import { Text } from "preact-i18n"; import { useContext } from "preact/hooks"; import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; import { Attachment, Channels, Message, Servers, Users } from "revolt.js/dist/api/objects"; import { ContextMenu, ContextMenuWithData, MenuItem, openContextMenu } from "preact-context-menu"; import { ChannelPermission, ServerPermission, UserPermission } from "revolt.js/dist/api/permissions"; import { QueuedMessage } from "../redux/reducers/queue"; import { useIntermediate } from "../context/intermediate/Intermediate"; import { AppContext, ClientStatus, StatusContext } from "../context/revoltjs/RevoltClient"; import { takeError } from "../context/revoltjs/util"; import { useChannel, useChannelPermission, useForceUpdate, useServer, useServerPermission, useUser, useUserPermission } from "../context/revoltjs/hooks"; import { Children } from "../types/Preact"; import LineDivider from "../components/ui/LineDivider"; import { connectState } from "../redux/connector"; import { internalEmit } from "./eventEmitter"; import { At, Bell, BellOff, Check, CheckSquare, ChevronRight, Block, Square, LeftArrowAlt, Trash } from "@styled-icons/boxicons-regular"; import { Cog } from "@styled-icons/boxicons-solid"; import { getNotificationState, Notifications, NotificationState } from "../redux/reducers/notifications"; import UserStatus from "../components/common/user/UserStatus"; import IconButton from "../components/ui/IconButton"; import { dispatch } from "../redux"; interface ContextMenuData { user?: string; server?: string; server_list?: string; channel?: string; message?: Message; unread?: boolean; queued?: QueuedMessage; contextualChannel?: string; } type Action = | { action: "copy_id"; id: string } | { action: "copy_selection" } | { action: "copy_text"; content: string } | { action: "mark_as_read"; channel: Channels.Channel } | { action: "retry_message"; message: QueuedMessage } | { action: "cancel_message"; message: QueuedMessage } | { action: "mention"; user: string } | { action: "reply_message"; id: string } | { action: "quote_message"; content: string } | { action: "edit_message"; id: string } | { action: "delete_message"; target: Channels.Message } | { action: "open_file"; attachment: Attachment } | { action: "save_file"; attachment: Attachment } | { action: "copy_file_link"; attachment: Attachment } | { action: "open_link"; link: string } | { action: "copy_link"; link: string } | { action: "remove_member"; channel: string; user: string } | { action: "kick_member"; target: Servers.Server; user: string } | { action: "ban_member"; target: Servers.Server; user: string } | { action: "view_profile"; user: string } | { action: "message_user"; user: string } | { action: "block_user"; user: Users.User } | { action: "unblock_user"; user: Users.User } | { action: "add_friend"; user: Users.User } | { action: "remove_friend"; user: Users.User } | { action: "cancel_friend"; user: Users.User } | { action: "set_presence"; presence: Users.Presence } | { action: "set_status" } | { action: "clear_status" } | { action: "create_channel"; target: Servers.Server } | { action: "create_invite"; target: Channels.GroupChannel | Channels.TextChannel | Channels.VoiceChannel } | { action: "leave_group"; target: Channels.GroupChannel } | { action: "delete_channel"; target: Channels.TextChannel | Channels.VoiceChannel } | { action: "close_dm"; target: Channels.DirectMessageChannel } | { action: "leave_server"; target: Servers.Server } | { action: "delete_server"; target: Servers.Server } | { action: "open_notification_options", channel: Channels.Channel } | { action: "open_settings" } | { action: "open_channel_settings", id: string } | { action: "open_server_settings", id: string } | { action: "open_server_channel_settings", server: string, id: string } | { action: "set_notification_state", key: string, state?: NotificationState }; type Props = { notifications: Notifications }; function ContextMenus(props: Props) { const { openScreen, writeClipboard } = useIntermediate(); const client = useContext(AppContext); const userId = client.user!._id; const status = useContext(StatusContext); const isOnline = status === ClientStatus.ONLINE; const history = useHistory(); function contextClick(data?: Action) { if (typeof data === "undefined") return; (async () => { switch (data.action) { case "copy_id": writeClipboard(; break; case "copy_selection": writeClipboard(document.getSelection()?.toString() ?? ''); break; case "mark_as_read": { if ( === 'SavedMessages' || === 'VoiceChannel') return; let message = === 'TextChannel' ? :; dispatch({ type: "UNREADS_MARK_READ", channel:, message }); client.req('PUT', `/channels/${}/ack/${message}` as '/channels/id/ack/id'); } break; case "retry_message": { const nonce =; const fail = (error: any) => dispatch({ type: "QUEUE_FAIL", nonce, error }); client.channels .sendMessage(, { nonce:, content: as string, replies: } ) .catch(fail); dispatch({ type: "QUEUE_START", nonce }); } break; case "cancel_message": { dispatch({ type: "QUEUE_REMOVE", nonce: }); } break; case "mention": { internalEmit( "MessageBox", "append", `<@${data.user}>`, "mention" ); } break; case "copy_text": writeClipboard(data.content); break; case "reply_message": { internalEmit( "ReplyBar", "add", ); } break; case "quote_message": { internalEmit( "MessageBox", "append", data.content, "quote" ); } break; case "edit_message": { internalEmit("MessageRenderer", "edit_message",; } break; case "open_file": { window .open( client.generateFileURL(data.attachment), "_blank" ) ?.focus(); } break; case "save_file": { // ! FIXME: do this from revolt.js client.generateFileURL(data.attachment)?.replace('attachments', 'attachments/download'), "_blank" ); } break; case "copy_file_link": { const { filename } = data.attachment; writeClipboard( // ! FIXME: do from r.js client.generateFileURL(data.attachment) + `/${encodeURI(filename)}`, ); } break; case "open_link": {, "_blank")?.focus(); } break; case "copy_link": { writeClipboard(; } break; case "remove_member": { client.channels.removeMember(, data.user); } break; case "view_profile": openScreen({ id: 'profile', user_id: data.user }); break; case "message_user": { const channel = await client.users.openDM(data.user); if (channel) { history.push(`/channel/${channel._id}`); } } break; case "add_friend": { await client.users.addFriend(data.user.username); } break; case "block_user": openScreen({ id: 'special_prompt', type: 'block_user', target: data.user }); break; case "unblock_user": await client.users.unblockUser(data.user._id); break; case "remove_friend": openScreen({ id: 'special_prompt', type: 'unfriend_user', target: data.user }); break; case "cancel_friend": await client.users.removeFriend(data.user._id); break; case "set_presence": { await client.users.editUser({ status: { ...client.user?.status, presence: data.presence } }); } break; case "set_status": openScreen({ id: "special_input", type: "set_custom_status" }); break; case "clear_status": { let { text, ...status } = client.user?.status ?? {}; await client.users.editUser({ status }); } break; case "leave_group": case "close_dm": case "leave_server": case "delete_channel": case "delete_server": case "delete_message": case "create_channel": case "create_invite": // The any here is because typescript flattens the case types into a single type and type structure and specifity is lost or whatever openScreen({ id: "special_prompt", type: data.action, target: as any }); break; case "ban_member": case "kick_member": openScreen({ id: "special_prompt", type: data.action, target:, user: data.user }); break; case "open_notification_options": { openContextMenu("NotificationOptions", { channel: }); break; } case "open_settings": history.push('/settings'); break; case "open_channel_settings": history.push(`/channel/${}/settings`); break; case "open_server_channel_settings": history.push(`/server/${data.server}/channel/${}/settings`); break; case "open_server_settings": history.push(`/server/${}/settings`); break; case "set_notification_state": { const { key, state } = data; if (state) { dispatch({ type: "NOTIFICATIONS_SET", key, state }); } else { dispatch({ type: "NOTIFICATIONS_REMOVE", key }); } break; } } })().catch(err => { openScreen({ id: "error", error: takeError(err) }); }); } return ( <> {({ user: uid, channel: cid, server: sid, message, server_list, queued, unread, contextualChannel: cxid }: ContextMenuData) => { const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate(); const elements: Children[] = []; var lastDivider = false; function generateAction( action: Action, locale?: string, disabled?: boolean, tip?: Children ) { lastDivider = false; elements.push( { tip &&
{ tip }
); } function pushDivider() { if (lastDivider || elements.length === 0) return; lastDivider = true; elements.push(); } if (server_list) { let server = useServer(server_list, forceUpdate); let permissions = useServerPermission(server_list, forceUpdate); if (server) { if (permissions & ServerPermission.ManageChannels) generateAction({ action: 'create_channel', target: server }); if (permissions & ServerPermission.ManageServer) generateAction({ action: 'open_server_settings', id: server_list }); } return elements; } if (document.getSelection()?.toString().length ?? 0 > 0) { generateAction({ action: "copy_selection" }, undefined, undefined, ); pushDivider(); } const channel = useChannel(cid, forceUpdate); const contextualChannel = useChannel(cxid, forceUpdate); const targetChannel = channel ?? contextualChannel; const user = useUser(uid, forceUpdate); const serverChannel = targetChannel && (targetChannel.channel_type === 'TextChannel' || targetChannel.channel_type === 'VoiceChannel') ? targetChannel : undefined; const server = useServer(serverChannel ? serverChannel.server : sid, forceUpdate); const channelPermissions = targetChannel ? useChannelPermission(targetChannel._id, forceUpdate) : 0; const serverPermissions = server ? useServerPermission(server._id, forceUpdate) : ( serverChannel ? useServerPermission(serverChannel.server, forceUpdate) : 0 ); const userPermissions = user ? useUserPermission(user._id, forceUpdate) : 0; if (channel && unread) { generateAction({ action: "mark_as_read", channel }); } if (contextualChannel) { if (user && user._id !