
387 lines
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* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import "./style.css";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/settings";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { ChannelStore, PermissionStore, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
import { Channel } from "discord-types/general";
import HiddenChannelLockScreen, { setChannelBeginHeaderComponent, setEmojiComponent } from "./components/HiddenChannelLockScreen";
const ChannelListClasses = findByPropsLazy("channelName", "subtitle", "modeMuted", "iconContainer");
const VIEW_CHANNEL = 1n << 10n;
enum ShowMode {
const settings = definePluginSettings({
hideUnreads: {
description: "Hide Unreads",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
restartNeeded: true
showMode: {
description: "The mode used to display hidden channels.",
type: OptionType.SELECT,
options: [
{ label: "Plain style with Lock Icon instead", value: ShowMode.LockIcon, default: true },
{ label: "Muted style with hidden eye icon on the right", value: ShowMode.HiddenIconWithMutedStyle },
restartNeeded: true
export default definePlugin({
name: "ShowHiddenChannels",
description: "Show channels that you do not have access to view.",
authors: [Devs.BigDuck, Devs.AverageReactEnjoyer, Devs.D3SOX, Devs.Ven, Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.Nickyux, Devs.dzshn],
patches: [
// RenderLevel defines if a channel is hidden, collapsed in category, visible, etc
find: ".CannotShow=",
// These replacements only change the necessary CannotShow's
replacement: [
match: /(?<=isChannelGatedAndVisible\(this\.record\.guild_id,this\.record\.id\).+?renderLevel:)(\i)\..+?(?=,)/,
replace: (_, RenderLevels) => `this.category.isCollapsed?${RenderLevels}.WouldShowIfUncollapsed:${RenderLevels}.Show`
// Move isChannelGatedAndVisible renderLevel logic to the bottom to not show hidden channels in case they are muted
match: /(?<=(if\(!\i\.\i\.can\(\i\.\i\.VIEW_CHANNEL.+?{)if\(this\.id===\i\).+?};)(if\(!\i\.\i\.isChannelGatedAndVisible\(.+?})(.+?)(?=return{renderLevel:\i\.Show.{0,40}?return \i)/,
replace: (_, permissionCheck, isChannelGatedAndVisibleCondition, rest) => `${rest}${permissionCheck}${isChannelGatedAndVisibleCondition}}`
match: /(?<=renderLevel:(\i\(this,\i\)\?\i\.Show:\i\.WouldShowIfUncollapsed).+?renderLevel:).+?(?=,)/,
replace: (_, renderLevelExpression) => renderLevelExpression
match: /(?<=activeJoinedRelevantThreads.+?renderLevel:.+?,threadIds:\i\(this.record.+?renderLevel:)(\i)\..+?(?=,)/,
replace: (_, RenderLevels) => `${RenderLevels}.Show`
match: /(?<=getRenderLevel=function.+?return ).+?\?(.+?):\i\.CannotShow(?=})/,
replace: (_, renderLevelExpressionWithoutPermCheck) => renderLevelExpressionWithoutPermCheck
find: "VoiceChannel, transitionTo: Channel does not have a guildId",
replacement: [
// Do not show confirmation to join a voice channel when already connected to another if clicking on a hidden voice channel
match: /(?<=getCurrentClientVoiceChannelId\((\i)\.guild_id\);if\()/,
replace: (_, channel) => `!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})&&`
// Make Discord think we are connected to a voice channel so it shows us inside it
match: /(?=\|\|\i\.default\.selectVoiceChannel\((\i)\.id\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `||$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
// Make Discord think we are connected to a voice channel so it shows us inside it
match: /(?<=\|\|\i\.default\.selectVoiceChannel\((\i)\.id\);!__OVERLAY__&&\()/,
replace: (_, channel) => `$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})||`
find: "VoiceChannel.renderPopout: There must always be something to render",
replacement: [
// Render null instead of the buttons if the channel is hidden
].map(func => ({
match: new RegExp(`(?<=${func}=function\\(\\){)`, "g"), // Global because Discord has multiple declarations of the same functions
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel( null;"
predicate: () => === ShowMode.LockIcon,
replacement: {
// Lock Icon
match: /(?=switch\((\i)\.type\).{0,30}\.GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT.{0,30}\(0,\i\.\i\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `if($self.isHiddenChannel(${channel}))return $self.LockIcon;`
predicate: () => === ShowMode.HiddenIconWithMutedStyle,
replacement: [
// Make the channel appear as muted if it's hidden
match: /(?<=\i\.name,\i=)(?=(\i)\.muted)/,
replace: (_, props) => `$self.isHiddenChannel(${props}.channel)?true:`
// Add the hidden eye icon if the channel is hidden
