# StellarisMods Source code repository for my Stellaris mods. ## Archaeo Jump Drive This mod adds a new Jump Drive, gated behind the __Archaeoengineers__ Ascension Perk. Upon choosing the __Archaeoengineers__ Ascension Perk, an event will fire giving the player the __Ancient Jump Calculations__ technology. If the player already has the __Jump Drive__ technology, then a new rare/dangerous society technology will unlock called __Archaeo Jump Drive__. Once it has been researched, the player will unlock the __Archaeo Jump Drive__ ship component to use on their ships. It is meant to be superior to the Psi Jump Drive, however as of writing the balancing is not final yet and suggestions are welcome. ### Compatibility This mod overwrites the vanilla __Archaeoengineers__ Ascension Perk and the __Psi Jump Drive__. ### Localization This mod supports the following languages: * English * Brazilian Portuguese If you'd like to add more, reach out to me on [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/robloxgalaxy) or submit a [pull request](https://github.com/SeaswimmerTheFsh/StellarisMods/pulls). [](https://discord.gg/bHVez2C)