import { openDB } from 'idb'; import { Client } from "revolt.js"; import { takeError } from "./util"; import { createContext } from "preact"; import { dispatch } from '../../redux'; import { Children } from "../../types/Preact"; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Route } from "revolt.js/dist/api/routes"; import { connectState } from "../../redux/connector"; import Preloader from "../../components/ui/Preloader"; import { AuthState } from "../../redux/reducers/auth"; import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { useIntermediate } from '../intermediate/Intermediate'; import { registerEvents, setReconnectDisallowed } from "./events"; import { SingletonMessageRenderer } from '../../lib/renderer/Singleton'; export enum ClientStatus { INIT, LOADING, READY, OFFLINE, DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING, RECONNECTING, ONLINE, } export interface ClientOperations { login: (data: Route<"POST", "/auth/login">["data"]) => Promise; logout: (shouldRequest?: boolean) => Promise; loggedIn: () => boolean; ready: () => boolean; openDM: (user_id: string) => Promise; } // By the time they are used, they should all be initialized. // Currently the app does not render until a client is built and the other two are always initialized on first render. // - insert's words export const AppContext = createContext(null!); export const StatusContext = createContext(null!); export const OperationsContext = createContext(null!); type Props = { auth: AuthState; children: Children; }; function Context({ auth, children }: Props) { const history = useHistory(); const { openScreen } = useIntermediate(); const [status, setStatus] = useState(ClientStatus.INIT); const [client, setClient] = useState(undefined as unknown as Client); useEffect(() => { (async () => { let db; try { // Match sw.ts#L23 db = await openDB('state', 3, { upgrade(db) { for (let store of [ "channels", "servers", "users", "members" ]) { db.createObjectStore(store, { keyPath: '_id' }); } }, }); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to open IndexedDB store, continuing without.'); } const client = new Client({ autoReconnect: false, apiURL: import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL, debug: import.meta.env.DEV, db }); setClient(client); SingletonMessageRenderer.subscribe(client); setStatus(ClientStatus.LOADING); })(); }, [ ]); if (status === ClientStatus.INIT) return null; const operations: ClientOperations = useMemo(() => { return { login: async data => { setReconnectDisallowed(true); try { const onboarding = await client.login(data); setReconnectDisallowed(false); const login = () => dispatch({ type: "LOGIN", session: client.session! // This [null assertion] is ok, we should have a session by now. - insert's words }); if (onboarding) { openScreen({ id: "onboarding", callback: (username: string) => onboarding(username, true).then(login) }); } else { login(); } } catch (err) { setReconnectDisallowed(false); throw err; } }, logout: async shouldRequest => { dispatch({ type: "LOGOUT" }); client.reset(); dispatch({ type: "RESET" }); openScreen({ id: "none" }); setStatus(ClientStatus.READY); client.websocket.disconnect(); if (shouldRequest) { try { await client.logout(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } }, loggedIn: () => typeof !== "undefined", ready: () => ( operations.loggedIn() && typeof client.user !== "undefined" ), openDM: async (user_id: string) => { let channel = await client.users.openDM(user_id); history.push(`/channel/${channel!._id}`); return channel!._id; } } }, [ client, ]); useEffect(() => registerEvents({ operations }, setStatus, client), [ client ]); useEffect(() => { (async () => { if (client.db) { await client.restore(); } if ( { dispatch({ type: "QUEUE_FAIL_ALL" }); const active = auth.accounts[]; client.user = client.users.get(active.session.user_id); if (!navigator.onLine) { return setStatus(ClientStatus.OFFLINE); } if (operations.ready()) setStatus(ClientStatus.CONNECTING); if (navigator.onLine) { await client .fetchConfiguration() .catch(() => console.error("Failed to connect to API server.") ); } try { await client.fetchConfiguration(); const callback = await client.useExistingSession( active.session ); if (callback) { openScreen({ id: "onboarding", callback }); } } catch (err) { setStatus(ClientStatus.DISCONNECTED); const error = takeError(err); if (error === "Forbidden" || error === "Unauthorized") { operations.logout(true); openScreen({ id: "signed_out" }); } else { openScreen({ id: "error", error }); } } } else { try { await client.fetchConfiguration() } catch (err) { console.error("Failed to connect to API server."); } setStatus(ClientStatus.READY); } })(); }, []); if (status === ClientStatus.LOADING) { return ; } return ( { children } ); } export default connectState<{ children: Children }>( Context, state => { return { auth: state.auth, sync: state.sync }; } );