match: /\(\).children.+?:null(?<=(\i)=\i\.channel,.+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m},$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?$self.HiddenChannelIcon():null`
// Make voice channels also appear as muted if they are muted
match: /(?<=\.wrapper:\i\(\)\.notInteractive,)(.+?)((\i)\?\i\.MUTED)/,
replace: (_, otherClasses, mutedClassExpression, isMuted) => `${mutedClassExpression}:"",${otherClasses}${isMuted}?""`
replacement: [
// Make muted channels also appear as unread if hide unreads is false, using the HiddenIconWithMutedStyle and the channel is hidden
predicate: () => === false && === ShowMode.HiddenIconWithMutedStyle,
match: /\.LOCKED:\i(?<=(\i)=\i\.channel,.+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
// Hide unreads
predicate: () => === true,
match: /(?<=\i\.connected,\i=)(?=(\i)\.unread)/,
replace: (_, props) => `$self.isHiddenChannel(${props}.channel)?false:`
// Hide New unreads box for hidden channels
find: '.displayName="ChannelListUnreadsStore"',
replacement: {
match: /(?<=return null!=(\i))(?=.{0,130}?hasRelevantUnread\(\i\))/g, // Global because Discord has multiple methods like that in the same module
replace: (_, channel) => `&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
// Only render the channel header and buttons that work when transitioning to a hidden channel
find: "Missing channel in Channel.renderHeaderToolbar",
replacement: [
match: /(?<=renderHeaderToolbar=function.+?case \i\.\i\.GUILD_TEXT:)(?=.+?;(.+?{channel:(\i)},"notifications"\)\);))/,
replace: (_, pushNotificationButtonExpression, channel) => `if($self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})){${pushNotificationButtonExpression}break;}`
match: /(?<=renderHeaderToolbar=function.+?case \i\.\i\.GUILD_FORUM:if\(!\i\){)(?=.+?;(.+?{channel:(\i)},"notifications"\)\)))/,
replace: (_, pushNotificationButtonExpression, channel) => `if($self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})){${pushNotificationButtonExpression};break;}`
match: /renderMobileToolbar=function.+?case \i\.\i\.GUILD_FORUM:(?<=(\i)\.renderMobileToolbar.+?)/,
replace: (m, that) => `${m}if($self.isHiddenChannel(${that};`
match: /(?<=renderHeaderBar=function.+?hideSearch:(\i)\.isDirectory\(\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `||$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
match: /(?<=renderSidebar=function\(\){)/,
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel( null;"
match: /(?<=renderChat=function\(\){)/,
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel( $self.HiddenChannelLockScreen(;"
// Avoid trying to fetch messages from hidden channels
find: '"MessageManager"',
replacement: {
match: /"Skipping fetch because channelId is a static route"\);else{(?=.+?getChannel\((\i)\))/,
replace: (m, channelId) => `${m}if($self.isHiddenChannel({channelId:${channelId}}))return;`
// Patch keybind handlers so you can't accidentally jump to hidden channels
find: '"alt+shift+down"',
replacement: {
match: /(?<=getChannel\(\i\);return null!=(\i))(?=.{0,130}?hasRelevantUnread\(\i\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
find: '"alt+down"',
replacement: {
match: /(?<=getState\(\)\.channelId.{0,30}?\(0,\i\.\i\)\(\i\))(?=\.map\()/,
replace: ".filter(ch=>!$self.isHiddenChannel(ch))"
// Export the emoji component used on the lock screen
find: 'jumboable?"jumbo":"default"',
replacement: {
match: /jumboable\?"jumbo":"default",emojiId.+?}}\)},(?<=(\i)=function\(\i\){var \i=\i\.node.+?)/,
replace: (m, component) => `${m}shcEmojiComponentExport=($self.setEmojiComponent(${component}),void 0),`
replacement: [
// Export the channel beggining header
match: /computePermissionsForRoles.+?}\)}(?<=function (\i)\(.+?)(?=var)/,
replace: (m, component) => `${m}$self.setChannelBeginHeaderComponent(${component});`
// Patch the header to only return allowed users and roles if it's a hidden channel (Like when it's used on the HiddenChannelLockScreen)
match: /MANAGE_ROLES.{0,60}?return(?=\(.+?(\(0,\i\.jsxs\)\("div",{className:\i\(\)\.members.+?guildId:(\i)\.guild_id.+?roleColor.+?]}\)))/,
replace: (m, component, channel) => `${m} $self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?${component}:`
find: ".Messages.SHOW_CHAT",
replacement: [
// Remove the divider and the open chat button for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /"more-options-popout"\)\);if\((?<=function \i\((\i)\).+?)/,
replace: (m, props) => `${m}(!$self.isHiddenChannel(${props}.channel)||${props}.inCall)&&`
// Render our HiddenChannelLockScreen component instead of the main voice channel component
match: /this\.renderVoiceChannelEffects.+?children:(?<=renderContent=function.+?)/,
