diff --git a/home-manager/vscode.nix b/home-manager/vscode.nix index 20d1cd6..6459f54 100644 --- a/home-manager/vscode.nix +++ b/home-manager/vscode.nix @@ -28,432 +28,443 @@ rec { }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ + stylua + rojo + (pkgs.callPackage ../packages/luau-lsp.nix { inherit pkgs; }) powershell ruff ruff-lsp ]; - programs.vscode = let dotnettools = import inputs.dotnettoolsVscodeExtensions { - inherit system; - config.allowUnfree = true; - }; in { - enable = true; - enableUpdateCheck = false; - enableExtensionUpdateCheck = false; - package = pkgs.vscode; - # package = pkgs.vscode.fhsWithPackages ( - # ps: with pkgs; [ - # dotnetCorePackages.sdk_8_0 - # jdk21 - # go - # ] - # ); - extensions = - with inputs.nix-vscode-extensions.extensions.${system}.vscode-marketplace; - with inputs.nix-vscode-extensions.extensions.${system}.vscode-marketplace-release; - [ - # Themes - (pkgs.catppuccin-vsc.override { - accent = "blue"; - extraBordersEnabled = true; - italicKeywords = false; - customUIColors = { - mocha = { - "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; - }; - macchiato = { - "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; - }; - frappe = { - "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; - }; - latte = { - "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; + programs.vscode = + let + dotnettools = import inputs.dotnettoolsVscodeExtensions { + inherit system; + config.allowUnfree = true; + }; + in + { + enable = true; + enableUpdateCheck = false; + enableExtensionUpdateCheck = false; + package = pkgs.vscode; + # package = pkgs.vscode.fhsWithPackages ( + # ps: with pkgs; [ + # dotnetCorePackages.sdk_8_0 + # jdk21 + # go + # ] + # ); + extensions = + with inputs.nix-vscode-extensions.extensions.${system}.vscode-marketplace; + with inputs.nix-vscode-extensions.extensions.${system}.vscode-marketplace-release; + [ + # Themes + (pkgs.catppuccin-vsc.override { + accent = "blue"; + extraBordersEnabled = true; + italicKeywords = false; + customUIColors = { + mocha = { + "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; + }; + macchiato = { + "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; + }; + frappe = { + "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; + }; + latte = { + "statusBar.foreground" = "accent"; + }; }; + }) + catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc-icons + + # C# + dotnettools.vscode-extensions.ms-dotnettools.csharp + dotnettools.vscode-extensions.ms-dotnettools.csdevkit + pkgs.vscode-extensions.ms-dotnettools.vscodeintellicode-csharp + pkgs.vscode-extensions.ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-runtime + csharpier.csharpier-vscode + patcx.vscode-nuget-gallery + corylulu.csharp-interpolated-string-converter + adrianwilczynski.asp-net-core-switcher + kevin-chatham.aspnetcorerazor-html-css-class-completion + adrianwilczynski.blazor-snippet-pack + adrianwilczynski.csharp-to-typescript + adrianwilczynski.namespace + + # Python + ms-python.python + ms-python.vscode-pylance + ms-python.debugpy + ms-python.black-formatter + ms-python.mypy-type-checker + charliermarsh.ruff + + # JavaScript / TypeScript + dbaeumer.vscode-eslint + rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint + yoavbls.pretty-ts-errors + gregorbiswanger.json2ts + vendicated.vencord-companion + + # Lua + sumneko.lua + + # Luau + evaera.vscode-rojo + johnnymorganz.stylua + johnnymorganz.luau-lsp + + # Go + pkgs.vscode-extensions.golang.go + + # Hugo + budparr.language-hugo-vscode + kaellarkin.hugo-shortcode-syntax + + # Kotlin + mathiasfrohlich.kotlin + + # Java + vscjava.vscode-java-debug + vscjava.vscode-gradle + vscjava.vscode-maven + vscjava.vscode-java-dependency + vscjava.vscode-java-test + redhat.java + + # Bash + mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode + foxundermoon.shell-format + timonwong.shellcheck + shakram02.bash-beautify + + # Paradox Interactive Scripting + tboby.cwtools-vscode + + # Git + donjayamanne.githistory + codezombiech.gitignore + eamodio.gitlens + + # GitHub + ziyasal.vscode-open-in-github + pkgs.vscode-extensions.github.vscode-github-actions + github.vscode-pull-request-github + + # Misc - Language Support + bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss + jnoortheen.nix-ide + tamasfe.even-better-toml + jnoortheen.xonsh + matthewpi.caddyfile-support + editorconfig.editorconfig + prisma.prisma + redhat.vscode-yaml + ms-vscode.powershell + irongeek.vscode-env + wholroyd.jinja + ms-vscode.makefile-tools + tnze.snbt + logerfo.sln-support + tboby.paradox-syntax + xteal.mcmeta + footerman.heracles-support + + # Misc - Debuggers + firefox-devtools.vscode-firefox-debug + rogalmic.zsh-debug + + # Misc - Linters + tekumara.typos-vscode + stylelint.vscode-stylelint + davidanson.vscode-markdownlint + + # Misc - Formatters + esbenp.prettier-vscode + + # Misc - Visuals + aaron-bond.better-comments + naumovs.color-highlight + kshetline.ligatures-limited + + # Misc - Utilities + vasubasraj.flashpost + adpyke.codesnap + elypia.magick-image-reader + adpyke.vscode-sql-formatter + qwtel.sqlite-viewer + yy0931.vscode-sqlite3-editor + leonardssh.vscord + alefragnani.project-manager + mkhl.direnv + ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare + ms-azuretools.vscode-docker + ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh + pkgs.vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit + ms-vscode.remote-server + ms-vscode.remote-explorer + pkgs.vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers + ms-vscode.remote-repositories + formulahendry.auto-rename-tag + prunoideae.probejs + d-koppenhagen.file-tree-to-text-generator + + # Copilot + github.copilot + github.copilot-chat + ]; + userSettings = { + "DO-NOT-EDIT-1" = + "This file is managed by the Nix module located at `/etc/nixos/home-manager/vscode.nix`."; + "DO-NOT-EDIT-2" = "Changes will be overwritten when VSCode is restarted."; + "DO-NOT-EDIT-3" = "To persist changes, edit the module and run `upd` in your terminal."; + "editor.tokenColorCustomizations" = { + "[Catppuccin*]" = { + "variables" = "#82eaf0"; + "textMateRules" = [ + { + "scope" = "comment"; + "settings" = { + "foreground" = "#f465ec"; + "fontStyle" = "italic"; + }; + } + { + "scope" = "punctuation.definition.comment"; + "settings" = { + "foreground" = "#f465ec"; + "fontStyle" = "italic"; + }; + } + { + "scope" = "variable.other.readwrite"; + "settings" = { + "foreground" = "#82eaf0"; + }; + } + { + "scope" = "keyword.operator"; + "settings" = { + "foreground" = "#EBA0AC"; + }; + } + { + "scope" = "meta.block.paradox"; + "settings" = { + "foreground" = "#EBA0AC"; + }; + } + { + "scope" = "meta.shebang.shell"; + "settings" = { + "foreground" = "#fb5d1f"; 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- userSettings = { - "DO-NOT-EDIT-1" = - "This file is managed by the Nix module located at `/etc/nixos/home-manager/vscode.nix`."; - "DO-NOT-EDIT-2" = "Changes will be overwritten when VSCode is restarted."; - "DO-NOT-EDIT-3" = "To persist changes, edit the module and run `upd` in your terminal."; - "editor.tokenColorCustomizations" = { - "[Catppuccin*]" = { - "variables" = "#82eaf0"; - "textMateRules" = [ - { - "scope" = "comment"; - "settings" = { - "foreground" = "#f465ec"; - "fontStyle" = "italic"; - }; - } - { - "scope" = "punctuation.definition.comment"; - "settings" = { - "foreground" = "#f465ec"; - "fontStyle" = "italic"; - }; - } - { - "scope" = "variable.other.readwrite"; - "settings" = { - "foreground" = "#82eaf0"; - }; - } - { - "scope" = "keyword.operator"; - "settings" = { - "foreground" = "#EBA0AC"; - }; - } - { - "scope" = "meta.block.paradox"; - "settings" = { - "foreground" = "#EBA0AC"; - }; - } - { - "scope" = "meta.shebang.shell"; - "settings" = { - "foreground" = "#fb5d1f"; 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+ version = "1.38.0"; + + src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { + owner = "JohnnyMorganz"; + repo = "luau-lsp"; + rev = finalAttrs.version; + hash = "sha256-31EdtCQftxhpp2b7fpM5XqRh+r0rBE/k9SpYEPpGpV0="; + fetchSubmodules = true; + }; + + nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.cmake ] + ++ lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isLinux pkgs.gcc9; + + buildPhase = '' + runHook preBuild + cmake .. + cmake --build . --target Luau.LanguageServer.CLI --config Release + runHook postBuild + ''; + + installPhase = '' + runHook preInstall + mkdir -p $out/bin + cp ./luau-lsp $out/bin/luau-lsp + runHook postInstall + ''; + + meta = { + description = "Language Server for Luau"; + homepage = "https://github.com/JohnnyMorganz/luau-lsp"; + downloadPage = "https://github.com/JohnnyMorganz/luau-lsp/releases/tag/${finalAttrs.version}"; + license = lib.licenses.mit; + platforms = lib.platforms.linux; + maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ cswimr ]; + mainProgram = "luau-lsp"; + }; +})