 2 days
        • 1w
        • 1 week
        • 1w 4 days 3h 67minutes
        • 2w5d7h24m
      • reason - Reason for muting the member
      • silent - Optional - Toggles if the bot will try to send a direct message to the targeted member - Set to the value set by the [p]moderationset dm command by default
  • /unmute - Unmute a member - Only works if the member is muted!
    • Arguments:
      • target - Accepts User IDs and mentions - Must be in the discord server - This is who you're unmuting
      • reason - Optional - Reason for unmuting the member
      • silent - Optional - Toggles if the bot will try to send a direct message to the targeted member - Set to the value set by the [p]moderationset dm command by default
  • /ban - Ban a user - Doesn't work if the user is already banned
    • Arguments:
      • target - Accepts User IDs and mentions - This is who you're banning
      • reason - Reason for banning the user
      • duration - Optional - Accepts any combination of duration units, as shown in the mute command
      • silent - Optional - Toggles if the bot will try to send a direct message to the targeted user - Set to the value set by the [p]moderationset dm command by default
  • /unban - Unban a user - Only works if the user is banned!
    • Arguments:
      • target - Accepts User IDs and mentions - This is who you're unbanning
      • reason - Optional - Reason for unbanning the user
      • silent - Optional - Toggles if the bot will try to send a direct message to the targeted user - Set to the value set by the [p]moderationset dm command by default

Case Commands

  • /case - Check the details of a specific case, by case number
    • Arguments:
      • case_number - Accepts case numbers - See /history to get a list of these
      • ephemeral - Optional - Toggles if the response message will be hidden or not - Defaults to false
  • /history - Checks the list of cases for a target, a moderator, or for the server
    • Arguments - All arguments of this command are optional:
      • target - Accepts User IDs and mentions - This is whose moderations you're querying - overrides moderator if both are given
      • moderator - Accepts User IDs and mentions - This is the moderator whose moderations you're querying
      • pagesize - Determines how many cases to list per page - Defaults to 5 - Maximum of 25
      • page - Determines which page to check
      • ephemeral - Toggles if the response message will be hidden or not - Defaults to false
      • export - Exports the moderation history of the entire server in a .json file - Defaults to false
    • Notes:
      • If target and moderator are not used, this command will query by all moderations in the server.
  • /resolve - Resolves a case/moderation
    • Arguments:
      • case_number - Accepts case numbers - See /history to get a list of these
      • reason - Optional - Reason for resolving the case
    • Notes:
      • If a TEMPBAN or MUTE is resolved before it expires, or a BAN is resolved, the targeted user will be unbanned/unmuted.
        • Please resolve cases instead of unmuting/unbanning!

Text Commands

  • [p]moderationset
    • This command handles the configuration for the Moderation cog
    • Sub-commands:
      • [p]moderationset dm - Server Administrator only - Per Guild
        • This command toggles if the silent argument in Moderation slash commands will default to true or false. Defaults to false.
      • [p]moderationset ignorebots - Server Administrator only - Per Guild
        • This command toggles if the Moderation cog will automatically log moderations from other bots. Defaults to false.
      • [p]moderationset mysql - Bot Owner only - Per Bot
        • This command sends a direct message to the user with a modal to configure the MySQL settings.
          • This cog REQUIRES a configured MySQL database to function.
  • [p]timedeltaconvert
    • Uses the same logic as /mute and /unban to generate timedeltas from human-readable input.