misc(moderation): moved a bunch of functionality to other files to reduce the length of the main file and improve code maintainability
Some checks failed
Pylint / Pylint (3.10) (push) Failing after 48s

This commit is contained in:
SeaswimmerTheFsh 2023-12-17 02:16:44 -05:00
parent 209ca2998d
commit 75109e0834
Signed by: cswimr
GPG key ID: 1EBC234EEDA901AE
6 changed files with 652 additions and 515 deletions

moderation/config.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from Redbot.core import Config
config = Config.get_conf(None, identifier=481923957134912, cog_name="Moderation")

moderation/database.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
import json
import time
import mysql.connector
from datetime import datetime
from discord import Guild
from .utils import generate_dict, get_next_case_number, check_conf
from .config import config
from .logger import logger
async def connect():
"""Connects to the MySQL database, and returns a connection object."""
conf = await check_conf(
["mysql_address", "mysql_database", "mysql_username", "mysql_password"]
if conf:
raise LookupError("MySQL connection details not set properly!")
connection = mysql.connector.connect(
host=await config.mysql_address(),
user=await config.mysql_username(),
password=await config.mysql_password(),
database=await config.mysql_database(),
return connection
except mysql.connector.ProgrammingError as e:
logger.error("Unable to access the MySQL database!\nError:\n%s", e.msg)
raise ConnectionRefusedError(
f"Unable to access the MySQL Database!\n{e.msg}"
) from e
async def create_guild_table(guild: Guild):
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `moderation_{guild.id}`")
logger.debug("MySQL Table exists for server %s (%s)", guild.name, guild.id)
except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError:
query = f"""
CREATE TABLE `moderation_{guild.id}` (
timestamp INT NOT NULL,
moderation_type LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
moderator_id LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
role_id LONGTEXT,
duration LONGTEXT,
end_timestamp INT,
reason LONGTEXT,
resolved BOOL NOT NULL,
resolved_by LONGTEXT,
resolve_reason LONGTEXT,
expired BOOL NOT NULL,
changes JSON NOT NULL,
metadata JSON NOT NULL
index_query_1 = "CREATE INDEX idx_target_id ON moderation_%s(target_id(25));"
cursor.execute(index_query_1, (guild.id,))
index_query_2 = (
"CREATE INDEX idx_moderator_id ON moderation_%s(moderator_id(25));"
cursor.execute(index_query_2, (guild.id,))
index_query_3 = (
"CREATE INDEX idx_moderation_id ON moderation_%s(moderation_id);"
cursor.execute(index_query_3, (guild.id,))
insert_query = f"""
INSERT INTO `moderation_{guild.id}`
(moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_id, moderator_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, resolved, resolved_by, resolve_reason, expired, changes, metadata)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
insert_values = (
cursor.execute(insert_query, insert_values)
"MySQL Table (moderation_%s) created for %s (%s)",
async def mysql_log(
guild_id: str,
author_id: str,
moderation_type: str,
target_id: int,
role_id: int,
reason: str,
database: mysql.connector.MySQLConnection = None,
timestamp: int = None,
resolved: bool = False,
resolved_by: str = None,
resolved_reason: str = None,
expired: bool = None,
changes: list = [],
metadata: dict = {},
): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-argument
if not timestamp:
timestamp = int(time.time())
if duration != "NULL":
end_timedelta = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) + duration
end_timestamp = int(end_timedelta.timestamp())
end_timestamp = 0
if not expired:
if int(time.time()) > end_timestamp:
expired = 1
expired = 0
if resolved_by is None:
resolved_by = "NULL"
if resolved_reason is None:
resolved_reason = "NULL"
if not database:
database = await connect()
close_db = True
close_db = False
cursor = database.cursor()
moderation_id = await get_next_case_number(guild_id=guild_id, cursor=cursor)
sql = f"INSERT INTO `moderation_{guild_id}` (moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_id, moderator_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, resolved, resolved_by, resolve_reason, expired, changes, metadata) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
val = (
cursor.execute(sql, val)
if close_db:
"MySQL row inserted into moderation_%s!\n%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s",
return moderation_id
async def fetch_case(moderation_id: int, guild_id: str):
"""This method fetches a case from the database and returns the case's dictionary."""
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM moderation_%s WHERE moderation_id = %s;"
cursor.execute(query, (guild_id, moderation_id))
result = cursor.fetchone()
return generate_dict(result)

moderation/embed_factory.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
import humanize
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from discord import Color, Embed, Guild, Interaction, InteractionMessage
from .utils import get_next_case_number, fetch_user_dict
async def embed_factory(embed_type: str, color: Color, /, interaction: Interaction = None, case_dict: dict = None, guild: Guild = None, reason: str = None, moderation_type: str = None, response: InteractionMessage = None, duration: timedelta = None, resolved: bool = False):
"""This method creates an embed from set parameters, meant for either moderation logging or contacting the moderated user.
