  "author" : ["cswimr"],
  "install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Aurora!\nMost of this cog's functionality requires enabling slash commands.\nYou can find the source code of this cog [here](https://coastalcommits.com/cswimr/SeaCogs).",
  "name" : "Aurora",
  "short" : "A full replacement for Red's core Mod cogs.",
  "description" : "Aurora is a fully-featured moderation system. It is heavily inspired by GalacticBot, and is designed to be a more user-friendly alternative to Red's core Mod cogs. This cog stores all of its data in an SQLite database.",
  "end_user_data_statement" : "This cog stores the following information:\n- User IDs of accounts who moderate users or are moderated\n- Guild IDs of guilds with the cog enabled\n- Timestamps of moderations\n- Other information relating to moderations",
  "hidden": false,
  "disabled": false,
  "min_bot_version": "3.5.0",
  "min_python_version": [3, 10, 0],
  "tags": [