== userId) { generateAction({ action: "mention", user: user._id }); pushDivider(); } } if (user) { let actions: Action['action'][]; switch (user.relationship) { case Users.Relationship.User: actions = []; break; case Users.Relationship.Friend: actions = [ "remove_friend", "block_user" ]; break; case Users.Relationship.Incoming: actions = ["add_friend", "cancel_friend", "block_user"]; break; case Users.Relationship.Outgoing: actions = ["cancel_friend", "block_user"]; break; case Users.Relationship.Blocked: actions = ["unblock_user"]; break; case Users.Relationship.BlockedOther: actions = ["block_user"]; break; case Users.Relationship.None: default: actions = ["add_friend", "block_user"]; } if (userPermissions & UserPermission.ViewProfile) { generateAction({ action: 'view_profile', user: user._id }); } if (user._id !== userId && userPermissions & UserPermission.SendMessage) { generateAction({ action: 'message_user', user: user._id }); } for(let i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { // The any here is because typescript can't determine that user the actions are linked together correctly generateAction({ action: actions[i] as any, user }) } } if (contextualChannel) { if (contextualChannel.channel_type === "Group" && uid) { if ( contextualChannel.owner === userId && userId !== uid ) { generateAction({ action: "remove_member", channel: contextualChannel._id, user: uid }); } } if (server && uid && userId !== uid && uid !== server.owner) { if (serverPermissions & ServerPermission.KickMembers) generateAction({ action: "kick_member", target: server, user: uid }); if (serverPermissions & ServerPermission.BanMembers) generateAction({ action: "ban_member", target: server, user: uid }); } } if (queued) { generateAction({ action: "retry_message", message: queued }); generateAction({ action: "cancel_message", message: queued }); } if (message && !queued) { generateAction({ action: "reply_message", id: message._id }); if ( typeof message.content === "string" && message.content.length > 0 ) { generateAction({ action: "quote_message", content: message.content }); generateAction({ action: "copy_text", content: message.content }); } if ( === userId) { generateAction({ action: "edit_message", id: message._id }); } if ( === userId || channelPermissions & ChannelPermission.ManageMessages) { generateAction({ action: "delete_message", target: message }); } if (message.attachments) { pushDivider(); const { metadata } = message.attachments[0]; const { type } = metadata; generateAction( { action: "open_file", attachment: message.attachments[0] }, type === "Image" ? "open_image" : type === "Video" ? "open_video" : "open_file" ); generateAction( { action: "save_file", attachment: message.attachments[0] }, type === "Image" ? "save_image" : type === "Video" ? "save_video" : "save_file" ); generateAction( { action: "copy_file_link", attachment: message.attachments[0] }, "copy_link" ); } if (document.activeElement?.tagName === "A") { let link = document.activeElement.getAttribute( "href" ); if (link) { pushDivider(); generateAction({ action: "open_link", link }); generateAction({ action: "copy_link", link }); } } } let id = sid ?? cid ?? uid ?? message?._id; if (id) { pushDivider(); if (channel) { if (channel.channel_type !== 'VoiceChannel') { generateAction({ action: "open_notification_options", channel }, undefined, undefined, ); } switch (channel.channel_type) { case 'Group': // ! generateAction({ action: "create_invite", target: channel }); FIXME: add support for group invites generateAction({ action: "open_channel_settings", id: channel._id }, "open_group_settings"); generateAction({ action: "leave_group", target: channel }, "leave_group"); break; case 'DirectMessage': generateAction({ action: "close_dm", target: channel }); break; case 'TextChannel': case 'VoiceChannel': // ! FIXME: add permission for invites generateAction({ action: "create_invite", target: channel }); if (serverPermissions & ServerPermission.ManageServer) generateAction({ action: "open_server_channel_settings", server: channel.server, id: channel._id }, "open_channel_settings"); if (serverPermissions & ServerPermission.ManageChannels) generateAction({ action: "delete_channel", target: channel }); break; } } if (sid && server) { if (serverPermissions & ServerPermission.ManageServer) generateAction({ action: "open_server_settings", id: server._id }, "open_server_settings"); if (userId === server.owner) { generateAction({ action: "delete_server", target: server }, "delete_server"); } else { generateAction({ action: "leave_server", target: server }, "leave_server"); } } generateAction( { action: "copy_id", id }, sid ? "copy_sid" : cid ? "copy_cid" : message ? "copy_mid" : "copy_uid" ); } return elements; }}
{() => <>
{ client.user!.status?.text && }
} {({ channel }: { channel: Channels.Channel }) => { const state = props.notifications[channel._id]; const actual = getNotificationState(props.notifications, channel); let elements: Children[] = [
{ (state !== undefined) && } { (state === undefined) && }
]; function generate(key: string, icon: Children) { elements.push( { icon } { (state === undefined && actual === key) &&
} { (state === key) &&
); } generate('all', ); generate('mention', ); generate('muted', ); generate('none', ); return elements; }}
); } export default connectState( ContextMenus, state => { return { notifications: state.notifications }; } );