import json from datetime import timedelta from discord import ButtonStyle, Interaction, Message, ui from redbot.core import commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box, warning from ..utilities.database import connect, create_guild_table, mysql_log class ImportGalacticBotView(ui.View): def __init__(self, timeout, ctx, message): super().__init__() self.ctx: commands.Context = ctx self.message: Message = message @ui.button(label="Yes", style=ButtonStyle.success) async def import_button_y( self, interaction: Interaction, button: ui.Button ): await self.message.delete() await interaction.response.send_message( "Deleting original table...", ephemeral=True ) database = connect() cursor = database.cursor() query = f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS moderation_{};" cursor.execute(query) cursor.close() database.commit() await interaction.edit_original_response(content="Creating new table...") await create_guild_table(self.ctx.guild) await interaction.edit_original_response(content="Importing moderations...") accepted_types = [ "NOTE", "WARN", "MUTE", "UNMUTE", "KICK", "SOFTBAN", "BAN", "UNBAN", "SLOWMODE", "LOCKDOWN", ] file = await self.ctx.message.attachments[0].read() data = sorted(json.loads(file), key=lambda x: x["case"]) failed_cases = [] for case in data: if case["type"] not in accepted_types: continue timestamp = round(case["timestamp"] / 1000) try: if case["duration"] is not None and float(case["duration"]) != 0: duration = timedelta(seconds=round(float(case["duration"]) / 1000)) else: duration = "NULL" except OverflowError: failed_cases.append(case["case"]) continue metadata = {"imported_from": "GalacticBot"} if case["type"] == "SLOWMODE": metadata["seconds"] = case["data"]["seconds"] if case["resolved"]: resolved = 1 resolved_by = None resolved_reason = None resolved_timestamp = None if case["changes"]: for change in case["changes"]: if change["type"] == "RESOLVE": resolved_by = change["staff"] resolved_reason = change["reason"] resolved_timestamp = round(change["timestamp"] / 1000) break if resolved_by is None: resolved_by = "?" if resolved_reason is None: resolved_reason = ( "Could not get resolve reason during moderation import." ) if resolved_timestamp is None: resolved_timestamp = timestamp changes = [ { "type": "ORIGINAL", "reason": case["reason"], "user_id": case["executor"], "timestamp": timestamp, }, { "type": "RESOLVE", "reason": resolved_reason, "user_id": resolved_by, "timestamp": resolved_timestamp, }, ] else: resolved = 0 resolved_by = "NULL" resolved_reason = "NULL" changes = [] if case["reason"] and case["reason"] != "N/A": reason = case["reason"] else: reason = "NULL" await mysql_log(, case["executor"], case["type"], case["targetType"], case["target"], 0, duration, reason, timestamp=timestamp, resolved=resolved, resolved_by=resolved_by, resolved_reason=resolved_reason, changes=changes, metadata=metadata, database=database, ) await interaction.edit_original_response(content="Import complete.") if failed_cases: await interaction.edit_original_response( content="Import complete.\n" + warning("Failed to import the following cases:\n") + box(failed_cases) ) @ui.button(label="No", style=ButtonStyle.danger) async def import_button_n( self, interaction: Interaction, button: ui.Button ): await self.message.edit(content="Import cancelled.", view=None) await self.message.delete(10) await self.ctx.message.delete(10)