# _____ _ # / ____| (_) # | (___ ___ __ _ _____ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ # \___ \ / _ \/ _` / __\ \ /\ / / | '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__| # ____) | __/ (_| \__ \\ V V /| | | | | | | | | | | | __/ | # |_____/ \___|\__,_|___/ \_/\_/ |_|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| import contextlib import json import re from red_commons.logging import getLogger from redbot.cogs.downloader import errors from redbot.cogs.downloader.converters import InstalledCog from redbot.core import commands from redbot.core.bot import Red from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import bold, error, humanize_list, text_to_file # pylint: disable=protected-access class Backup(commands.Cog): """A utility to make reinstalling repositories and cogs after migrating the bot far easier.""" __author__ = ["[cswimr](https://www.coastalcommits.com/cswimr)"] __git__ = "https://www.coastalcommits.com/cswimr/SeaCogs" __version__ = "1.1.1" __documentation__ = "https://seacogs.coastalcommits.com/backup/" def __init__(self, bot: Red): super().__init__() self.bot = bot self.logger = getLogger("red.SeaCogs.Backup") def format_help_for_context(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> str: pre_processed = super().format_help_for_context(ctx) or "" n = "\n" if "\n\n" not in pre_processed else "" text = [ f"{pre_processed}{n}", f"{bold('Cog Version:')} [{self.__version__}]({self.__git__})", f"{bold('Author:')} {humanize_list(self.__author__)}", f"{bold('Documentation:')} {self.__documentation__}", ] return "\n".join(text) @commands.group(autohelp=True) @commands.is_owner() async def backup(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Backup your installed cogs.""" @backup.command(name="export") @commands.is_owner() async def backup_export(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Export your installed repositories and cogs to a file.""" downloader = ctx.bot.get_cog("Downloader") if downloader is None: await ctx.send( error( f"You do not have the `Downloader` cog loaded. Please run `{ctx.prefix}load downloader` and try again." ) ) return all_repos = list(downloader._repo_manager.repos) export_data = [] for repo in all_repos: repo_dict = { "name": repo.name, "url": repo.url, "branch": repo.branch, "cogs": [], } cogs = await downloader.installed_cogs() for cog in cogs: if cog.repo_name == repo.name: cog_dict = { "name": cog.name, # "loaded": cog.name in ctx.bot.extensions.keys(), # this functionality was planned but never implemented due to Red limitations # and the possibility of restoration functionality being added to Core "pinned": cog.pinned, "commit": cog.commit, } repo_dict["cogs"].append(cog_dict) export_data.append(repo_dict) await ctx.send( file=text_to_file(json.dumps(export_data, indent=4), "backup.json") ) @backup.command(name="import") @commands.is_owner() async def backup_import(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Import your installed repositories and cogs from an export file.""" try: export = json.loads(await ctx.message.attachments[0].read()) except (json.JSONDecodeError, IndexError): try: export = json.loads(await ctx.message.reference.resolved.attachments[0].read()) except (json.JSONDecodeError, IndexError, AttributeError): await ctx.send(error("Please provide a valid JSON export file.")) return downloader = ctx.bot.get_cog("Downloader") if downloader is None: await ctx.send( error( f"You do not have the `Downloader` cog loaded. Please run `{ctx.prefix}load downloader` and try again." ) ) return repo_s = [] uninstall_s = [] install_s = [] repo_e = [] uninstall_e = [] install_e = [] async with ctx.typing(): for repo in export: # Most of this code is from the Downloader cog. name = repo["name"] branch = repo["branch"] url = repo["url"] cogs = repo["cogs"] if "PyLav/Red-Cogs" in url: repo_e.append("PyLav cogs are not supported.") continue if name.startswith(".") or name.endswith("."): repo_e.append( f"Invalid repository name: {name}\nRepository names cannot start or end with a dot." ) continue if re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$", name) is None: repo_e.append( f"Invalid repository name: {name}\nRepository names may only contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and dots." ) continue try: repository = await downloader._repo_manager.add_repo( url, name, branch ) repo_s.append( f"Added repository {name} from {url} on branch {branch}." ) self.logger.debug( "Added repository %s from %s on branch %s", name, url, branch ) except errors.ExistingGitRepo: repo_e.append(f"Repository {name} already exists.") repository = downloader._repo_manager.get_repo( name ) self.logger.debug("Repository %s already exists", name) except errors.AuthenticationError as err: repo_e.append(f"Authentication error while adding repository {name}. See logs for more information.") self.logger.exception( "Something went wrong whilst cloning %s (to revision %s)", url, branch, exc_info=err, ) continue except errors.CloningError as err: repo_e.append( f"Cloning error while adding repository {name}. See logs for more information." ) self.logger.exception( "Something went wrong whilst cloning %s (to revision %s)", url, branch, exc_info=err, ) continue except OSError: repo_e.append( f"OS error while adding repository {name}. See logs for more information." ) self.logger.exception( "Something went wrong trying to add repo %s under name %s", url, name, ) continue cog_modules = [] for cog in cogs: # If you're forking this cog, make sure to change these strings! if cog["name"] == "backup" and "cswimr/SeaCogs" in url: continue try: cog_module = await InstalledCog.convert(ctx, cog["name"]) except commands.BadArgument: uninstall_e.append(f"Failed to uninstall {cog['name']}") continue cog_modules.append(cog_module) for cog in set(cog.name for cog in cog_modules): poss_installed_path = (await downloader.cog_install_path()) / cog if poss_installed_path.exists(): with contextlib.suppress(commands.ExtensionNotLoaded): await ctx.bot.unload_extension(cog) await ctx.bot.remove_loaded_package(cog) await downloader._delete_cog( poss_installed_path ) uninstall_s.append(f"Uninstalled {cog}") self.logger.debug("Uninstalled %s", cog) else: uninstall_e.append(f"Failed to uninstall {cog}") self.logger.warning("Failed to uninstall %s", cog) await downloader._remove_from_installed( cog_modules ) for cog in cogs: cog_name = cog["name"] cog_pinned = cog["pinned"] if cog_pinned: commit = cog["commit"] else: commit = None # If you're forking this cog, make sure to change these strings! if cog_name == "backup" and "cswimr/SeaCogs" in url: continue async with repository.checkout( commit, exit_to_rev=repository.branch ): cogs_c, message = ( await downloader._filter_incorrect_cogs_by_names( repository, [cog_name] ) ) if not cogs_c: install_e.append(message) self.logger.error(message) continue failed_reqs = await downloader._install_requirements( cogs_c ) if failed_reqs: install_e.append( f"Failed to install {cog_name} due to missing requirements: {failed_reqs}" ) self.logger.error( "Failed to install %s due to missing requirements: %s", cog_name, failed_reqs, ) continue installed_cogs, failed_cogs = await downloader._install_cogs( cogs_c ) if repository.available_libraries: installed_libs, failed_libs = ( await repository.install_libraries( target_dir=downloader.SHAREDLIB_PATH, req_target_dir=downloader.LIB_PATH, ) ) else: installed_libs = None failed_libs = None if cog_pinned: for cog in installed_cogs: cog.pinned = True await downloader._save_to_installed( installed_cogs + installed_libs if installed_libs else installed_cogs ) if installed_cogs: installed_cog_name = installed_cogs[0].name install_s.append(f"Installed {installed_cog_name}") self.logger.debug("Installed %s", installed_cog_name) if installed_libs: for lib in installed_libs: install_s.append( f"Installed {lib.name} required for {cog_name}" ) self.logger.debug( "Installed %s required for %s", lib.name, cog_name ) if failed_cogs: failed_cog_name = failed_cogs[0].name install_e.append(f"Failed to install {failed_cog_name}") self.logger.error("Failed to install %s", failed_cog_name) if failed_libs: for lib in failed_libs: install_e.append( f"Failed to install {lib.name} required for {cog_name}" ) self.logger.error( "Failed to install %s required for %s", lib.name, cog_name, ) await ctx.send( "Import complete!", file=text_to_file( f"Repositories:\n{repo_s}\n\nRepository Errors:\n{repo_e}\n\nUninstalled Cogs:\n{uninstall_s}\n\nUninstalled Cogs Errors:\n{uninstall_e}\n\nInstalled Cogs:\n{install_s}\n\nInstalled Cogs Errors:\n{install_e}", "backup.log", ), )