import { At } from "@styled-icons/boxicons-regular"; import { Envelope, Key, HelpCircle } from "@styled-icons/boxicons-solid"; import { Link, useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; import { Users } from "revolt.js/dist/api/objects"; import styles from "./Panes.module.scss"; import { Text } from "preact-i18n"; import { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { useIntermediate } from "../../../context/intermediate/Intermediate"; import { ClientStatus, StatusContext, } from "../../../context/revoltjs/RevoltClient"; import { useForceUpdate, useSelf } from "../../../context/revoltjs/hooks"; import UserIcon from "../../../components/common/user/UserIcon"; import Button from "../../../components/ui/Button"; import Overline from "../../../components/ui/Overline"; import Tooltip from "../../../components/common/Tooltip"; import Tip from "../../../components/ui/Tip"; export function Account() { const { openScreen } = useIntermediate(); const status = useContext(StatusContext); const ctx = useForceUpdate(); const user = useSelf(ctx); if (!user) return null; const [email, setEmail] = useState("..."); const [profile, setProfile] = useState( undefined, ); const history = useHistory(); function switchPage(to: string) { history.replace(`/settings/${to}`); } useEffect(() => { if (email === "..." && status === ClientStatus.ONLINE) { ctx.client .req("GET", "/auth/user") .then((account) => setEmail(; } if (profile === undefined && status === ClientStatus.ONLINE) { ctx.client.users .fetchProfile(user._id) .then((profile) => setProfile(profile ?? {})); } }, [status]); return (
switchPage("profile")} />
{( [ ["username", user.username, ], ["email", email, ], ["password", "***********", ], ] as const ).map(([field, value, icon]) => (



Two-factor Authentication

Coming Soon

Account Management

Disable, schedule your deletion or outright delete your account at any time. This action will log you out and fully delete your account, including your chat history and friends.
*/} {" "} switchPage("profile")}>
); }