Valid arguments for 'embed_type':
- 'message'
- 'log' - WIP
- 'case'
- 'changes'
Required arguments for 'message':
- guild
- reason
- moderation_type
- response
- duration (optional)
Required arguments for 'log':
- interaction
- case_dict
- resolved (optional)
Required arguments for 'case' & 'changes':
- interaction
- case_dict"""
if embed_type == 'message':
if moderation_type in ["kicked", "banned", "tempbanned", "unbanned"]:
guild_name = guild.name
guild_name = f"[{guild.name}]({response.jump_url})"
if moderation_type in ["tempbanned", "muted"] and duration:
embed_duration = f" for {humanize.precisedelta(duration)}"
embed_duration = ""
if moderation_type == "note":
embed_desc = "received a"
embed_desc = "been"
embed = Embed(title=str.title(moderation_type), description=f"You have {embed_desc} {moderation_type}{embed_duration} in {guild_name}.", color=color, timestamp=datetime.now())
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"`{reason}`")
embed.set_author(name=guild.name, icon_url=guild.icon.url)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Case #{await get_next_case_number(guild.id):,}", icon_url="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1070822161389994054/1159469476773904414/arrow-right-circle-icon-512x512-2p1e2aaw.png?ex=65312319&is=651eae19&hm=3cebdd28e805c13a79ec48ef87c32ca532ffa6b9ede2e48d0cf8e5e81f3a6818&")
return embed
if embed_type == 'case':
target_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['target_id'])
moderator_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['moderator_id'])
target_name = f"`{target_user['name']}`" if target_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{target_user['name']}#{target_user['discriminator']}`"
moderator_name = f"`{moderator_user['name']}`" if moderator_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{moderator_user['name']}#{moderator_user['discriminator']}`"
embed = Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,}", color=color)
embed.description = f"**Type:** {str.title(case_dict['moderation_type'])}\n**Target:** {target_name} ({target_user['id']})\n**Moderator:** {moderator_name} ({moderator_user['id']})\n**Resolved:** {bool(case_dict['resolved'])}\n**Timestamp:** <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}> | <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}:R>"
if case_dict['duration'] != 'NULL':
td = timedelta(**{unit: int(val) for unit, val in zip(["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], case_dict["duration"].split(":"))})
duration_embed = f"{humanize.precisedelta(td)} | <t:{case_dict['end_timestamp']}:R>" if bool(case_dict['expired']) is False else str(humanize.precisedelta(td))
embed.description += f"\n**Duration:** {duration_embed}\n**Expired:** {bool(case_dict['expired'])}"
embed.description += f"\n**Changes:** {len(case_dict['changes'])}"
if case_dict['metadata']:
if case_dict['metadata']['imported_from']:
embed.description += f"\n**Imported From:** {case_dict['metadata']['imported_from']}"
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"```{case_dict['reason']}```", inline=False)
if case_dict['resolved'] == 1:
resolved_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['resolved_by'])
resolved_name = f"`{resolved_user['name']}`" if resolved_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{resolved_user['name']}#{resolved_user['discriminator']}`"
embed.add_field(name='Resolve Reason', value=f"Resolved by {resolved_name} ({resolved_user['id']}) for:\n```{case_dict['resolve_reason']}```", inline=False)
return embed
if embed_type == 'changes':
embed = Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,} Changes", color=color)
memory_dict = {}
if case_dict['changes']:
for change in case_dict['changes']:
if change['user_id'] not in memory_dict:
memory_dict[str(change['user_id'])] = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, change['user_id'])
user = memory_dict[str(change['user_id'])]
name = user['name'] if user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{user['name']}#{user['discriminator']}"
timestamp = f"<t:{change['timestamp']}> | <t:{change['timestamp']}:R>"
if change['type'] == 'ORIGINAL':
embed.add_field(name='Original', value=f"**User:** `{name}` ({user['id']})\n**Reason:** {change['reason']}\n**Timestamp:** {timestamp}", inline=False)
elif change['type'] == 'EDIT':
embed.add_field(name='Edit', value=f"**User:** `{name}` ({user['id']})\n**Reason:** {change['reason']}\n**Timestamp:** {timestamp}", inline=False)
elif change['type'] == 'RESOLVE':
embed.add_field(name='Resolve', value=f"**User:** `{name}` ({user['id']})\n**Reason:** {change['reason']}\n**Timestamp:** {timestamp}", inline=False)
embed.description = "*No changes have been made to this case.* 🙁"
return embed
if embed_type == 'log':
if resolved:
target_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['target_id'])
moderator_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['moderator_id'])
target_name = f"`{target_user['name']}`" if target_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{target_user['name']}#{target_user['discriminator']}`"
moderator_name = moderator_user['name'] if moderator_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{moderator_user['name']}#{moderator_user['discriminator']}"
embed = Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,} Resolved", color=color)
embed.description = f"**Type:** {str.title(case_dict['moderation_type'])}\n**Target:** {target_name} ({target_user['id']})\n**Moderator:** {moderator_name} ({moderator_user['id']})\n**Timestamp:** <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}> | <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}:R>"
if case_dict['duration'] != 'NULL':
td = timedelta(**{unit: int(val) for unit, val in zip(["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], case_dict["duration"].split(":"))})
duration_embed = f"{humanize.precisedelta(td)} | <t:{case_dict['end_timestamp']}:R>" if case_dict["expired"] == '0' else str(humanize.precisedelta(td))
embed.description = embed.description + f"\n**Duration:** {duration_embed}\n**Expired:** {bool(case_dict['expired'])}"
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"```{case_dict['reason']}```", inline=False)
resolved_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['resolved_by'])
resolved_name = resolved_user['name'] if resolved_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{resolved_user['name']}#{resolved_user['discriminator']}"
embed.add_field(name='Resolve Reason', value=f"Resolved by {resolved_name} ({resolved_user['id']}) for:\n```{case_dict['resolve_reason']}```", inline=False)
target_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['target_id'])
moderator_user = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['moderator_id'])
target_name = f"`{target_user['name']}`" if target_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{target_user['name']}#{target_user['discriminator']}`"
moderator_name = moderator_user['name'] if moderator_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{moderator_user['name']}#{moderator_user['discriminator']}"
embed = Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,}", color=color)
embed.description = f"**Type:** {str.title(case_dict['moderation_type'])}\n**Target:** {target_name} ({target_user['id']})\n**Moderator:** {moderator_name} ({moderator_user['id']})\n**Timestamp:** <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}> | <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}:R>"
if case_dict['duration'] != 'NULL':
td = timedelta(**{unit: int(val) for unit, val in zip(["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], case_dict["duration"].split(":"))})
embed.description = embed.description + f"\n**Duration:** {humanize.precisedelta(td)} | <t:{case_dict['end_timestamp']}:R>"
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"```{case_dict['reason']}```", inline=False)
return embed
raise(TypeError("'type' argument is invalid!"))