replace: "$&!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel($self.HiddenChannelLockScreen("
// Disable gradients for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of voice channels
match: /this\.renderVoiceChannelEffects.+?disableGradients:(?<=renderContent=function.+?)/,
replace: "$&!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(||"
// Disable useless components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of voice channels
match: /(?:{|,)render(?!Header|ExternalHeader).{0,30}?:(?<=renderContent=function.+?)(?!void)/g,
replace: "$&!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel("
find: "Guild voice channel without guild id.",
replacement: [
// Render our HiddenChannelLockScreen component instead of the main stage channel component
match: /Guild voice channel without guild id.+?children:(?<=(\i)\.getGuildId\(\).+?)(?=.{0,20}?}\)}function)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?$self.HiddenChannelLockScreen(${channel}):`
// Disable useless components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /render(?!Header).{0,30}?:(?<=(\i)\.getGuildId\(\).+?Guild voice channel without guild id.+?)/g,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?null:`
// Prevent Discord from replacing our route if we aren't connected to the stage channel
match: /(?=!\i&&!\i&&!\i.{0,80}?(\i)\.getGuildId\(\).{0,50}?Guild voice channel without guild id)(?<=if\()/,
replace: (_, channel) => `!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})&&`
// Disable gradients for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /Guild voice channel without guild id.+?disableGradients:(?<=(\i)\.getGuildId\(\).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})||`
// Disable strange styles applied to the header for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /Guild voice channel without guild id.+?style:(?<=(\i)\.getGuildId\(\).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?undefined:`
// Remove the divider and amount of users in stage channel components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /\(0,\i\.jsx\)\(\i\.\i\.Divider.+?}\)]}\)(?=.+?:(\i)\.guild_id)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?null:(${m})`
// Remove the open chat button for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /"recents".+?null,(?=.{0,120}?channelId:(\i)\.id)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})&&`
2023-03-19 03:53:00 -04:00
find: "\"^/guild-stages/(\\\\d+)(?:/)?(\\\\d+)?\"",
replacement: {
// Make mentions of hidden channels work
match: /\i\.\i\.can\(\i\.\i\.VIEW_CHANNEL,\i\)/,
replace: "true"
find: ".shouldCloseDefaultModals",
replacement: {
// Show inside voice channel instead of trying to join them when clicking on a channel mention
match: /(?<=getChannel\((\i)\)\)(?=.{0,100}?selectVoiceChannel))/,
replace: (_, channelId) => `&&!$self.isHiddenChannel({channelId:${channelId}})`
isHiddenChannel(channel: Channel & { channelId?: string; }) {
if (!channel) return false;
if (channel.channelId) channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(channel.channelId);
if (!channel || channel.isDM() || channel.isGroupDM() || channel.isMultiUserDM()) return false;
return !PermissionStore.can(VIEW_CHANNEL, channel);
HiddenChannelLockScreen: (channel: any) => <HiddenChannelLockScreen channel={channel} />,
LockIcon: () => (
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<path className="shc-evenodd-fill-current-color" d="M17 11V7C17 4.243 14.756 2 12 2C9.242 2 7 4.243 7 7V11C5.897 11 5 11.896 5 13V20C5 21.103 5.897 22 7 22H17C18.103 22 19 21.103 19 20V13C19 11.896 18.103 11 17 11ZM12 18C11.172 18 10.5 17.328 10.5 16.5C10.5 15.672 11.172 15 12 15C12.828 15 13.5 15.672 13.5 16.5C13.5 17.328 12.828 18 12 18ZM15 11H9V7C9 5.346 10.346 4 12 4C13.654 4 15 5.346 15 7V11Z" />
HiddenChannelIcon: ErrorBoundary.wrap(() => (
<Tooltip text="Hidden Channel">
{({ onMouseLeave, onMouseEnter }) => (
className={ChannelListClasses.icon + " " + "shc-hidden-channel-icon"}
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<path className="shc-evenodd-fill-current-color" d="m19.8 22.6-4.2-4.15q-.875.275-1.762.413Q12.95 19 12 19q-3.775 0-6.725-2.087Q2.325 14.825 1 11.5q.525-1.325 1.325-2.463Q3.125 7.9 4.15 7L1.4 4.2l1.4-1.4 18.4 18.4ZM12 16q.275 0 .512-.025.238-.025.513-.1l-5.4-5.4q-.075.275-.1.513-.025.237-.025.512 0 1.875 1.312 3.188Q10.125 16 12 16Zm7.3.45-3.175-3.15q.175-.425.275-.862.1-.438.1-.938 0-1.875-1.312-3.188Q13.875 7 12 7q-.5 0-.938.1-.437.1-.862.3L7.65 4.85q1.025-.425 2.1-.638Q10.825 4 12 4q3.775 0 6.725 2.087Q21.675 8.175 23 11.5q-.575 1.475-1.512 2.738Q20.55 15.5 19.3 16.45Zm-4.625-4.6-3-3q.7-.125 1.012.688.425.45.613 1.162Z" />
), { noop: true })