55 lines
3.1 KiB
55 lines
3.1 KiB
import { jsxs, jsx } from 'react/jsx-runtime';
import { Inline, ActionPanel, Action, Content, Icons, Grid } from '@project-gauntlet/api/components';
import { Clipboard, showHud } from '@project-gauntlet/api/helpers';
import { g as getEmojis, a as getEmojisGroupedBy } from './vendor.js';
import { useState } from 'react';
// @ts-expect-error gauntlet uses deno and not node
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
function EmojiPicker$1(props) {
const text = props.text.trim();
if (text.length < 3) {
return undefined;
const emoji = getEmojis().find((emoji) => emoji.keywords.includes(text));
if (!emoji) {
return undefined;
return (jsxs(Inline, { actions: jsx(ActionPanel, { children: jsx(Action, { label: `Copy ${emoji.emoji} to clipboard`, onAction: async () => {
await Clipboard.writeText(emoji.emoji);
showHud(`${emoji.emoji} copied to clipboard`);
} }) }), children: [jsx(Inline.Left, { children: jsx(Content.H3, { children: text }) }), jsx(Inline.Separator, { icon: Icons.ArrowRight }), jsx(Inline.Right, { children: jsx(Content.Paragraph, { children: emoji.emoji }) })] }));
// @ts-expect-error gauntlet uses deno and not node
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
function EmojiPicker() {
const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState("");
let emojiList;
let isCategory = null;
if (searchText) {
emojiList = getEmojis().filter((emoji) => emoji.keywords.some((keyword) => keyword.includes(searchText)));
isCategory = false;
else {
emojiList = getEmojisGroupedBy("category");
isCategory = true;
return (jsxs(Grid, { children: [jsx(Grid.SearchBar, { placeholder: "Search for an emoji", value: searchText, onChange: setSearchText }), isCategory
? Object.entries(emojiList).map(([category, emojis]) => (jsx(Grid.Section, { title: category, children: emojis.map((emoji) => (jsx(Grid.Item, { title: emoji.emoji, subtitle: emoji.keywords.join(", "), onClick: async () => {
await Clipboard.writeText(emoji.emoji);
showHud(`${emoji.emoji} copied to clipboard`);
} }, emoji.emoji))) }, category)))
: emojiList.map((emoji) => (jsx(Grid.Item, { title: emoji.emoji, subtitle: emoji.keywords.join(", "), onClick: async () => {
await Clipboard.writeText(emoji.emoji);
showHud(`${emoji.emoji} copied to clipboard`);
} }, emoji.emoji)))] }));
export { EmojiPicker$1 as E, EmojiPicker as a };
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