moderation/logger.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("red.sea.moderation")

View file

@ -5,12 +5,10 @@
# ____) | __/ (_| \__ \\ V V /| | | | | | | | | | | | __/ |
# |_____/ \___|\__,_|___/ \_/\_/ |_|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|
import logging
import json
import time
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Union
import discord
import humanize
import mysql.connector
@ -18,6 +16,10 @@ from discord.ext import tasks
from pytimeparse2 import disable_dateutil, parse
from redbot.core import app_commands, checks, Config, commands, data_manager
from redbot.core.app_commands import Choice
from .database import connect, create_guild_table, fetch_case, mysql_log
from .embed_factory import embed_factory
from .utils import check_conf, check_permissions, check_moddable, fetch_user_dict, generate_dict, log
from .logger import logger
class Moderation(commands.Cog):
"""Custom moderation cog.
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
if requester == "discord_deleted_user":
await self.config.user_from_id(user_id).clear()
database = await self.connect()
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES;")
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
if requester == "user_strict":
await self.config.user_from_id(user_id).clear()
self.logger.warning("Invalid requester passed to red_delete_data_for_user: %s", requester)
logger.warning("Invalid requester passed to red_delete_data_for_user: %s", requester)
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
@ -80,11 +82,10 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
self.handle_expiry.start() # pylint: disable=no-member
self.logger = logging.getLogger('red.sea.moderation')
async def cog_load(self):
"""This method prepares the database schema for all of the guilds the bot is currently in."""
conf = await self.check_conf([
conf = await check_conf([
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
if conf:
self.logger.error("Failed to create tables, due to MySQL connection configuration being unset.")
logger.error("Failed to create tables, due to MySQL connection configuration being unset.")
guilds: list[discord.Guild] = self.bot.guilds
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
async def db_generate_guild_join(self, guild: discord.Guild):
"""This method prepares the database schema whenever the bot joins a guild."""
if not await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, guild):
conf = await self.check_conf([
conf = await check_conf([
@ -120,11 +121,11 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
if conf:
self.logger.error("Failed to create a table for %s, due to MySQL connection configuration being unset.", guild.id)
logger.error("Failed to create a table for %s, due to MySQL connection configuration being unset.", guild.id)
await self.create_guild_table(guild)
await create_guild_table(guild)
except ConnectionRefusedError:
@ -169,446 +170,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await self.mysql_log(entry.guild.id, entry.user.id, moderation_type, entry.target.id, 0, duration, reason)
async def connect(self):
"""Connects to the MySQL database, and returns a connection object."""
conf = await self.check_conf([
if conf:
raise LookupError("MySQL connection details not set properly!")
connection = mysql.connector.connect(
host=await self.config.mysql_address(),
user=await self.config.mysql_username(),
password=await self.config.mysql_password(),
database=await self.config.mysql_database()
return connection
except mysql.connector.ProgrammingError as e:
self.logger.error("Unable to access the MySQL database!\nError:\n%s", e.msg)
raise ConnectionRefusedError(f"Unable to access the MySQL Database!\n{e.msg}") from e
async def create_guild_table(self, guild: discord.Guild):
database = await self.connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `moderation_{guild.id}`")
self.logger.debug("MySQL Table exists for server %s (%s)", guild.name, guild.id)
except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError:
query = f"""
CREATE TABLE `moderation_{guild.id}` (
timestamp INT NOT NULL,
moderation_type LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
moderator_id LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
role_id LONGTEXT,
duration LONGTEXT,
end_timestamp INT,
reason LONGTEXT,
resolved BOOL NOT NULL,
resolved_by LONGTEXT,
resolve_reason LONGTEXT,
expired BOOL NOT NULL,
changes JSON NOT NULL,
metadata JSON NOT NULL
index_query_1 = "CREATE INDEX idx_target_id ON moderation_%s(target_id(25));"
cursor.execute(index_query_1, (guild.id,))
index_query_2 = "CREATE INDEX idx_moderator_id ON moderation_%s(moderator_id(25));"
cursor.execute(index_query_2, (guild.id,))
index_query_3 = "CREATE INDEX idx_moderation_id ON moderation_%s(moderation_id);"
cursor.execute(index_query_3, (guild.id,))
insert_query = f"""
INSERT INTO `moderation_{guild.id}`
(moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_id, moderator_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, resolved, resolved_by, resolve_reason, expired, changes, metadata)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
insert_values = (0, 0, "NULL", 0, 0, 0, "NULL", 0, "NULL", 0, "NULL", "NULL", 0, json.dumps([]), json.dumps({}))
cursor.execute(insert_query, insert_values)
self.logger.debug("MySQL Table (moderation_%s) created for %s (%s)", guild.id, guild.name, guild.id)
async def check_conf(self, config: list):
"""Checks if any required config options are not set."""
not_found_list = []
for item in config:
if await self.config.item() == " ":
return not_found_list
def check_permissions(self, user: discord.User, permissions: list, ctx: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction] = None, guild: discord.Guild = None):
"""Checks if a user has a specific permission (or a list of permissions) in a channel."""
if ctx:
member = ctx.guild.get_member(user.id)
resolved_permissions = ctx.channel.permissions_for(member)
elif guild:
member = guild.get_member(user.id)
resolved_permissions = member.guild_permissions
for permission in permissions:
if not getattr(resolved_permissions, permission, False) and not resolved_permissions.administrator is True:
return permission
return False
async def check_moddable(self, target: Union[discord.User, discord.Member], interaction: discord.Interaction, permissions: list):
"""Checks if a moderator can moderate a target."""
