export type EmojiPack = "mutant" | "twemoji" | "noto" | "openmoji"; let EMOJI_PACK: EmojiPack = "mutant"; const REVISION = 3; export function setGlobalEmojiPack(pack: EmojiPack) { EMOJI_PACK = pack; } // Originally taken from Twemoji source code, // re-written by bree to be more readable. function codePoints(rune: string) { const pairs = []; let low = 0; let i = 0; while (i < rune.length) { const charCode = rune.charCodeAt(i++); if (low) { pairs.push(0x10000 + ((low - 0xd800) << 10) + (charCode - 0xdc00)); low = 0; } else if (0xd800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xdbff) { low = charCode; } else { pairs.push(charCode); } } return pairs; } // Taken from Twemoji source code. // scripts/build.js#344 // grabTheRightIcon(rawText); const UFE0Fg = /\uFE0F/g; const U200D = String.fromCharCode(0x200d); function toCodePoint(rune: string) { return codePoints(rune.indexOf(U200D) < 0 ? rune.replace(UFE0Fg, "") : rune) .map((val) => val.toString(16)) .join("-"); } function parseEmoji(emoji: string) { if (emoji.startsWith("custom:")) { return `https://dl.insrt.uk/projects/revolt/emotes/${emoji.substring( 7, )}`; } const codepoint = toCodePoint(emoji); return `https://static.revolt.chat/emoji/${EMOJI_PACK}/${codepoint}.svg?rev=${REVISION}`; } export default function Emoji({ emoji, size, }: { emoji: string; size?: number; }) { return ( {emoji} ); } export function generateEmoji(emoji: string) { return `${emoji}`; }