if [[ $+commands[pay-respects] ]]; then alias f="$(pay-respects zsh)" fi if [[ $+commands[navi] ]]; then eval "$(navi widget zsh)" alias wtf="navi" alias help="navi" fi alias rzsh="source ~/.zshrc && echo 'Successfully reloaded zsh!'" alias aliases="${EDITOR} $ZSH_CUSTOM/aliases.zsh && rzsh" alias zshrc="${EDITOR} ~/.zshrc && rzsh" alias zshconfig="zshrc" alias zshcustom="${EDITOR} $ZSH_CUSTOM && rzsh" alias ohmyzsh="${EDITOR} ~/.oh-my-zsh && rzsh" alias vi="${EDITOR}" alias vim="${EDITOR}" alias nano="${EDITOR}" if [[ $+commands[fastfetch] ]]; then alias neofetch="fastfetch" alias nf="fastfetch" alias ff="fastfetch" fi if [[ $+commands[uwufetch] ]]; then alias uf="uwufetch" fi if [[ $+commands[pacman] ]]; then # this lists packages installed with pacman by size in mebibytes alias pacsize="pacman -Qi | egrep '^(Name|Installed)' | cut -f2 -d':' | paste - - | column -t | sort -nrk 2 | grep MiB | less" fi if [[ $+commands[yay] ]]; then alias aur="yay" alias yaystats="yay -P --stats" alias pacstats="yaystats" fi if [[ $+commands[lazygit] ]]; then alias lg="lazygit" fi if [[ $+commands[lazydocker] ]]; then alias lad="lazydocker" fi if [[ $+commands[btop] ]]; then alias htop="btop" fi if [[ "${XDG_SESSION_TYPE}" == "x11" ]]; then if [[ $+commands[xsel] ]]; then alias clip="xsel -ib" elif [[ $+commands[xclip] ]]; then alias clip="xclip" else alias clip="Detected x11, but xsel or xclip are not installed." fi elif [[ -n "${WAYLAND_DISPLAY}" ]]; then if [[ $+commands[wl-copy] ]]; then alias clip="wl-copy" else alias clip="Detected Wayland, but wl-copy is not installed." fi elif [[ -n "${SSH_CONNECTION}" ]]; then if [[ $+commands[lemonade] ]]; then alias clip="lemonade copy" else alias clip="Detected an SSH connection, but lemonade is not installed." fi else alias clip='echo "Cannot determine desktop session type, are you running a display server that is not X11 or Wayland?"' fi if [[ $+commands[nvidia-smi] ]]; then alias driver="nvidia-smi" fi if [[ $+commands[nvidia-settings] ]]; then alias gpu="sudo nvidia-settings" fi if [[ $+commands[forgejo-runner] ]]; then alias runactions="forgejo-runner exec --network=host --default-actions-url=https://www.coastalcommits.com --gitea-instance=https://www.coastalcommits.com" fi if [[ $+commands[tailscale] ]]; then alias taildrop="tailscale file" fi alias protontricks="flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks" alias sober="flatpak run org.vinegarhq.Sober" alias sudo="sudo "