if self.check_permissions(interaction.client.user, permissions, guild=interaction.guild):
await interaction.response.send_message(f"I do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.", ephemeral=True)
return False
if await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).use_discord_permissions() is True:
if self.check_permissions(interaction.user, permissions, guild=interaction.guild):
await interaction.response.send_message(f"You do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.", ephemeral=True)
return False
if interaction.user.id == target.id:
await interaction.response.send_message(content="You cannot moderate yourself!", ephemeral=True)
return False
if target.bot:
await interaction.response.send_message(content="You cannot moderate bots!", ephemeral=True)
return False
if isinstance(target, discord.Member):
if interaction.user.top_role <= target.top_role:
await interaction.response.send_message(content="You cannot moderate members with a higher role than you!", ephemeral=True)
return False
if interaction.guild.get_member(interaction.client.user.id).top_role <= target.top_role:
await interaction.response.send_message(content="You cannot moderate members with a role higher than the bot!", ephemeral=True)
return False
immune_roles = await self.config.guild(target.guild).immune_roles()
for role in target.roles:
if role.id in immune_roles:
await interaction.response.send_message(content="You cannot moderate members with an immune role!", ephemeral=True)
return False
return True
async def mysql_log(self, guild_id: str, author_id: str, moderation_type: str, target_id: int, role_id: int, duration, reason: str, database: mysql.connector.MySQLConnection = None, timestamp: int = None, resolved: bool = False, resolved_by: str = None, resolved_reason: str = None, expired: bool = None, changes: list = [], metadata: dict = {}): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-argument
if not timestamp:
timestamp = int(time.time())
if duration != "NULL":
end_timedelta = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) + duration
end_timestamp = int(end_timedelta.timestamp())
end_timestamp = 0
if not expired:
if int(time.time()) > end_timestamp:
expired = 1
expired = 0
if resolved_by is None:
resolved_by = "NULL"
if resolved_reason is None:
resolved_reason = "NULL"
if not database:
database = await self.connect()
close_db = True
close_db = False
cursor = database.cursor()
moderation_id = await self.get_next_case_number(guild_id=guild_id, cursor=cursor)
sql = f"INSERT INTO `moderation_{guild_id}` (moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_id, moderator_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, resolved, resolved_by, resolve_reason, expired, changes, metadata) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
val = (moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_id, author_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, int(resolved), resolved_by, resolved_reason, expired, json.dumps(changes), json.dumps(metadata))
cursor.execute(sql, val)
if close_db:
self.logger.debug("MySQL row inserted into moderation_%s!\n%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", guild_id, moderation_id, timestamp, moderation_type, target_id, author_id, role_id, duration, end_timestamp, reason, int(resolved), resolved_by, resolved_reason, expired, changes, metadata)
return moderation_id
async def get_next_case_number(self, guild_id: str, cursor = None):
"""This method returns the next case number from the MySQL table for a specific guild."""
if not cursor:
database = await self.connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
cursor.execute(f"SELECT moderation_id FROM `moderation_{guild_id}` ORDER BY moderation_id DESC LIMIT 1")
return cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
def generate_dict(self, result):
case: dict = {
"moderation_id": result[0],
"timestamp": result[1],
"moderation_type": result[2],
"target_id": result[3],
"moderator_id": result[4],
"role_id": result[5],
"duration": result[6],
"end_timestamp": result[7],
"reason": result[8],
"resolved": result[9],
"resolved_by": result[10],
"resolve_reason": result[11],
"expired": result[12],
"changes": json.loads(result[13]),
"metadata": json.loads(result[14])
return case
async def fetch_user_dict(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, user_id: str):
"""This method returns a dictionary containing either user information or a standard deleted user template."""
if user_id == '?':
user_dict = {
'id': '?',
'name': 'Unknown User',
user = interaction.client.get_user(user_id)
if user is None:
user = await interaction.client.fetch_user(user_id)
user_dict = {
'id': user.id,
'name': user.name,
'discriminator': user.discriminator
except discord.errors.NotFound:
user_dict = {
'id': user_id,
'name': 'Deleted User',
'discriminator': '0'
return user_dict
async def fetch_role_dict(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, role_id: str):
"""This method returns a dictionary containing either role information or a standard deleted role template."""
role = interaction.guild.get_role(role_id)
role_dict = {
'id': role.id,
'name': role.name
except discord.errors.NotFound:
role_dict = {
'id': role_id,
'name': 'Deleted Role'
return role_dict
async def embed_factory(self, embed_type: str, /, interaction: discord.Interaction = None, case_dict: dict = None, guild: discord.Guild = None, reason: str = None, moderation_type: str = None, response: discord.InteractionMessage = None, duration: timedelta = None, resolved: bool = False):
"""This method creates an embed from set parameters, meant for either moderation logging or contacting the moderated user.
