""" MIT License Copyright (c) 2018-Present NeuroAssassin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ # Huge thanks to Sinbad for allowing me to copy parts of his RSS cog # (https://github.com/mikeshardmind/SinbadCogs/tree/v3/rss), which I # used to grab the latest commits from repositories. # Also, the code I use for updating repos I took directly from Red, # and just took out the message interactions import asyncio import traceback from datetime import datetime from urllib.parse import urlparse import aiohttp import discord from redbot.cogs.downloader.repo_manager import Repo from redbot.core import Config, commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box, humanize_list, inline import feedparser class UpdateChecker(commands.Cog): """Get notices or auto-update cogs when an update is available for it's repo""" def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() self.conf = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=473541068378341376) default_global = { "repos": {}, "auto": False, "gochannel": 0, "embed": True, "whitelist": [], "blacklist": [], } self.conf.register_global(**default_global) self.task = self.bot.loop.create_task(self.bg_task()) def cog_unload(self): self.__unload() def __unload(self): self.task.cancel() self.session.detach() async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs): """This cog does not store user data""" return async def bg_task(self): await self.bot.wait_until_ready() # Just in case await asyncio.sleep(10) while True: cog = self.bot.get_cog("Downloader") if cog is not None: data = await self.conf.all() repos = data["repos"] auto = data["auto"] channel = data["gochannel"] use_embed = data["embed"] whitelist = data["whitelist"] blacklist = data["blacklist"] if channel: channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel) if channel is None: await self.bot.send_to_owners( "[Update Checker] It appears that I am no longer allowed to send messages to the designated update channel. " "From now on, it will DM you." ) await self.conf.gochannel.set(0) send = self.bot.send_to_owners else: use_embed = ( use_embed and channel.permissions_for(channel.guild.me).embed_links ) send = channel.send else: send = self.bot.send_to_owners all_repos = cog._repo_manager.get_all_repo_names() for repo in all_repos: if not (repo in list(repos.keys())): repos[repo] = "--default--" await self.conf.repos.set(repos) saving_dict = {k: v for k, v in repos.items() if k in all_repos} for repo_name, commit_saved in saving_dict.items(): repo = cog._repo_manager.get_repo(repo_name) if not repo: continue if repo.url.startswith("https://github.com"): url = repo.url + r"/commits/" + repo.branch + ".atom" response = await self.fetch_feed(url) try: commit = response.entries[0]["id"][33:] hash = "[" + commit + "](" + response.entries[0]["link"] + ")" cn = response.entries[0]["title"] + " - " + response.entries[0]["author"] image = response.entries[0]["media_thumbnail"][0]["url"].split("?")[0] except AttributeError: continue else: url = repo.url + "rss/branch/" + repo.branch response = await self.fetch_feed(url) parsed_url = urlparse(repo.url) try: commit = response.entries[0]["id"][33:] hash = "[" + commit + "](" + response.entries[0]["link"] + ")" cn = response.entries[0]["title"] + " - " + response.entries[0]["author"] image = await self.fetch_gitea_thumbnail(parsed_url.scheme + "://" + parsed_url.netloc + "/api/v1/repos" + parsed_url.path) except AttributeError: continue saving_dict[repo_name] = commit if whitelist: if repo_name not in whitelist: continue if repo_name in blacklist: continue # CN is used here for backwards compatability, don't want people to get an # update for each and every one of their cogs when updating this cog if ( commit != commit_saved and cn != commit_saved and commit_saved != "--default--" ): if True: # KACHOW if use_embed: e = discord.Embed( title="Update Checker", description=f"Update available for repo: {repo.name}", timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), color=0x00FF00, ) e.add_field(name="URL", value=repo.url) e.add_field(name="Branch", value=repo.branch) e.add_field(name="Commit", value=cn) e.add_field(name="Hash", value=hash) if image is not None: e.set_thumbnail(url=image) else: e = box( "[Update Checker]" f" Repo: {repo.name}\n" f" URL: {repo.url}\n" f" Commit: {cn}\n" f" Hash: {commit}\n" f" Time: {datetime.utcnow()}", 'css' ) try: if use_embed: await send(embed=e) else: await send(e) except discord.Forbidden: # send_to_owners suppresses Forbidden, logging it to console. # As a