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from typing import List, Dict, Union
from datetime import datetime
class Embed:
def __init__(
color: str,
title: str,
siteName: str,
description: str,
"""Embed object used for checking embeds
:param color: String of the embed's color
:param title: String of the embed's title
:param siteName: String of the embed's site name
:param description: String of the embed's description
self.color = color
self.title = title
self.siteName = siteName
self.description = description
class File:
def __init__(
createdAt: datetime,
id: int,
mimetype: str,
views: int,
name: str,
size: int,
favorite: bool,
originalName: str = None,
url: str = None,
maxViews: int = None,
expiredAt: Union[datetime, None] = None,
thumbnail: str = None,
folderId: int = None,
"""File object used for uploading files to Zipline
:param createdAt: Datetime object of when the file was created
:param id: Integer ID of the file
:param mimetype: String of the file's mimetype
:param views: Integer of the number of views the file has
:param name: String of the file's name
:param size: Integer of the file's size in bytes
:param favorite: Boolean of whether the file is favorited
:param originalName: (optional) String of the file's original name
:param url: (optional) String of the file's URL
:param maxViews: (optional) Integer of the file's maximum number of views
:param expiredAt: (optional) Datetime object of when the file will expire
:param thumbnail: (optional) String of the file's thumbnail URL
:param folderId: (optional) Integer of the file's folder ID
self.createdAt = createdAt
self.id = id
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.views = views
self.name = name
self.size = size
self.favorite = favorite
self.originalName = originalName
self.url = url
self.maxViews = maxViews
self.expiredAt = expiredAt
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
self.folderId = folderId
class Result:
def __init__(self, status_code: int, message: str = '', data: List[Dict] = None):
"""Result returned from low-level RestAdapter
:param status_code: Standard HTTP Status code
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:type status_code: int
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:param message: Human readable result
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:type message: str
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:param data: Python List of Dictionaries (or maybe just a single Dictionary on error)
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:type data: Union[List[Dict], Dict]
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self.status_code = int(status_code)
self.message = str(message)
self.data = data if data else []
class Invite:
def __init__(
id: int,
code: str,
createdAt: datetime,
expiredAt: datetime,
used: bool,
createdById: int,
"""Invite object used for managing invites
:param id: Integer ID of the invite
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:type id: int
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:param code: String of the invite's code
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:type code: str
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:param createdAt: Datetime object of when the invite was created
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:type createdAt: datetime
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:param expiredAt: Datetime object of when the invite will expire
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:type expiredAt: datetime
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:param used: Boolean of whether the invite has been used
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:type used: bool
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:param createdById: Integer ID of the user who created the invite
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:type createdById: int
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self.id = id
self.code = code
self.createdAt = createdAt
self.expiredAt = expiredAt
self.used = used
self.createdById = createdById
class OAuth:
def __init__(
id: int,
provider: str,
userId: int,
providerId: str,
username: str,
token: str,
refresh: str,
"""OAuth object used for managing OAuth
:param id: Integer ID of the OAuth
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:type id: int
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:param provider: String of the OAuth's provider, one of 'DISCORD', 'GITHUB', 'GOOGLE'
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:type provider: str
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:param userId: Integer ID of the user who owns the OAuth
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:type userId: int
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:param providerId: String of the OAuth's provider ID
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:type providerId: str
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:param username: String of the OAuth's connected account's username
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:type username: str
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:param token: String of the OAuth's access token
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:type token: str
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:param refresh: String of the OAuth's refresh token
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:type refresh: str
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self.id = id
self.provider = provider
self.userId = userId
self.providerId = providerId
self.username = username
self.token = token
self.refresh = refresh
class User:
def __init__(
id: int,
uuid: str,
username: str,
avatar: str,
token: str,
administrator: bool,
superAdmin: bool,
systemTheme: str,
embed: Embed,
totpSecret: str,
domains: List[str],
oauth: Union[List['OAuth'], None] = None,
ratelimit: [datetime, None] = None,
"""User object used for managing users
:param id: Integer ID of the user
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:type id: int
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:param uuid: String of the user's UUID
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:type uuid: str
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:param username: String of the user's username
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:type username: str
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:param avatar: String of the user's avatar, base64 encoded
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:type avatar: str
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:param token: String of the user's token
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:type token: str
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:param administrator: Boolean of whether the user is an administrator
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:type administrator: bool
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:param superAdmin: Boolean of whether the user is a super administrator
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:type superAdmin: bool
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:param systemTheme: String of the user's system theme
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:type systemTheme: str
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:param embed: Embed object of the user's embed
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:type embed: Embed
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:param totpSecret: String of the user's TOTP secret
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:type totpSecret: str
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:param domains: List of Strings of the user's domains
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:type domains: List[str]
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:param oauth: (optional) List of OAuth objects
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:type oauth: Union[List[OAuth], None]
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:param ratelimit: (optional) Datetime object of when the user's ratelimit expires
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:type ratelimit: Union[datetime, None]
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self.id = id
self.uuid = uuid
self.username = username
self.avatar = avatar
self.token = token
self.administrator = administrator
self.superAdmin = superAdmin
self.systemTheme = systemTheme
self.embed = embed
self.totpSecret = totpSecret
self.domains = domains
self.oauth = oauth
self.ratelimit = ratelimit