/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import { DataStore, Notices } from "@api/index"; import { showNotification } from "@api/Notifications"; import { ChannelStore, GuildStore, RelationshipStore, UserUtils } from "@webpack/common"; import settings from "./settings"; import { ChannelType, RelationshipType, SimpleGroupChannel, SimpleGuild } from "./types"; const guilds = new Map(); const groups = new Map(); const friends = { friends: [] as string[], requests: [] as string[] }; export async function syncAndRunChecks() { const [oldGuilds, oldGroups, oldFriends] = await DataStore.getMany([ "relationship-notifier-guilds", "relationship-notifier-groups", "relationship-notifier-friends" ]) as [Map | undefined, Map | undefined, Record<"friends" | "requests", string[]> | undefined]; await Promise.all([syncGuilds(), syncGroups(), syncFriends()]); if (settings.store.offlineRemovals) { if (settings.store.groups && oldGroups?.size) { for (const [id, group] of oldGroups) { if (!groups.has(id)) notify(`You are no longer in the group ${group.name}.`, group.iconURL); } } if (settings.store.servers && oldGuilds?.size) { for (const [id, guild] of oldGuilds) { if (!guilds.has(id)) notify(`You are no longer in the server ${guild.name}.`, guild.iconURL); } } if (settings.store.friends && oldFriends?.friends.length) { for (const id of oldFriends.friends) { if (friends.friends.includes(id)) continue; const user = await UserUtils.fetchUser(id).catch(() => void 0); if (user) notify(`You are no longer friends with ${user.tag}.`, user.getAvatarURL(undefined, undefined, false)); } } if (settings.store.friendRequestCancels && oldFriends?.requests?.length) { for (const id of oldFriends.requests) { if (friends.requests.includes(id)) continue; const user = await UserUtils.fetchUser(id).catch(() => void 0); if (user) notify(`Friend request from ${user.tag} has been revoked.`, user.getAvatarURL(undefined, undefined, false)); } } } } export function notify(text: string, icon?: string) { if (settings.store.notices) Notices.showNotice(text, "OK", () => Notices.popNotice()); showNotification({ title: "Relationship Notifier", body: text, icon }); } export function getGuild(id: string) { return guilds.get(id); } export function deleteGuild(id: string) { guilds.delete(id); syncGuilds(); } export async function syncGuilds() { for (const [id, { name, icon }] of Object.entries(GuildStore.getGuilds())) { guilds.set(id, { id, name, iconURL: icon && `https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/${id}/${icon}.png` }); } await DataStore.set("relationship-notifier-guilds", guilds); } export function getGroup(id: string) { return groups.get(id); } export function deleteGroup(id: string) { groups.delete(id); syncGroups(); } export async function syncGroups() { for (const { type, id, name, rawRecipients, icon } of ChannelStore.getSortedPrivateChannels()) { if (type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM) groups.set(id, { id, name: name || rawRecipients.map(r => r.username).join(", "), iconURL: icon && `https://cdn.discordapp.com/channel-icons/${id}/${icon}.png` }); } await DataStore.set("relationship-notifier-groups", groups); } export async function syncFriends() { friends.friends = []; friends.requests = []; const relationShips = RelationshipStore.getRelationships(); for (const id in relationShips) { switch (relationShips[id]) { case RelationshipType.FRIEND: friends.friends.push(id); break; case RelationshipType.FRIEND_REQUEST: friends.requests.push(id); break; } } await DataStore.set("relationship-notifier-friends", friends); }