/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import { addPreEditListener, addPreSendListener, removePreEditListener, removePreSendListener } from "@api/MessageEvents"; import { definePluginSettings, Settings } from "@api/Settings"; import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import { ApngBlendOp, ApngDisposeOp, getGifEncoder, importApngJs } from "@utils/dependencies"; import { getCurrentGuild } from "@utils/discord"; import { proxyLazy } from "@utils/lazy"; import { Logger } from "@utils/Logger"; import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types"; import { findByCodeLazy, findByPropsLazy, findLazy, findStoreLazy } from "@webpack"; import { ChannelStore, EmojiStore, FluxDispatcher, Parser, PermissionStore, UserStore } from "@webpack/common"; import type { Message } from "discord-types/general"; import type { ReactElement, ReactNode } from "react"; const DRAFT_TYPE = 0; const promptToUpload = findByCodeLazy("UPLOAD_FILE_LIMIT_ERROR"); const UserSettingsProtoStore = findStoreLazy("UserSettingsProtoStore"); const PreloadedUserSettingsProtoHandler = findLazy(m => m.ProtoClass?.typeName === "discord_protos.discord_users.v1.PreloadedUserSettings"); const ReaderFactory = findByPropsLazy("readerFactory"); const StickerStore = findStoreLazy("StickersStore") as { getPremiumPacks(): StickerPack[]; getAllGuildStickers(): Map; getStickerById(id: string): Sticker | undefined; }; function searchProtoClass(localName: string, parentProtoClass: any) { if (!parentProtoClass) return; const field = parentProtoClass.fields.find(field => field.localName === localName); if (!field) return; const getter: any = Object.values(field).find(value => typeof value === "function"); return getter?.(); } const AppearanceSettingsProto = proxyLazy(() => searchProtoClass("appearance", PreloadedUserSettingsProtoHandler.ProtoClass)); const ClientThemeSettingsProto = proxyLazy(() => searchProtoClass("clientThemeSettings", AppearanceSettingsProto)); const USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS = 1n << 18n; const USE_EXTERNAL_STICKERS = 1n << 37n; const enum EmojiIntentions { REACTION = 0, STATUS = 1, COMMUNITY_CONTENT = 2, CHAT = 3, GUILD_STICKER_RELATED_EMOJI = 4, GUILD_ROLE_BENEFIT_EMOJI = 5, COMMUNITY_CONTENT_ONLY = 6, SOUNDBOARD = 7 } const enum StickerType { PNG = 1, APNG = 2, LOTTIE = 3, // don't think you can even have gif stickers but the docs have it GIF = 4 } interface BaseSticker { available: boolean; description: string; format_type: number; id: string; name: string; tags: string; type: number; } interface GuildSticker extends BaseSticker { guild_id: string; } interface DiscordSticker extends BaseSticker { pack_id: string; } type Sticker = GuildSticker | DiscordSticker; interface StickerPack { id: string; name: string; sku_id: string; description: string; cover_sticker_id: string; banner_asset_id: string; stickers: Sticker[]; } const fakeNitroEmojiRegex = /\/emojis\/(\d+?)\.(png|webp|gif)/; const fakeNitroStickerRegex = /\/stickers\/(\d+?)\./; const fakeNitroGifStickerRegex = /\/attachments\/\d+?\/\d+?\/(\d+?)\.gif/; const settings = definePluginSettings({ enableEmojiBypass: { description: "Allow sending fake emojis", type: OptionType.BOOLEAN, default: true, restartNeeded: true }, emojiSize: { description: "Size of the emojis when sending", type: OptionType.SLIDER, default: 48, markers: [32, 48, 64, 128, 160, 256, 512] }, transformEmojis: { description: "Whether to transform fake emojis into real ones", type: OptionType.BOOLEAN, default: true, restartNeeded: true }, enableStickerBypass: { description: "Allow sending fake stickers", type: OptionType.BOOLEAN, default: true, restartNeeded: true }, stickerSize: { description: "Size of the stickers when sending", type: OptionType.SLIDER, default: 160, markers: [32, 64, 128, 160, 256, 512] }, transformStickers: { description: "Whether to transform fake stickers into real ones", type: OptionType.BOOLEAN, default: true, restartNeeded: true }, transformCompoundSentence: { description: "Whether to transform fake stickers and emojis