# Bible Bible allows you to get a specific (or random) Bible verse from the [API.Bible](https://scripture.api.bible/) API. This cog does require an api key to work. ## Installation ```bash [p]repo add seacogs https://www.coastalcommits.com/cswimr/SeaCogs [p]cog install seacogs bible [p]cog load bible ``` ## Setup This cog requires an [API.Bible](https://scripture.api.bible/) API key to function. You can sign up for an account [here](https://scripture.api.bible/signup). This will also generate your first API key for you. Then, you can use `[p]set api` to set the API key. Make sure your formatting matches the screenshot below. ![image](img/bible/set-api.png) ## Commands ### bible passage - Usage: `[p]bible passage ` - Aliases: `verse` Get a Bible passage. Example usage: `[p]bible passage Genesis 1:1` `[p]bible passage John 3:16-3:17` ### bible random - Usage: `[p]bible random` Get a random Bible verse.