Valid arguments for 'embed_type':
- 'message'
- 'log' - WIP
- 'case'
- 'changes'
Required arguments for 'message':
- guild
- reason
- moderation_type
- response
- duration (optional)
Required arguments for 'log':
- interaction
- case_dict
- resolved (optional)
Required arguments for 'case' & 'changes':
- interaction
- case_dict"""
if embed_type == 'message':
if moderation_type in ["kicked", "banned", "tempbanned", "unbanned"]:
guild_name = guild.name
guild_name = f"[{guild.name}]({response.jump_url})"
if moderation_type in ["tempbanned", "muted"] and duration:
embed_duration = f" for {humanize.precisedelta(duration)}"
embed_duration = ""
if moderation_type == "note":
embed_desc = "received a"
embed_desc = "been"
embed = discord.Embed(title=str.title(moderation_type), description=f"You have {embed_desc} {moderation_type}{embed_duration} in {guild_name}.", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), timestamp=datetime.now())
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"`{reason}`")
embed.set_author(name=guild.name, icon_url=guild.icon.url)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Case #{await self.get_next_case_number(guild.id):,}", icon_url="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1070822161389994054/1159469476773904414/arrow-right-circle-icon-512x512-2p1e2aaw.png?ex=65312319&is=651eae19&hm=3cebdd28e805c13a79ec48ef87c32ca532ffa6b9ede2e48d0cf8e5e81f3a6818&")
return embed
if embed_type == 'case':
target_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['target_id'])
moderator_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['moderator_id'])
target_name = f"`{target_user['name']}`" if target_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{target_user['name']}#{target_user['discriminator']}`"
moderator_name = f"`{moderator_user['name']}`" if moderator_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{moderator_user['name']}#{moderator_user['discriminator']}`"
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,}", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None))
embed.description = f"**Type:** {str.title(case_dict['moderation_type'])}\n**Target:** {target_name} ({target_user['id']})\n**Moderator:** {moderator_name} ({moderator_user['id']})\n**Resolved:** {bool(case_dict['resolved'])}\n**Timestamp:** <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}> | <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}:R>"
if case_dict['duration'] != 'NULL':
td = timedelta(**{unit: int(val) for unit, val in zip(["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], case_dict["duration"].split(":"))})
duration_embed = f"{humanize.precisedelta(td)} | <t:{case_dict['end_timestamp']}:R>" if bool(case_dict['expired']) is False else str(humanize.precisedelta(td))
embed.description += f"\n**Duration:** {duration_embed}\n**Expired:** {bool(case_dict['expired'])}"
embed.description += f"\n**Changes:** {len(case_dict['changes'])}"
if case_dict['metadata']:
if case_dict['metadata']['imported_from']:
embed.description += f"\n**Imported From:** {case_dict['metadata']['imported_from']}"
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"```{case_dict['reason']}```", inline=False)
if case_dict['resolved'] == 1:
resolved_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['resolved_by'])
resolved_name = f"`{resolved_user['name']}`" if resolved_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{resolved_user['name']}#{resolved_user['discriminator']}`"
embed.add_field(name='Resolve Reason', value=f"Resolved by {resolved_name} ({resolved_user['id']}) for:\n```{case_dict['resolve_reason']}```", inline=False)
return embed
if embed_type == 'changes':
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,} Changes", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None))
memory_dict = {}
if case_dict['changes']:
for change in case_dict['changes']:
if change['user_id'] not in memory_dict:
memory_dict[str(change['user_id'])] = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, change['user_id'])
user = memory_dict[str(change['user_id'])]
name = user['name'] if user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{user['name']}#{user['discriminator']}"
timestamp = f"<t:{change['timestamp']}> | <t:{change['timestamp']}:R>"
if change['type'] == 'ORIGINAL':
embed.add_field(name='Original', value=f"**User:** `{name}` ({user['id']})\n**Reason:** {change['reason']}\n**Timestamp:** {timestamp}", inline=False)
elif change['type'] == 'EDIT':
embed.add_field(name='Edit', value=f"**User:** `{name}` ({user['id']})\n**Reason:** {change['reason']}\n**Timestamp:** {timestamp}", inline=False)
elif change['type'] == 'RESOLVE':
embed.add_field(name='Resolve', value=f"**User:** `{name}` ({user['id']})\n**Reason:** {change['reason']}\n**Timestamp:** {timestamp}", inline=False)
embed.description = "*No changes have been made to this case.* 🙁"
return embed
if embed_type == 'log':
if resolved:
target_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['target_id'])
moderator_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['moderator_id'])
target_name = f"`{target_user['name']}`" if target_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{target_user['name']}#{target_user['discriminator']}`"
moderator_name = moderator_user['name'] if moderator_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{moderator_user['name']}#{moderator_user['discriminator']}"
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,} Resolved", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None))
embed.description = f"**Type:** {str.title(case_dict['moderation_type'])}\n**Target:** {target_name} ({target_user['id']})\n**Moderator:** {moderator_name} ({moderator_user['id']})\n**Timestamp:** <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}> | <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}:R>"
if case_dict['duration'] != 'NULL':
td = timedelta(**{unit: int(val) for unit, val in zip(["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], case_dict["duration"].split(":"))})
duration_embed = f"{humanize.precisedelta(td)} | <t:{case_dict['end_timestamp']}:R>" if case_dict["expired"] == '0' else str(humanize.precisedelta(td))
embed.description = embed.description + f"\n**Duration:** {duration_embed}\n**Expired:** {bool(case_dict['expired'])}"
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"```{case_dict['reason']}```", inline=False)
resolved_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['resolved_by'])
resolved_name = resolved_user['name'] if resolved_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{resolved_user['name']}#{resolved_user['discriminator']}"
embed.add_field(name='Resolve Reason', value=f"Resolved by {resolved_name} ({resolved_user['id']}) for:\n```{case_dict['resolve_reason']}```", inline=False)
target_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['target_id'])
moderator_user = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case_dict['moderator_id'])
target_name = f"`{target_user['name']}`" if target_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"`{target_user['name']}#{target_user['discriminator']}`"
moderator_name = moderator_user['name'] if moderator_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{moderator_user['name']}#{moderator_user['discriminator']}"
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"📕 Case #{case_dict['moderation_id']:,}", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None))
embed.description = f"**Type:** {str.title(case_dict['moderation_type'])}\n**Target:** {target_name} ({target_user['id']})\n**Moderator:** {moderator_name} ({moderator_user['id']})\n**Timestamp:** <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}> | <t:{case_dict['timestamp']}:R>"
if case_dict['duration'] != 'NULL':
td = timedelta(**{unit: int(val) for unit, val in zip(["hours", "minutes", "seconds"], case_dict["duration"].split(":"))})
embed.description = embed.description + f"\n**Duration:** {humanize.precisedelta(td)} | <t:{case_dict['end_timestamp']}:R>"
embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=f"```{case_dict['reason']}```", inline=False)
return embed
raise(TypeError("'type' argument is invalid!"))
async def fetch_case(self, moderation_id: int, guild_id: str):
"""This method fetches a case from the database and returns the case's dictionary."""
database = await self.connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
query = "SELECT * FROM moderation_%s WHERE moderation_id = %s;"
cursor.execute(query, (guild_id, moderation_id))
result = cursor.fetchone()
return self.generate_dict(result)
async def log(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, moderation_id: int, resolved: bool = False):
"""This method sends a message to the guild's configured logging channel when an infraction takes place."""
logging_channel_id = await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).log_channel()
if logging_channel_id != " ":
logging_channel = interaction.guild.get_channel(logging_channel_id)
case = await self.fetch_case(moderation_id, interaction.guild.id)
if case:
embed = await self.embed_factory('log', interaction=interaction, case_dict=case, resolved=resolved)
await logging_channel.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
await mysql_log(entry.guild.id, entry.user.id, moderation_type, entry.target.id, 0, duration, reason)
@ -626,7 +188,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
Why are you noting this user?
silent: bool
Should the user be messaged?"""