result, this will only happen if a channel was set. await self.bot.send_to_owners( "[Update Checker] It appears that I am no longer allowed to send messages to the designated update channel. " "From now on, it will DM you." ) if use_embed: await self.bot.send_to_owners(embed=e) else: await self.bot.send_to_owners(e) await self.conf.gochannel.set(0) else: try: await channel.send( f"[Update Checker] Update found for repo: {repo.name}. Updating repos..." ) except AttributeError: owner = (await self.bot.application_info()).owner await owner.send( "[Update Checker] It appears that the channel for this cog has been deleted. From now on, it will DM you." ) channel = owner await self.conf.gochannel.set(0) except discord.errors.Forbidden: owner = (await self.bot.application_info()).owner await owner.send( "[Update Checker] It appears that I am no longer allowed to send messages to the designated update channel. From now on, it will DM you." ) channel = owner await self.conf.gochannel.set(0) # Just a copy of `[p]cog update`, but without using ctx things try: installed_cogs = set(await cog.installed_cogs()) updated = await cog._repo_manager.update_all_repos() updated_cogs = set( cog for repo in updated for cog in repo.available_cogs ) installed_and_updated = updated_cogs & installed_cogs if installed_and_updated: await cog._reinstall_requirements(installed_and_updated) await cog._reinstall_cogs(installed_and_updated) await cog._reinstall_libraries(installed_and_updated) cognames = {c.name for c in installed_and_updated} message = humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, cognames))) except Exception as error: exception_log = ( "Exception while updating repos in Update Checker \n" ) exception_log += "".join( traceback.format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__ ) ) try: await channel.send( f"[Update Checker]: Error while updating repos.\n\n{exception_log}" ) except discord.errors.Forbidden: pass else: try: await channel.send( f"[Update Checker]: Ran cog update. Updated cogs: {message}" ) except discord.errors.Forbidden: pass await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.conf.repos.set(saving_dict) await asyncio.sleep(60) async def fetch_feed(self, url: str): # Thank's to Sinbad's rss cog after which I copied this timeout = aiohttp.client.ClientTimeout(total=15) try: async with self.session.get(url, timeout=timeout) as response: data = await response.read() except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError): return None ret = feedparser.parse(data) if ret.bozo: return None return ret async def fetch_gitea_thumbnail(self, url: str) -> str: timeout = aiohttp.client.ClientTimeout(total=15) try: async with self.session.get(url, timeout=timeout) as response: data = await response.read() except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError): return None return data['avatar_url'] @commands.is_owner() @commands.group(name="cogupdater", aliases=["cu"]) async def update(self, ctx): """Group command for controlling the update checker cog.""" pass @commands.is_owner() @update.command() async def auto(self, ctx): """Changes automatic cog updates to the opposite setting.""" if False: # KACHOW auto = await self.conf.auto() await self.conf.auto.set(not auto) status = "disabled" if auto else "enabled" await ctx.send(f"Auto cog updates are now {status}") else: await ctx.send( "This command is disabled for the time being. Cog updates will not run automatically, however notifications will still send." ) @commands.is_owner() @update.command() async def channel(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Sets a channel for update messages to go to. If argument is not supplied, it will be sent to the default notifications channel(s) specified in `[p]set ownernotifications`. By default, this goes to owner DMs. """ if channel: await self.conf.gochannel.set(channel.id) await ctx.send(f"Update messages will now be sent to {channel.mention}") else: await self.conf.gochannel.set(0) await ctx.send("Update messages will now be DMed to you.") @commands.is_owner() @update.command() async def settings(self, ctx): """See settings for the Update Checker cog. Right now, this shows whether the bot updates cogs automatically and what channel logs are sent to. """ auto = await self.conf.auto() channel = await self.conf.gochannel() embed = await self.conf.embed() if embed: e = discord.Embed(title="Update Checker settings", color=0x00FF00) e.add_field(name="Automatic Cog Updates", value=str(auto)) if channel == 0: channel = "Direct Messages" else: try: channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel).name except: channel = "Unknown" e.add_field(name="Update Channel", value=channel) await ctx.send(embed=e) else: if channel == 0: channel = "Direct Messages" else: try: channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel).name except: channel = "Unknown" message = ( "```css\n" "[Update Checker settings]" "``````css\n" f"[Automatic Cog Updates]: {str(auto)}\n" f" [Update Channel]: {channel}" "```" ) await ctx.send(message) @commands.is_owner() @update.command() async def embed(self, ctx): """Toggles whether to use embeds or colorful codeblock messages when sending an update.""" c = await self.conf.embed() await self.conf.embed.set(not c) word = "disabled" if c else "enabled" await ctx.send(f"Embeds are now {word}") @commands.is_owner() @update.group(name="list") async def whiteblacklist(self, ctx): """Whitelist/blacklist certain repositories from which to receive updates.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: data = await self.conf.all() whitelist = data["whitelist"] blacklist = data["blacklist"] await ctx.send( f"Whitelisted: {humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, whitelist or ['None'])))}\nBlacklisted: {humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, blacklist or ['None'])))}" ) @whiteblacklist.group() async def whitelist(self, ctx): """Whitelist certain repos from which to receive updates.""" pass @whitelist.command(name="add") async def whitelistadd(self, ctx, *repos: Repo): """Add repos to the whitelist""" data = await self.conf.whitelist() ds = set(data) ns = set([r.name for r in repos]) ss = ds | ns await self.conf.whitelist.set(list(ss)) await ctx.send(f"Whitelist update successful: {humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, ss)))}") @whitelist.command(name="remove") async def whitelistremove(self, ctx, *repos: Repo): """Remove repos from the whitelist""" data = await self.conf.whitelist() ds = set(data) ns = set([r.name for r in repos]) ss = ds - ns await self.conf.whitelist.set(list(ss)) await ctx.send( f"Whitelist update successful: {humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, ss or ['None'])))}" ) @whitelist.command(name="clear") async def whitelistclear(self, ctx): """Removes all repos from the whitelist""" await self.conf.whitelist.set([]) await ctx.send("Whitelist update successful") @whiteblacklist.group() async def blacklist(self, ctx): """Blacklist certain repos from which to receive updates.""" pass @blacklist.command(name="add") async def blacklistadd(self, ctx, *repos: Repo): """Add repos to the blacklist""" data = await self.conf.blacklist() ds = set(data) ns = set([r.name for r in repos]) ss = ds | ns await self.conf.blacklist.set(list(ss)) await ctx.send(f"Backlist update successful: {humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, ss)))}") @blacklist.command(name="remove") async def blacklistremove(self, ctx, *repos: Repo): """Remove repos from the blacklist""" data = await self.conf.blacklist() ds = set(data) ns = set([r.name for r in repos]) ss = ds - ns await self.conf.blacklist.set(list(ss)) await ctx.send( f"Blacklist update successful: {humanize_list(tuple(map(inline, ss or ['None'])))}" ) @blacklist.command(name="clear") async def blacklistclear(self, ctx): """Removes all repos from the blacklist""" await self.conf.blacklist.set([]) await ctx.send("Blacklist update successful") @commands.is_owner() @update.group(name="task") async def _group_update_task(self, ctx): """View the status of the task (the one checking for updates).""" pass @_group_update_task.command() async def status(self, ctx): """Get the current status of the update task.""" message = "Task is currently " cancelled = self.task.cancelled() if cancelled: message += "canceled." else: done = self.task.done() if done: message += "done." else: message += "running." try: self.task.exception() except asyncio.exceptions.InvalidStateError: message += " No error has been encountered." else: message += " An error has been encountered. Please run `[p]cogupdater task error` and report it to Neuro Assassin on the help server." await ctx.send(message) @_group_update_task.command() async def error(self, ctx): """Gets the latest error of the update task.""" try: e = self.task.exception() except asyncio.exceptions.InvalidStateError: message = "No error has been encountered." else: ex = traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__) message = "An error has been encountered: ```py\n" + "".join(ex) + "```" await ctx.send(message)