in compound sentences (sentences with more content than just the fake emoji or sticker link)", type: OptionType.BOOLEAN, default: false }, enableStreamQualityBypass: { description: "Allow streaming in nitro quality", type: OptionType.BOOLEAN, default: true, restartNeeded: true } }); export default definePlugin({ name: "FakeNitro", authors: [Devs.Arjix, Devs.D3SOX, Devs.Ven, Devs.obscurity, Devs.captain, Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.AutumnVN], description: "Allows you to stream in nitro quality, send fake emojis/stickers and use client themes.", dependencies: ["MessageEventsAPI"], settings, patches: [ { find: ".PREMIUM_LOCKED;", predicate: () => settings.store.enableEmojiBypass, replacement: [ { match: /(?<=(\i)=\i\.intention)/, replace: (_, intention) => `,fakeNitroIntention=${intention}` }, { match: /\.(?:canUseEmojisEverywhere|canUseAnimatedEmojis)\(\i(?=\))/g, replace: '$&,typeof fakeNitroIntention!=="undefined"?fakeNitroIntention:void 0' }, { match: /(&&!\i&&)!(\i)(?=\)return \i\.\i\.DISALLOW_EXTERNAL;)/, replace: (_, rest, canUseExternal) => `${rest}(!${canUseExternal}&&(typeof fakeNitroIntention==="undefined"||![${EmojiIntentions.CHAT},${EmojiIntentions.GUILD_STICKER_RELATED_EMOJI}].includes(fakeNitroIntention)))` }, { match: /if\(!\i\.available/, replace: m => `${m}&&(typeof fakeNitroIntention==="undefined"||![${EmojiIntentions.CHAT},${EmojiIntentions.GUILD_STICKER_RELATED_EMOJI}].includes(fakeNitroIntention))` } ] }, { find: "canUseAnimatedEmojis:function", predicate: () => settings.store.enableEmojiBypass, replacement: { match: /((?:canUseEmojisEverywhere|canUseAnimatedEmojis):function\(\i)\){(.+?\))/g, replace: (_, rest, premiumCheck) => `${rest},fakeNitroIntention){${premiumCheck}||fakeNitroIntention==null||[${EmojiIntentions.CHAT},${EmojiIntentions.GUILD_STICKER_RELATED_EMOJI}].includes(fakeNitroIntention)` } }, { find: "canUseStickersEverywhere:function", predicate: () => settings.store.enableStickerBypass, replacement: { match: /canUseStickersEverywhere:function\(\i\){/, replace: "$&return true;" }, }, { find: "\"SENDABLE\"", predicate: () => settings.store.enableStickerBypass, replacement: { match: /(\w+)\.available\?/, replace: "true?" } }, { find: "canStreamHighQuality:function", predicate: () => settings.store.enableStreamQualityBypass, replacement: [ "canUseHighVideoUploadQuality", "canStreamHighQuality", "canStreamMidQuality" ].map(func => { return { match: new RegExp(`${func}:function\\(\\i\\){`), replace: "$&return true;" }; }) }, { find: "STREAM_FPS_OPTION.format", predicate: () => settings.store.enableStreamQualityBypass, replacement: { match: /(userPremiumType|guildPremiumTier):.{0,10}TIER_\d,?/g, replace: "" } }, { find: "canUseClientThemes:function", replacement: { match: /canUseClientThemes:function\(\i\){/, replace: "$&return true;" } }, { find: '.displayName="UserSettingsProtoStore"', replacement: [ { match: /CONNECTION_OPEN:function\((\i)\){/, replace: (m, props) => `${m}$self.handleProtoChange(${props}.userSettingsProto,${props}.user);` }, { match: /=(\i)\.local;/, replace: (m, props) => `${m}${props}.local||$self.handleProtoChange(${props}.settings.proto);` } ] }, { find: "updateTheme:function", replacement: { match: /(function \i\(\i\){var (\i)=\i\.backgroundGradientPresetId.+?)(\i\.\i\.updateAsync.+?theme=(.+?);.+?\),\i\))/, replace: (_, rest, backgroundGradientPresetId, originalCall, theme) => `${rest}$self.handleGradientThemeSelect(${backgroundGradientPresetId},${theme},()=>${originalCall});` } }, { find: '["strong","em","u","text","inlineCode","s","spoiler"]', replacement: [ { predicate: () => settings.store.transformEmojis, match: /1!==(\i)\.length\|\|1!==\i\.length/, replace: (m, content) => `${m}||$self.shouldKeepEmojiLink(${content}[0])` }, { predicate: () => settings.store.transformEmojis || settings.store.transformStickers, match: /(?=return{hasSpoilerEmbeds:\i,content:(\i)})/, replace: (_, content) => `${content}=$self.patchFakeNitroEmojisOrRemoveStickersLinks(${content},arguments[2]?.formatInline);` } ] }, { find: "renderEmbeds=function", replacement: [ { predicate: () => settings.store.transformEmojis || settings.store.transformStickers, match: /(renderEmbeds=function\((\i)\){)(.+?embeds\.map\(\(function\((\i)\){)/, replace: (_, rest1, message, rest2, embed) => `${rest1}const fakeNitroMessage=${message};${rest2}if($self.shouldIgnoreEmbed(${embed},fakeNitroMessage))return null;` }, { predicate: () => settings.store.transformStickers, match: /renderStickersAccessories=function\((\i)\){var (\i)=\(0,\i\.\i\)\(\i\),/, replace: (m, message, stickers) => `${m}${stickers}=$self.patchFakeNitroStickers(${stickers},${message}),` }, { predicate: () => settings.store.transformStickers, match: /renderAttachments=function\(\i\){var (\i)=\i.attachments.+?;/, replace: (m, attachments) => `${m}${attachments}=$self.filterAttachments(${attachments});` } ] }, { find: ".STICKER_IN_MESSAGE_HOVER,", predicate: () => settings.store.transformStickers, replacement: [ { match: /var (\i)=\i\.renderableSticker,.{0,50}closePopout.+?channel:\i,closePopout:\i,/, replace: (m, renderableSticker) => `${m}renderableSticker:${renderableSticker},` }, { match: /(emojiSection.{0,50}description:)(\i)(?<=(\i)\.sticker,.+?)(?=,)/, replace: (_, rest, reactNode, props) => `${rest}$self.addFakeNotice("STICKER",${reactNode},!!${props}.renderableSticker?.fake)` } ] }, { find: ".Messages.EMOJI_POPOUT_PREMIUM_JOINED_GUILD_DESCRIPTION", predicate: () => settings.store.transformEmojis, replacement: { match: /((\i)=\i\.node,\i=\i\.emojiSourceDiscoverableGuild)(.+?return )(.{0,450}Messages\.EMOJI_POPOUT_PREMIUM_JOINED_GUILD_DESCRIPTION.+?}\))/, replace: (_, rest1, node, rest2, reactNode) => `${rest1},fakeNitroNode=${node}${rest2}$self.addFakeNotice("EMOJI",${reactNode},fakeNitroNode.fake)` } } ], get guildId() { return getCurrentGuild()?.id; }, get canUseEmotes() { return (UserStore.getCurrentUser().premiumType ?? 0) > 0; }, get canUseStickers() { return (UserStore.getCurrentUser().premiumType ?? 0) > 1; }, handleProtoChange(proto: any, user: any) { if (proto == null || typeof proto === "string" || !UserSettingsProtoStore || (!proto.appearance && !AppearanceSettingsProto)) return; const premiumType: number = user?.premium_type ?? UserStore?.getCurrentUser()?.premiumType ?? 0; if (premiumType !== 2) { proto.appearance ??= AppearanceSettingsProto.create(); if (UserSettingsProtoStore.settings.appearance?.theme != null) { proto.appearance.theme = UserSettingsProtoStore.settings.appearance.theme; } if (UserSettingsProtoStore.settings.appearance?.clientThemeSettings?.backgroundGradientPresetId?.value != null && ClientThemeSettingsProto) { const clientThemeSettingsDummyProto = ClientThemeSettingsProto.create({ backgroundGradientPresetId: { value: UserSettingsProtoStore.settings.appearance.clientThemeSettings.backgroundGradientPresetId.value } }); proto.appearance.clientThemeSettings ??= clientThemeSettingsDummyProto; proto.appearance.clientThemeSettings.backgroundGradientPresetId = clientThemeSettingsDummyProto.backgroundGradientPresetId; } } }, handleGradientThemeSelect(backgroundGradientPresetId: number | undefined, theme: number, original: () => void) { const premiumType = UserStore?.getCurrentUser()?.premiumType ?? 0; if (premiumType === 2 || backgroundGradientPresetId == null) return original(); if (!AppearanceSettingsProto || !ClientThemeSettingsProto || !ReaderFactory) return; const currentAppearanceProto = PreloadedUserSettingsProtoHandler.getCurrentValue().appearance; const newAppearanceProto = currentAppearanceProto != null ? AppearanceSettingsProto.fromBinary(AppearanceSettingsProto.toBinary(currentAppearanceProto), ReaderFactory) : AppearanceSettingsProto.create(); newAppearanceProto.theme = theme; const clientThemeSettingsDummyProto = ClientThemeSettingsProto.create({ backgroundGradientPresetId: { value: backgroundGradientPresetId } }); newAppearanceProto.clientThemeSettings ??