function clip { echo "clip: info: checking for clipboard manager" if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]];then echo "Detected macOS" command pbcopy $@ elif [[ "${XDG_SESSION_TYPE}" == "x11" ]]; then echo "clip: info: Detected X11" if (( $+commands[xsel] )); then command xsel -ib $@ elif (( $+commands[xclip] )); then command xclip $@ else echo "clip: fatal: xsel or xclip are not installed." fi elif [[ -n "${WAYLAND_DISPLAY}" ]]; then echo "clip: info: Detected Wayland" if (( $+commands[wl-copy] )); then command wl-copy $@ else echo "clip: fatal: wl-copy is not installed." fi elif [[ -n "${SSH_CONNECTION}" ]]; then echo "clip: info: Detected an SSH connection" if (( $+commands[lemonade] )); then command lemonade copy $@ else echo "clip: fatal: lemonade is not installed." fi else echo "clip: fatal: Cannot determine desktop session type, are you running a display server that is not X11 or Wayland?" fi } function zipline { # see spectacle-screenshot and flameshot-screenshot for example usage readonly file_path=${1:?Please provide the path to the file you want to upload.} readonly name=${2} readonly desktop_entry=${3} readonly token=${ZIPLINE_TOKEN:?Environment variable ZIPLINE_TOKEN is not set. Please set it to your Zipline API token. I recommend placing it in a file at ~/.config/environment.d/zipline.conf} readonly url=${ZIPLINE_URL:?Environment variable ZIPLINE_URL is not set. Please set it to the URL of your Zipline instance. I recommend placing it in a file at ~/.config/environment.d/zipline.conf} temp_file=$(mktemp /tmp/zipline-upload.XXXXXXXX.json) trap 'rm -f "$temp_file"' ERR if (( ! $+commands[jq] )); then echo "jq is not installed." return 127 fi if (( ! $+commands[curl] )); then echo "curl is not installed." return 127 fi if [[ ! -f "${file_path}" ]]; then echo "File at $file_path does not exist." return 66 fi if [[ -n "${name}" && -n "${desktop_entry}" ]]; then if ! does-desktop-entry-exist "$desktop_entry"; then echo "Desktop entry does not exist." return 66 fi if (( ! $+commands[notify-send] )); then echo "notify-send is not installed." return 127 fi readonly use_send_notify=true else readonly use_send_notify=false fi readonly content_type=$(command file -b --mime-type "${file_path}") if curl -sS -fH "authorization: $token" "${url%/}/api/upload" -F"file=@$file_path;type=$content_type" >"$temp_file" 2>&1; then readonly link=$(jq -r '.files[0]' <"$temp_file" | tr -d '\n') echo -n "$link" | clip echo "Upload successful. Link copied to clipboard: $link" if $use_send_notify; then notify-send -a "$name" -u low -c "transfer.complete" -i "$file_path" -h "string:desktop-entry:$desktop_entry" "Upload Successful" "Link copied to clipboard:\n$link" fi rm -f "$temp_file" else echo "Upload failed. Error message: $(<"$temp_file")" if $use_send_notify; then notify-send -a "$name" -u critical -c "transfer.error" -h "string:desktop-entry:$desktop_entry" "Upload Failed" "$(<"$temp_file")" fi rm -f "$temp_file" return 1 fi } function spectacle-screenshot { # takes two arguments: # 1 - whether to save a recording or a screenshot (boolean) - defaults to screenshot (false) - RECORDING DOES NOT WORK ON X11 # 2 - the path to save the screenshot/recording to - if not provided, a temp file will be used if (( ! $+commands[spectacle] )); then echo "spectacle is not installed." return 127 fi if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then readonly save_recording=false else readonly save_recording=$1 fi if [[ -f "${2}" ]]; then echo "File already exists. Please provide a different file path, or use the zipline function to upload the file." echo "Example: zipline \"$file\"" return 1 fi if [[ -z "${2}" ]]; then if $save_recording; then readonly file=$(mktemp /tmp/spectacle-recording.XXXXXXXX.mp4) else readonly file=$(mktemp /tmp/spectacle-screenshot.XXXXXXXX.png) fi else readonly file=$2 fi trap 'rm -f "$file"' ERR if $save_recording; then command spectacle --nonotify --background --record=region --pointer --copy-image --output "$file" else command spectacle --nonotify --background --region --pointer --copy-image --output "$file" fi [ ! -s "$file" ] && return 1 zipline "$file" Spectacle org.kde.spectacle.desktop rm -f "$file" } function flameshot-screenshot { # takes one argument, the path to save the screenshot to - if not provided, a temp file will be used if (( ! $+commands[flameshot] )); then echo "flameshot is not installed." return 127 fi if [[ -f "${1}" ]]; then echo "File already exists. Please provide a different file path, or use the zipline function to upload the file." echo "Example: zipline \"${1}\"" return 1 fi if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then readonly file=$(mktemp /tmp/flameshot-screenshot.XXXXXXXX.png) else readonly file=$1 fi trap 'rm -f "$file"' ERR command flameshot gui --clipboard --raw > $file echo "Screenshot saved to $file" [ ! -s "$file" ] && return 1 zipline "$file" Flameshot org.flameshot.Flameshot.desktop rm -f "$file" } function does-desktop-entry-exist { readonly desktopentry=${1:?Please provide the full filename of the desktop entry.} if (( $+commands[qtpaths] )); then local entrypaths=("${(@f)$(qtpaths --paths ApplicationsLocation | tr ':' '\n')}") else echo "qtpaths is not installed, falling back to XDG_DATA_DIRS." local entrypaths=(${(f)"$(echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS | tr ':' '\n' | sed 's|$|/applications|')"}) entrypaths+=("$HOME/.local/share/applications") fi echo "Checking the following paths for $desktopentry:\n${(F)entrypaths}\n--------------------" for entrypath in "${entrypaths[@]}"; do echo "Checking for $entrypath/$desktopentry" if [[ -f "$entrypath/$desktopentry" ]]; then echo "$desktopentry found in $entrypath" return 0 fi done echo "Desktop entry $desktopentry does not exist." return 1 } function htop btop { if (( $+commands[btop] )); then command btop $@ else command htop $@ fi } function fastfetch ff neofetch nf { if (( $+commands[fastfetch] )); then command fastfetch $@ elif (( $+commands[neofetch] )); then echo "Warning: fastfetch is not installed, falling back to neofetch." command neofetch $@ else echo "Fatal: fastfetch and neofetch are not installed, cannot fetch system information." fi }