
11 lines
914 B

"author" : ["SeaswimmerTheFsh"],
"install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Moderation!\nYou can find the source code of this cog [here](\nThis cog currently requires a MySQL database to function, instructions on how to set this up can be found [here]()",
"name" : "Moderation",
"short" : "Implements a variety of moderation commands",
"description" : "Implements a variety of moderation commands, including a warning system, a mute system, and a ban system.",
"end_user_data_statement" : "This cog stores the following information:\n- User IDs of accounts who moderate users or are moderated\n- Guild IDs of guilds with the cog enabled\n- Timestamps of moderations\n- Other information relating to moderations",
"requirements": ["mysql-connector-python", "humanize", "pytimeparse2"],
"hidden": false,
"disabled": false