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} has recieved a note!\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
@ -635,14 +197,14 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
silent = not await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).dm_users()
if silent is False:
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='note', response=await interaction.original_response())
embed = await embed_factory('message', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='note', response=await interaction.original_response())
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'NOTE', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'NOTE', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has received a note! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
async def warn(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, target: discord.Member, reason: str, silent: bool = None):
@ -656,7 +218,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
Why are you warning this user?
silent: bool
Should the user be messaged?"""
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} has been warned!\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
@ -665,14 +227,14 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
silent = not await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).dm_users()
if silent is False:
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='warned', response=await interaction.original_response())
embed = await embed_factory('message', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='warned', response=await interaction.original_response())
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'WARN', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'WARN', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been warned! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
async def blacklist_autocomplete(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, current: str,) -> list[app_commands.Choice[str]]:
"""Autocompletes a blacklist role."""
@ -715,7 +277,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"Please provide a valid blacklist type!", ephemeral=True)
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members', 'manage_roles']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members', 'manage_roles']):
if role in [role.id for role in target.roles]:
@ -726,9 +288,9 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await target.add_roles(role, reason=f"Blacklisted by {interaction.user.id} for {humanize.precisedelta(matching_role['duration'])} for: {reason}")
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} has been blacklisted with the {role_obj.name} role for {humanize.precisedelta(matching_role['duration'])}!\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'BLACKLIST', target.id, role, matching_role['duration'], reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'BLACKLIST', target.id, role, matching_role['duration'], reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been blacklisted with the {role_obj.name} role for {humanize.precisedelta(matching_role['duration'])}! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
async def mute(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, target: discord.Member, duration: str, reason: str, silent: bool = None):
@ -744,7 +306,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
Why are you unbanning this user?
silent: bool
Should the user be messaged?"""
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
if target.is_timed_out() is True:
@ -769,14 +331,14 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
silent = not await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).dm_users()
if silent is False:
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='muted', response=await interaction.original_response(), duration=parsed_time)
embed = await embed_factory('message', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='muted', response=await interaction.original_response(), duration=parsed_time)
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'MUTE', target.id, 0, parsed_time, reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'MUTE', target.id, 0, parsed_time, reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been muted for {humanize.precisedelta(parsed_time)}! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
async def unmute(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, target: discord.Member, reason: str = None, silent: bool = None):
@ -790,7 +352,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
Why are you unmuting this user?
silent: bool
Should the user be messaged?"""
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['moderate_members']):
if target.is_timed_out() is False:
@ -809,14 +371,14 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
silent = not await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).dm_users()
if silent is False:
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='unmuted', response=await interaction.original_response())
embed = await embed_factory('message', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='unmuted', response=await interaction.original_response())
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'UNMUTE', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'UNMUTE', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been unmuted! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
async def kick(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, target: discord.Member, reason: str, silent: bool = None):
@ -830,7 +392,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
Why are you kicking this user?
silent: bool
Should the user be messaged?"""
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['kick_members']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['kick_members']):
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} has been kicked!\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
@ -839,16 +401,16 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
silent = not await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).dm_users()
if silent is False:
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='kicked', response=await interaction.original_response())
embed = await embed_factory('message', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='kicked', response=await interaction.original_response())
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
await target.kick(reason=f"Kicked by {interaction.user.id} for: {reason}")
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'KICK', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'KICK', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been kicked! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
@ -874,7 +436,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
How many days of messages to delete?
silent: bool
Should the user be messaged?"""
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['ban_members']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['ban_members']):
@ -894,16 +456,16 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} has been banned for {humanize.precisedelta(parsed_time)}!\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='tempbanned', response=await interaction.original_response(), duration=parsed_time)
embed = await embed_factory('message', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='tempbanned', response=await interaction.original_response(), duration=parsed_time)
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
await interaction.guild.ban(target, reason=f"Tempbanned by {interaction.user.id} for: {reason} (Duration: {parsed_time})", delete_message_seconds=delete_messages)
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'TEMPBAN', target.id, 0, parsed_time, reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'TEMPBAN', target.id, 0, parsed_time, reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been banned for {humanize.precisedelta(parsed_time)}! (Case `#{moderation_id}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} has been banned!\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
@ -911,7 +473,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
silent = not await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).dm_users()
if silent is False:
embed = embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='banned', response=await interaction.original_response())
embed = embed = await embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='banned', response=await interaction.original_response())
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
@ -920,7 +482,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'BAN', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been banned! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
async def unban(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, target: discord.User, reason: str = None, silent: bool = None):
@ -934,7 +496,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
Why are you unbanning this user?
silent: bool
Should the user be messaged?"""