= clientThemeSettingsDummyProto; newAppearanceProto.clientThemeSettings.backgroundGradientPresetId = clientThemeSettingsDummyProto.backgroundGradientPresetId; const proto = PreloadedUserSettingsProtoHandler.ProtoClass.create(); proto.appearance = newAppearanceProto; FluxDispatcher.dispatch({ type: "USER_SETTINGS_PROTO_UPDATE", local: true, partial: true, settings: { type: 1, proto } }); }, trimContent(content: Array) { const firstContent = content[0]; if (typeof firstContent === "string") content[0] = firstContent.trimStart(); if (content[0] === "") content.shift(); const lastIndex = content.length - 1; const lastContent = content[lastIndex]; if (typeof lastContent === "string") content[lastIndex] = lastContent.trimEnd(); if (content[lastIndex] === "") content.pop(); }, clearEmptyArrayItems(array: Array) { return array.filter(item => item != null); }, ensureChildrenIsArray(child: ReactElement) { if (!Array.isArray(child.props.children)) child.props.children = [child.props.children]; }, patchFakeNitroEmojisOrRemoveStickersLinks(content: Array, inline: boolean) { // If content has more than one child or it's a single ReactElement like a header or list if ((content.length > 1 || typeof content[0]?.type === "string") && !settings.store.transformCompoundSentence) return content; let nextIndex = content.length; const transformLinkChild = (child: ReactElement) => { if (settings.store.transformEmojis) { const fakeNitroMatch = child.props.href.match(fakeNitroEmojiRegex); if (fakeNitroMatch) { let url: URL | null = null; try { url = new URL(child.props.href); } catch { } const emojiName = EmojiStore.getCustomEmojiById(fakeNitroMatch[1])?.name ?? url?.searchParams.get("name") ?? "FakeNitroEmoji"; return Parser.defaultRules.customEmoji.react({ jumboable: !inline && content.length === 1 && typeof content[0].type !== "string", animated: fakeNitroMatch[2] === "gif", emojiId: fakeNitroMatch[1], name: emojiName, fake: true }, void 0, { key: String(nextIndex++) }); } } if (settings.store.transformStickers) { if (fakeNitroStickerRegex.test(child.props.href)) return null; const gifMatch = child.props.href.match(fakeNitroGifStickerRegex); if (gifMatch) { // There is no way to differentiate a regular gif attachment from a fake nitro animated sticker, so we check if the StickerStore contains the id of the fake sticker if (StickerStore.getStickerById(gifMatch[1])) return null; } } return child; }; const transformChild = (child: ReactElement) => { if (child?.props?.trusted != null) return transformLinkChild(child); if (child?.props?.children != null) { if (!Array.isArray(child.props.children)) { child.props.children = modifyChild(child.props.children); return child; } child.props.children = modifyChildren(child.props.children); if (child.props.children.length === 0) return null; return child; } return child; }; const modifyChild = (child: ReactElement) => { const newChild = transformChild(child); if (newChild?.type === "ul" || newChild?.type === "ol") { this.ensureChildrenIsArray(newChild); if (newChild.props.children.length === 0) return null; let listHasAnItem = false; for (const [index, child] of newChild.props.children.entries()) { if (child == null) { delete newChild.props.children[index]; continue; } this.ensureChildrenIsArray(child); if (child.props.children.length > 0) listHasAnItem = true; else delete newChild.props.children[index]; } if (!listHasAnItem) return null; newChild.props.children = this.clearEmptyArrayItems(newChild.props.children); } return newChild; }; const modifyChildren = (children: Array) => { for (const [index, child] of children.entries()) children[index] = modifyChild(child); children = this.clearEmptyArrayItems(children); this.trimContent(children); return children; }; try { return modifyChildren(window._.cloneDeep(content)); } catch (err) { new Logger("FakeNitro").error(err); return content; } }, patchFakeNitroStickers(stickers: Array, message: Message) { const itemsToMaybePush: Array = []; const contentItems = message.content.split(/\s/); if (settings.store.transformCompoundSentence) itemsToMaybePush.push(...contentItems); else if (contentItems.length === 1) itemsToMaybePush.push(contentItems[0]); itemsToMaybePush.push(...message.attachments.filter(attachment => attachment.content_type === "image/gif").map(attachment => attachment.url)); for (const item of itemsToMaybePush) { if (!settings.store.transformCompoundSentence && !item.startsWith("http")) continue; const imgMatch = item.match(fakeNitroStickerRegex); if (imgMatch) { let url: URL | null = null; try { url = new URL(item); } catch { } const stickerName = StickerStore.getStickerById(imgMatch[1])?.name ?? url?.searchParams.get("name") ?? "FakeNitroSticker"; stickers.push({ format_type: 1, id: imgMatch[1], name: stickerName, fake: true }); continue; } const gifMatch = item.match(fakeNitroGifStickerRegex); if (gifMatch) { if (!StickerStore.getStickerById(gifMatch[1])) continue; const stickerName = StickerStore.getStickerById(gifMatch[1])?.name ?? "FakeNitroSticker"; stickers.push({ format_type: 2, id: gifMatch[1], name: stickerName, fake: true }); } } return stickers; }, shouldIgnoreEmbed(embed: Message["embeds"][number], message: Message) { const contentItems = message.content.split(/\s/); if (contentItems.length > 1 && !settings.store.transformCompoundSentence) return false; switch (embed.type) { case "image": { if ( !settings.store.transformCompoundSentence && !contentItems.includes(embed.url!) && !contentItems.includes(embed.image?.proxyURL!) ) return false; if (settings.store.transformEmojis) { if (fakeNitroEmojiRegex.test(embed.url!)) return true; } if (settings.store.transformStickers) { if (fakeNitroStickerRegex.test(embed.url!)) return true; const gifMatch = embed.url!.match(fakeNitroGifStickerRegex); if (gifMatch) { // There is no way to differentiate a regular gif attachment from a fake nitro animated sticker, so we check if the StickerStore contains the id of the fake sticker if (StickerStore.getStickerById(gifMatch[1])) return true; } } break; } } return false; }, filterAttachments(attachments: Message["attachments"]) { return attachments.filter(attachment => { if (attachment.content_type !== "image/gif") return true; const match = attachment.url.match(fakeNitroGifStickerRegex); if (match) { // There is no way to differentiate a regular gif attachment from a fake nitro animated sticker, so we check if the StickerStore contains the id of the fake sticker if (StickerStore.getStickerById(match[1])) return false; } return true; }); }, shouldKeepEmojiLink(link: any) { return link.target && fakeNitroEmojiRegex.test(link.target); }, addFakeNotice(type: "STICKER" | "EMOJI", node: Array, fake: boolean) { if (!fake) return node; node = Array.isArray(node) ? node : [node]; switch (type) { case "STICKER": { node.push(" This is a FakeNitro sticker and renders like a real sticker only for you. Appears as a link to non-plugin users."); return node; } case "EMOJI": { node.push(" This is a FakeNitro emoji and renders like a real emoji only for you. Appears as a link to non-plugin users."); return node; } } }, hasPermissionToUseExternalEmojis(channelId: string): boolean { const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId); if (!channel || channel.isDM() || channel.isGroupDM() || channel.isMultiUserDM()) return true; return PermissionStore.can(USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS, channel); }, hasPermissionToUseExternalStickers(channelId: string) { const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId); if (!channel || channel.isDM() || channel.isGroupDM() || channel.isMultiUserDM()) return true; return PermissionStore.can(USE_EXTERNAL_STICKERS, channel); }, getStickerLink(stickerId: string) { return `https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/${stickerId}.png?size=${Settings.plugins.FakeNitro.stickerSize}`; }, async sendAnimatedSticker(stickerLink: string, stickerId: string, channelId: string) { const [{ parseURL }, { GIFEncoder, quantize, applyPalette }] = await Promise.all([importApngJs(), getGifEncoder()]); const { frames, width, height } = await parseURL(stickerLink); const gif = new GIFEncoder(); const resolution = Settings.plugins.FakeNitro.stickerSize; const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = resolution; canvas.height = resolution; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d", { willReadFrequently: true })!; const scale = resolution / Math.max(width, height); ctx.scale(scale, scale); let previousFrameData: ImageData; for (const frame of frames) { const { left, top, width, height, img, delay, blendOp, disposeOp } = frame; previousFrameData = ctx.getImageData(left, top, width, height); if (blendOp === ApngBlendOp.SOURCE) { ctx.clearRect(left, top, width, height); } ctx.drawImage(img, left, top, width, height); const { data } = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, resolution, resolution); const palette = quantize(data, 256); const index = applyPalette(data, palette); gif.writeFrame(index, resolution, resolution, { transparent: true, palette, delay }); if (disposeOp === ApngDisposeOp.BACKGROUND) { ctx.clearRect(left, top, width, height); } else if (disposeOp === ApngDisposeOp.PREVIOUS) { ctx.putImageData(previousFrameData, left, top); } } gif.finish(); const file = new File([gif.bytesView()], `${stickerId}.gif`, { type: "image/gif" }); promptToUpload([file], ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId), DRAFT_TYPE); }, start() { const s = settings.store; if (!s.enableEmojiBypass && !s.enableStickerBypass) { return; } function getWordBoundary(origStr: string, offset: number) { return (!origStr[offset] || /\s/.test(origStr[offset])) ? "" : " "; } this.preSend = addPreSendListener((channelId, messageObj, extra) => { const { guildId } = this; stickerBypass: { if (!s.enableStickerBypass) break stickerBypass; const sticker = StickerStore.getStickerById(extra.stickers?.[0]!); if (!sticker) break stickerBypass; // Discord Stickers are now free yayyy!! :D if ("pack_id" in sticker) break stickerBypass; const canUseStickers = this.canUseStickers && this.hasPermissionToUseExternalStickers(channelId); if (sticker.available !== false && (canUseStickers || sticker.guild_id === guildId)) break stickerBypass; const link = this.getStickerLink(sticker.id); if (sticker.format_type === StickerType.APNG) { this.sendAnimatedSticker(link, sticker.id, channelId); return { cancel: true }; } else { extra.stickers!.length = 0; messageObj.content += ` ${link}&name=${encodeURIComponent(sticker.name)}`; } } if (s.enableEmojiBypass) { const canUseEmotes = this.canUseEmotes && this.hasPermissionToUseExternalEmojis(channelId); for (const emoji of messageObj.validNonShortcutEmojis) { if (!emoji.require_colons) continue; if (emoji.available !== false && canUseEmotes) continue; if (emoji.guildId === guildId && !emoji.animated) continue; const emojiString = `<${emoji.animated ? "a" : ""}:${emoji.originalName || emoji.name}:${emoji.id}>`; const url = emoji.url.replace(/\?size=\d+/, "?" + new URLSearchParams({ size: Settings.plugins.FakeNitro.emojiSize, name: encodeURIComponent(emoji.name) })); messageObj.content = messageObj.content.replace(emojiString, (match, offset, origStr) => { return `${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset - 1)}${url}${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset + match.length)}`; }); } } return { cancel: false }; }); this.preEdit = addPreEditListener((channelId, __, messageObj) => { if (!s.enableEmojiBypass) return; const canUseEmotes = this.canUseEmotes && this.hasPermissionToUseExternalEmojis(channelId); const { guildId } = this; messageObj.content = messageObj.content.replace(/(?/ig, (emojiStr, emojiId, offset, origStr) => { const emoji = EmojiStore.getCustomEmojiById(emojiId); if (emoji == null) return emojiStr; if (!emoji.require_colons) return emojiStr; if (emoji.available !== false && canUseEmotes) return emojiStr; if (emoji.guildId === guildId && !emoji.animated) return emojiStr; const url = emoji.url.replace(/\?size=\d+/, "?" + new URLSearchParams({ size: Settings.plugins.FakeNitro.emojiSize, name: encodeURIComponent(emoji.name) })); return `${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset - 1)}${url}${getWordBoundary(origStr, offset + emojiStr.length)}`; }); }); }, stop() { removePreSendListener(this.preSend); removePreEditListener(this.preEdit); } });