import { WEBPACK_CHUNK } from './constants'; let webpackChunk: any[]; Object.defineProperty(window, WEBPACK_CHUNK, { get: () => webpackChunk, set: (v) => { // There are two possible values for push. // - Native push with toString result of function push() { [native code] } // - Webpack's push with toString result of function() { [native code] } // We don't want to override the native one, so check for "push" if (v && !v.push.toString().includes("push")) { patchPush(); // @ts-ignore delete window[WEBPACK_CHUNK]; window[WEBPACK_CHUNK] = v; } webpackChunk = v; }, configurable: true }); function patchPush() { function handlePush(chunk) { try { const modules = chunk[1]; const subscriptions = new Set(); const patches = [] as any[]; for (const id in modules) { let mod = modules[id]; let code = mod.toString(); const originalMod = mod; const patchedBy = new Set(); modules[id] = function (module, exports, require) { try { mod(module, exports, require); } catch (err) { // Just rethrow discord errors if (mod === originalMod) throw err; console.error("[Webpack] Error in patched chunk", err); return originalMod(module, exports, require); } for (const [filter, callback] of subscriptions) { try { if (filter(exports)) { subscriptions.delete(filter); callback(exports); } else if (exports.default && filter(exports.default)) { subscriptions.delete(filter); callback(exports.default); } } catch (err) { console.error("[Webpack] Error while firing callback for webpack chunk", err); } } }; for (let i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) { const patch = patches[i]; if (code.includes(patch.find)) { patchedBy.add(patch.plugin); const lastMod = mod; const lastCode = code; try { const newCode = code.replace(patch.replacement.match, patch.replacement.replace); const newMod = (0, eval)(`// Webpack Module ${id} - Patched by ${[...patchedBy].join(", ")}\n${newCode}\n//# sourceURL=WebpackModule${id}`); code = newCode; mod = newMod; patches.splice(i--, 1); } catch (err) { console.error("[Webpack] Failed to apply patch of", patch.plugin, err); code = lastCode; mod = lastMod; patchedBy.delete(patch.plugin); } } } } } catch (err) { console.error("oopsie", err); } return[WEBPACK_CHUNK], chunk); } handlePush.original = window[WEBPACK_CHUNK].push; Object.defineProperty(window[WEBPACK_CHUNK], "push", { get: () => handlePush, set: (v) => (handlePush.original = v), configurable: true }); }