if not await self.check_moddable(target, interaction, ['ban_members']):
if not await check_moddable(target, interaction, ['ban_members']):
@ -955,14 +517,14 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
silent = not await self.config.guild(interaction.guild).dm_users()
if silent is False:
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='unbanned', response=await interaction.original_response())
embed = await embed_factory('message', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), guild=interaction.guild, reason=reason, moderation_type='unbanned', response=await interaction.original_response())
await target.send(embed=embed)
except discord.errors.HTTPException:
moderation_id = await self.mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'UNBAN', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
moderation_id = await mysql_log(interaction.guild.id, interaction.user.id, 'UNBAN', target.id, 0, 'NULL', reason)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{target.mention} has been unbanned! (Case `#{moderation_id:,}`)\n**Reason** - `{reason}`")
await self.log(interaction, moderation_id)
await log(interaction, moderation_id)
async def history(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, target: discord.User = None, moderator: discord.User = None, pagesize: app_commands.Range[int, 1, 20] = None, page: int = 1, ephemeral: bool = None, inline: bool = None, export: bool = False):
@ -1007,12 +569,12 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=ephemeral)
permissions = self.check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links'], interaction)
permissions = check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links'], interaction)
if permissions:
await interaction.followup.send(f"I do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.", ephemeral=True)
database = await self.connect()
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
if target:
@ -1037,7 +599,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
result_dict_list = []
for result in results:
case_dict = self.generate_dict(result)
case_dict = generate_dict(result)
if case_dict['moderation_id'] == 0:
@ -1070,11 +632,11 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
for case in result_dict_list[start_index:end_index]:
if case['target_id'] not in memory_dict:
memory_dict[str(case['target_id'])] = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case['target_id'])
memory_dict[str(case['target_id'])] = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case['target_id'])
target_user = memory_dict[str(case['target_id'])]
if case['moderator_id'] not in memory_dict:
memory_dict[str(case['moderator_id'])] = await self.fetch_user_dict(interaction, case['moderator_id'])
memory_dict[str(case['moderator_id'])] = await fetch_user_dict(interaction, case['moderator_id'])
moderator_user = memory_dict[str(case['moderator_id'])]
target_name = target_user['name'] if target_user['discriminator'] == "0" else f"{target_user['name']}#{target_user['discriminator']}"
@ -1112,16 +674,16 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
Case number of the case you're trying to resolve
reason: str
Reason for resolving case"""
permissions = self.check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links', 'moderate_members', 'ban_members'], interaction)
permissions = check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links', 'moderate_members', 'ban_members'], interaction)
if permissions:
await interaction.response.send_message(f"I do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.", ephemeral=True)
conf = await self.check_conf(['mysql_database'])
conf = await check_conf(['mysql_database'])
if conf:
database = await self.connect()
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
db = await self.config.mysql_database()
@ -1139,7 +701,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"This moderation has already been resolved!\nUse `/case {case}` for more information.", ephemeral=True)
case_dict = self.generate_dict(result_2)
case_dict = generate_dict(result_2)
if reason is None:
reason = "No reason given."
@ -1192,9 +754,9 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
cursor.execute(resolve_query, (json.dumps(changes), interaction.user.id, reason, case_dict['moderation_id']))
embed = await self.embed_factory('case', interaction=interaction, case_dict=await self.fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id))
embed = await embed_factory('case', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), interaction=interaction, case_dict=await self.fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id))
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"✅ Moderation #{case:,} resolved!", embed=embed)
await self.log(interaction, case, True)
await log(interaction, case, True)
@ -1217,7 +779,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
List the changes made to the case
export: bool
Export the case to a JSON file or codeblock"""
permissions = self.check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links'], interaction)
permissions = check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links'], interaction)
if permissions:
await interaction.response.send_message(f"I do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.", ephemeral=True)
@ -1228,7 +790,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
or False)
if case != 0:
case_dict = await self.fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id)
case_dict = await fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id)
if case_dict:
if export:
if export.value == 'file' or len(str(case_dict)) > 1800:
@ -1249,9 +811,9 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"```json\n{json.dumps(case_dict, indent=2)}```", ephemeral=ephemeral)
if changes:
embed = await self.embed_factory('changes', interaction=interaction, case_dict=case_dict)
embed = await embed_factory('changes', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), interaction=interaction, case_dict=case_dict)
embed = await self.embed_factory('case', interaction=interaction, case_dict=case_dict)
embed = await embed_factory('case', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), interaction=interaction, case_dict=case_dict)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed, ephemeral=ephemeral)
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"No case with case number `{case}` found.", ephemeral=True)
@ -1268,16 +830,16 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
What is the new reason?
duration: str
What is the new duration? Does not reapply the moderation if it has already expired."""
permissions = self.check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links'], interaction)
permissions = check_permissions(interaction.client.user, ['embed_links'], interaction)
if permissions:
await interaction.response.send_message(f"I do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.", ephemeral=True)
if case != 0:
parsed_time = None
case_dict = await self.fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id)
case_dict = await fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id)
if case_dict:
conf = await self.check_conf(['mysql_database'])
conf = await check_conf(['mysql_database'])
if conf:
@ -1340,7 +902,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
database = await self.connect()
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
db = await self.config.mysql_database()
@ -1352,11 +914,11 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
cursor.execute(update_query, (json.dumps(changes), reason, case))
new_case = await self.fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id)
embed = await self.embed_factory('case', interaction=interaction, case_dict=new_case)
new_case = await fetch_case(case, interaction.guild.id)
embed = await embed_factory('case', await self.bot.get_embed_color(None), interaction=interaction, case_dict=new_case)
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"✅ Moderation #{case:,} edited!", embed=embed, ephemeral=True)
await self.log(interaction, case)
await log(interaction, case)
@ -1365,11 +927,11 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
async def handle_expiry(self):
conf = await self.check_conf(['mysql_database'])
conf = await check_conf(['mysql_database'])
if conf:
database = await self.connect()
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
db = await self.config.mysql_database()
@ -1393,7 +955,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await guild.unban(user, reason=f"Automatic unban from case #{moderation_id}")
embed = await self.embed_factory('message', guild, f'Automatic unban from case #{moderation_id}', 'unbanned')
embed = await embed_factory('message', guild, f'Automatic unban from case #{moderation_id}', 'unbanned')
await user.send(embed=embed)
@ -1790,14 +1352,13 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
"""Import moderations from GalacticBot."""
