import { Send, ShieldX } from "@styled-icons/boxicons-solid"; import Axios, { CancelTokenSource } from "axios"; import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"; import { ChannelPermission } from "revolt.js/dist/api/permissions"; import { Channel } from "revolt.js/dist/maps/Channels"; import styled, { css } from "styled-components"; import { ulid } from "ulid"; import { Text } from "preact-i18n"; import { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState } from "preact/hooks"; import TextAreaAutoSize from "../../../lib/TextAreaAutoSize"; import { debounce } from "../../../lib/debounce"; import { defer } from "../../../lib/defer"; import { internalEmit, internalSubscribe } from "../../../lib/eventEmitter"; import { useTranslation } from "../../../lib/i18n"; import { isTouchscreenDevice } from "../../../lib/isTouchscreenDevice"; import { getRenderer, SMOOTH_SCROLL_ON_RECEIVE, } from "../../../lib/renderer/Singleton"; import { useApplicationState } from "../../../mobx/State"; import { Reply } from "../../../mobx/stores/MessageQueue"; import { useIntermediate } from "../../../context/intermediate/Intermediate"; import { FileUploader, grabFiles, uploadFile, } from "../../../context/revoltjs/FileUploads"; import { AppContext } from "../../../context/revoltjs/RevoltClient"; import { takeError } from "../../../context/revoltjs/util"; import IconButton from "../../ui/IconButton"; import AutoComplete, { useAutoComplete } from "../AutoComplete"; import { PermissionTooltip } from "../Tooltip"; import FilePreview from "./bars/FilePreview"; import ReplyBar from "./bars/ReplyBar"; type Props = { channel: Channel; }; export type UploadState = | { type: "none" } | { type: "attached"; files: File[] } | { type: "uploading"; files: File[]; percent: number; cancel: CancelTokenSource; } | { type: "sending"; files: File[] } | { type: "failed"; files: File[]; error: string }; const Base = styled.div` display: flex; align-items: flex-start; background: var(--message-box); textarea { font-size: var(--text-size); background: transparent; &::placeholder { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } } `; const Blocked = styled.div` display: flex; align-items: center; user-select: none; font-size: var(--text-size); color: var(--tertiary-foreground); .text { padding: 14px 14px 14px 0; } svg { flex-shrink: 0; } `; const Action = styled.div` display: flex; place-items: center; > div { height: 48px; width: 48px; padding: 12px; } ${() => !isTouchscreenDevice && css` .mobile { display: none; } `} `; // For sed replacement const RE_SED = new RegExp("^s/([^])*/([^])*$"); // ! FIXME: add to app config and load from app config export const CAN_UPLOAD_AT_ONCE = 5; export default observer(({ channel }: Props) => { const state = useApplicationState(); const [uploadState, setUploadState] = useState({ type: "none", }); const [typing, setTyping] = useState(false); const [replies, setReplies] = useState([]); const { openScreen } = useIntermediate(); const client = useContext(AppContext); const translate = useTranslation(); const renderer = getRenderer(channel); if (!(channel.permission & ChannelPermission.SendMessage)) { return (
); } // Push message content to draft. const setMessage = useCallback( (content?: string) => state.draft.set(channel._id, content), [state.draft, channel._id], ); useEffect(() => { /** * * @param content * @param action */ function append(content: string, action: "quote" | "mention") { const text = action === "quote" ? `${content .split("\n") .map((x) => `> ${x}`) .join("\n")}\n\n` : `${content} `; if (!state.draft.has(channel._id)) { setMessage(text); } else { setMessage(`${state.draft.get(channel._id)}\n${text}`); } } return internalSubscribe( "MessageBox", "append", append as (...args: unknown[]) => void, ); }, [state.draft, channel._id, setMessage]); /** * Trigger send message. */ async function send() { if (uploadState.type === "uploading" || uploadState.type === "sending") return; const content = state.draft.get(channel._id)?.trim() ?? ""; if (uploadState.type === "attached") return sendFile(content); if (content.length === 0) return; internalEmit("NewMessages", "hide"); stopTyping(); setMessage(); setReplies([]); const nonce = ulid(); // sed style message editing. // If the user types for example `s/abc/def`, the string "abc" // will be replaced with "def" in their last sent message. if (RE_SED.test(content)) { renderer.messages.reverse(); const msg = renderer.messages.find( (msg) => msg.author_id === client.user!._id, ); renderer.messages.reverse(); if (msg) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let [_, toReplace, newText, flags] = content.split(/\//); if (toReplace == "*") toReplace = msg.content.toString(); const newContent = toReplace == "" ? msg.content.toString() + newText : msg.content .toString() .replace(new RegExp(toReplace, flags), newText); if (newContent != msg.content) { if (newContent.length == 0) { msg.delete().catch(console.error); } else { msg.edit({ content: newContent.substr(0, 2000), }) .then(() => defer(() => renderer.jumpToBottom( SMOOTH_SCROLL_ON_RECEIVE, ), ), ) .catch(console.error); } } } } else { state.settings.sounds.playSound("outbound"); state.queue.add(nonce, channel._id, { _id: nonce, channel: channel._id, author: client.user!._id, content, replies, }); defer(() => renderer.jumpToBottom(SMOOTH_SCROLL_ON_RECEIVE)); try { await channel.sendMessage({ content, nonce, replies, }); } catch (error) {, takeError(error)); } } } /** * * @param content * @returns */ async function sendFile(content: string) { if (uploadState.type !== "attached") return; const attachments: string[] = []; const cancel = Axios.CancelToken.source(); const files = uploadState.files; stopTyping(); setUploadState({ type: "uploading", files, percent: 0, cancel }); try { for (let i = 0; i < files.length && i < CAN_UPLOAD_AT_ONCE; i++) { const file = files[i]; attachments.push( await uploadFile( client.configuration!.features.autumn.url, "attachments", file, { onUploadProgress: (e) => setUploadState({ type: "uploading", files, percent: Math.round( (i * 100 + (100 * e.loaded) / / Math.min( files.length, CAN_UPLOAD_AT_ONCE, ), ), cancel, }), cancelToken: cancel.token, }, ), ); } } catch (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line if ((err as any)?.message === "cancel") { setUploadState({ type: "attached", files, }); } else { setUploadState({ type: "failed", files, error: takeError(err), }); } return; } setUploadState({ type: "sending", files, }); const nonce = ulid(); try { await channel.sendMessage({ content, nonce, replies, attachments, }); } catch (err) { setUploadState({ type: "failed", files, error: takeError(err), }); return; } setMessage(); setReplies([]); state.settings.sounds.playSound("outbound"); if (files.length > CAN_UPLOAD_AT_ONCE) { setUploadState({ type: "attached", files: files.slice(CAN_UPLOAD_AT_ONCE), }); } else { setUploadState({ type: "none" }); } } /** * * @returns */ function startTyping() { if (typeof typing === "number" && +new Date() < typing) return; const ws = client.websocket; if (ws.connected) { setTyping(+new Date() + 2500); ws.send({ type: "BeginTyping", channel: channel._id, }); } } /** * * @param force */ function stopTyping(force?: boolean) { if (force || typing) { const ws = client.websocket; if (ws.connected) { setTyping(false); ws.send({ type: "EndTyping", channel: channel._id, }); } } } // TODO: change to useDebounceCallback // eslint-disable-next-line const debouncedStopTyping = useCallback( debounce(stopTyping as (...args: unknown[]) => void, 1000), [channel._id], ); const { onChange, onKeyUp, onKeyDown, onFocus, onBlur, ...autoCompleteProps } = useAutoComplete(setMessage, { users: { type: "channel", id: channel._id }, channels: channel.channel_type === "TextChannel" ? { server: channel.server_id! } : undefined, }); return ( <> uploadState.type === "attached" && grabFiles( 20_000_000, (files) => setUploadState({ type: "attached", files: [...uploadState.files, ...files], }), () => openScreen({ id: "error", error: "FileTooLarge" }), true, ) } removeFile={(index) => { if (uploadState.type !== "attached") return; if (uploadState.files.length === 1) { setUploadState({ type: "none" }); } else { setUploadState({ type: "attached", files: uploadState.files.filter( (_, i) => index !== i, ), }); } }} /> {channel.permission & ChannelPermission.UploadFiles ? ( setUploadState({ type: "none" }) } onChange={(files) => setUploadState({ type: "attached", files }) } cancel={() => uploadState.type === "uploading" && uploadState.cancel.cancel("cancel") } append={(files) => { if (files.length === 0) return; if (uploadState.type === "none") { setUploadState({ type: "attached", files }); } else if (uploadState.type === "attached") { setUploadState({ type: "attached", files: [...uploadState.files, ...files], }); } }} /> ) : undefined} { if (e.ctrlKey && e.key === "Enter") { e.preventDefault(); return send(); } if (onKeyDown(e)) return; if ( e.key === "ArrowUp" && !state.draft.has(channel._id) ) { e.preventDefault(); internalEmit("MessageRenderer", "edit_last"); return; } if ( !e.shiftKey && !e.isComposing && e.key === "Enter" && !isTouchscreenDevice ) { e.preventDefault(); return send(); } if (e.key === "Escape") { if (replies.length > 0) { setReplies(replies.slice(0, -1)); } else if ( uploadState.type === "attached" && uploadState.files.length > 0 ) { setUploadState({ type: uploadState.files.length > 1 ? "attached" : "none", files: uploadState.files.slice(0, -1), }); } } debouncedStopTyping(true); }} placeholder={ channel.channel_type === "DirectMessage" ? translate("", { person: channel.recipient?.username, }) : channel.channel_type === "SavedMessages" ? translate("") : translate("", { channel_name: ?? undefined, }) } disabled={ uploadState.type === "uploading" || uploadState.type === "sending" } onChange={(e) => { setMessage(e.currentTarget.value); startTyping(); onChange(e); }} onFocus={onFocus} onBlur={onBlur} /> {/* */} e.preventDefault()}> ); });