# pylint: disable=cyclic-import import json import sqlite3 import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from discord import Guild from redbot.core import data_manager from .logger import logger from .utils import (convert_timedelta_to_str, generate_dict, get_next_case_number) def connect() -> sqlite3.Connection: """Connects to the SQLite database, and returns a connection object.""" try: connection = sqlite3.connect( database=data_manager.cog_data_path(raw_name="Aurora") / "aurora.db" ) return connection except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: logger.error("Unable to access the SQLite database!\nError:\n%s", e.msg) raise ConnectionRefusedError( f"Unable to access the SQLite Database!\n{e.msg}" ) from e async def create_guild_table(guild: Guild): database = connect() cursor = database.cursor() try: cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `moderation_{guild.id}`") logger.debug("SQLite Table exists for server %s (%s)", guild.name, guild.id) except sqlite3.OperationalError: query = f""" CREATE TABLE `moderation_{guild.id}` ( moderation_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL, moderation_type TEXT NOT NULL, target_type TEXT NOT NULL, target_id TEXT NOT NULL, moderator_id TEXT NOT NULL, role_id TEXT, duration TEXT, end_timestamp INTEGER, reason TEXT, resolved INTEGER NOT NULL, resolved_by TEXT, resolve_reason TEXT, expired INTEGER NOT NULL, changes TEXT NOT NULL, metadata TEXT NOT NULL ) """ cursor.execute(query) index_query_1 = f"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_target_id ON moderation_{guild.id}(target_id);" cursor.execute(index_query_1) index_query_2 = f"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_moderator_id ON moderation_{guild.id}(moderator_id);" cursor.execute(index_query_2) index_query_3 = f"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_moderation_id ON moderation_{guild.id}(moderation_id);" cursor.execute(index_query_3) insert_query = f""" INSERT INTO `moderation_{guild.id}` (moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_type, target_id, moderator_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, resolved, resolved_by, resolve_reason, expired, changes, metadata) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ insert_values = ( 0, 0, "NULL", "NULL", 0, 0, 0, "NULL", 0, "NULL", 0, "NULL", "NULL", 0, json.dumps([]), json.dumps({}), ) cursor.execute(insert_query, insert_values) database.commit() logger.debug( "SQLite Table (moderation_%s) created for %s (%s)", guild.id, guild.name, guild.id, ) database.close() async def mysql_log( guild_id: str, author_id: str, moderation_type: str, target_type: str, target_id: int, role_id: int, duration: timedelta, reason: str, database: sqlite3.Connection = None, timestamp: int = None, resolved: bool = False, resolved_by: str = None, resolved_reason: str = None, expired: bool = None, changes: list = None, metadata: dict = None, ) -> int: if not timestamp: timestamp = int(time.time()) if duration != "NULL": end_timedelta = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) + duration end_timestamp = int(end_timedelta.timestamp()) duration = convert_timedelta_to_str(duration) else: end_timestamp = 0 if not expired: if int(time.time()) > end_timestamp: expired = 1 else: expired = 0 if resolved_by is None: resolved_by = "NULL" if resolved_reason is None: resolved_reason = "NULL" if not database: database = connect() close_db = True else: close_db = False cursor = database.cursor() moderation_id = await get_next_case_number(guild_id=guild_id, cursor=cursor) sql = f"INSERT INTO `moderation_{guild_id}` (moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_type, target_id, moderator_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, resolved, resolved_by, resolve_reason, expired, changes, metadata) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" val = ( moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_type, target_id, author_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, int(resolved), resolved_by, resolved_reason, expired, json.dumps(changes if changes else []), json.dumps(metadata if metadata else {}), ) cursor.execute(sql, val) cursor.close() database.commit() if close_db: database.close() logger.debug( "Row inserted into moderation_%s!\n%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", guild_id, moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_type, target_id, author_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, int(resolved), resolved_by, resolved_reason, expired, changes, metadata, ) return moderation_id async def fetch_case(moderation_id: int, guild_id: str) -> dict: """This method fetches a case from the database and returns the case's dictionary.""" database = connect() cursor = database.cursor() query = f"SELECT * FROM moderation_{guild_id} WHERE moderation_id = ?;" cursor.execute(query, (moderation_id,)) result = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() database.close() return generate_dict(result)