if ctx.message.attachments and ctx.message.attachments[0].content_type == 'application/json; charset=utf-8':
message = await ctx.send("Are you sure you want to import GalacticBot moderations?\n**This will overwrite any moderations that already exist in this guild's moderation table.**\n*The import process will block the rest of your bot until it is complete.*")
await message.edit(view=self.GalacticBotImportButtons(60, ctx, message, self))
await message.edit(view=self.GalacticBotImportButtons(60, ctx, message))
await ctx.send("Please provide a valid GalacticBot moderation export file.")
class GalacticBotImportButtons(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, timeout, ctx, message, cog_instance):
def __init__(self, timeout, ctx, message):
self.cog_instance = cog_instance
self.ctx: commands.Context = ctx
self.message: discord.Message = message
self.config = Config.get_conf(None, cog_name='Moderation', identifier=481923957134912)
@ -1807,7 +1368,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await self.message.delete()
await interaction.response.send_message("Deleting original table...", ephemeral=True)
database = await Moderation.connect(self.cog_instance)
database = await connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
query = f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS moderation_{self.ctx.guild.id};"
@ -1818,7 +1379,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
await interaction.edit_original_response(content="Creating new table...")
await Moderation.create_guild_table(self.cog_instance, self.ctx.guild)
await create_guild_table(self.ctx.guild)
await interaction.edit_original_response(content="Importing moderations...")
@ -1891,8 +1452,7 @@ class Moderation(commands.Cog):
resolved_reason = 'NULL'
changes = []
await Moderation.mysql_log(
await mysql_log(

moderation/utils.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
import json
from typing import Union
from discord import User, Member, Interaction, Guild
from discord.errors import NotFound, Forbidden
from redbot.core import commands
import database as db
from .embed_factory import embed_factory
from .config import config
async def check_conf(config_list: list):
"""Checks if any required config options are not set."""
not_found_list = []
for item in config_list:
if await config.item() == " ":
return not_found_list
def check_permissions(
user: User,
permissions: list,
ctx: Union[commands.Context, Interaction] = None,
guild: Guild = None,
"""Checks if a user has a specific permission (or a list of permissions) in a channel."""
if ctx:
member = ctx.guild.get_member(user.id)
resolved_permissions = ctx.channel.permissions_for(member)
elif guild:
member = guild.get_member(user.id)
resolved_permissions = member.guild_permissions
raise (KeyError)
for permission in permissions:
if (
not getattr(resolved_permissions, permission, False)
and not resolved_permissions.administrator is True
return permission
return False
async def check_moddable(
target: Union[User, Member], interaction: Interaction, permissions: list
"""Checks if a moderator can moderate a target."""
if check_permissions(interaction.client.user, permissions, guild=interaction.guild):
await interaction.response.send_message(
f"I do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.",
return False
if await config.guild(interaction.guild).use_discord_permissions() is True:
if check_permissions(interaction.user, permissions, guild=interaction.guild):
await interaction.response.send_message(
f"You do not have the `{permissions}` permission, required for this action.",
return False
if interaction.user.id == target.id:
await interaction.response.send_message(
content="You cannot moderate yourself!", ephemeral=True
return False
if target.bot:
await interaction.response.send_message(
content="You cannot moderate bots!", ephemeral=True
return False
if isinstance(target, Member):
if interaction.user.top_role <= target.top_role:
await interaction.response.send_message(
content="You cannot moderate members with a higher role than you!",
return False
if (
<= target.top_role
await interaction.response.send_message(
content="You cannot moderate members with a role higher than the bot!",
return False
immune_roles = await config.guild(target.guild).immune_roles()
for role in target.roles:
if role.id in immune_roles:
await interaction.response.send_message(
content="You cannot moderate members with an immune role!",
return False
return True
async def get_next_case_number(guild_id: str, cursor=None):
"""This method returns the next case number from the MySQL table for a specific guild."""
if not cursor:
database = await db.connect()
cursor = database.cursor()
f"SELECT moderation_id FROM `moderation_{guild_id}` ORDER BY moderation_id DESC LIMIT 1"
return cursor.fetchone()[0] + 1
def generate_dict(result):
case: dict = {
"moderation_id": result[0],
"timestamp": result[1],
"moderation_type": result[2],
"target_id": result[3],
"moderator_id": result[4],
"role_id": result[5],
"duration": result[6],
"end_timestamp": result[7],
"reason": result[8],
"resolved": result[9],
"resolved_by": result[10],
"resolve_reason": result[11],
"expired": result[12],
"changes": json.loads(result[13]),
"metadata": json.loads(result[14]),
return case
async def fetch_user_dict(interaction: Interaction, user_id: str):
"""This method returns a dictionary containing either user information or a standard deleted user template."""
if user_id == "?":
user_dict = {"id": "?", "name": "Unknown User", "discriminator": "0"}
user = interaction.client.get_user(user_id)
if user is None:
user = await interaction.client.fetch_user(user_id)
user_dict = {
"id": user.id,
"name": user.name,
"discriminator": user.discriminator,
except NotFound:
user_dict = {
"id": user_id,
"name": "Deleted User",
"discriminator": "0",
return user_dict
async def fetch_role_dict(interaction: Interaction, role_id: str):
"""This method returns a dictionary containing either role information or a standard deleted role template."""
role = interaction.guild.get_role(role_id)
role_dict = {"id": role.id, "name": role.name}
except NotFound:
role_dict = {"id": role_id, "name": "Deleted Role"}
return role_dict
async def log(interaction: Interaction, moderation_id: int, resolved: bool = False):
"""This method sends a message to the guild's configured logging channel when an infraction takes place."""
logging_channel_id = await config.guild(interaction.guild).log_channel()
if logging_channel_id != " ":
logging_channel = interaction.guild.get_channel(logging_channel_id)
case = await db.fetch_case(moderation_id, interaction.guild.id)
if case:
embed = await embed_factory(
"log", interaction=interaction, case_dict=case, resolved=resolved
await logging_channel.send(embed=embed)
except Forbidden: