also optimized the ping command and temporarily commented out the edited message logging until zomatree pushes a fix for that
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127 lines
5.9 KiB
import os
import re
import revolt
from revolt.ext import commands
from colorthief import ColorThief
from utils.embed import CustomEmbed
class Info(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
def rgb_to_hex(r, g, b):
return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(r, g, b)
async def upload_to_revolt(self, ctx: commands.Context, asset: revolt.Asset, color: bool = False):
"""Uploads an asset to Revolt and returns the asset ID."""
temp_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'tempfile.png')
with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
await asset.save(file)
if color is True:
color_thief = ColorThief(file_path)
dominant_color = list(color_thief.get_color(quality=1))
hex_color = self.rgb_to_hex(dominant_color[0], dominant_color[1], dominant_color[2])
hex_color = None
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
upload_file = revolt.File(file=file_path, filename="indium.png")
avatar_id = await ctx.client.upload_file(file=upload_file, tag="attachments")
return avatar_id.id, hex_color
class CustomError(Exception):
async def channelinfo(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: commands.ChannelConverter, permissions: commands.BoolConverter = False):
"""Displays information about a channel."""
if str(channel.channel_type) != "ChannelType.text_channel" and str(channel.channel_type) != "ChannelType.voice_channel":
raise self.CustomError
# I have no idea how this works, thanks ChatGPT! :)
formatted_channel_type = re.sub(r"(?<=\w)([A-Z])", r" \1", ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in str(channel.channel_type).split('.')[1:])).replace("_", " ").title()
embed = [CustomEmbed(description=f"## {channel.mention}\n### Channel Type\n{formatted_channel_type}\n### Channel ID\n{channel.id}")]
if channel.description:
embed[0].add_field(name="Description", value=channel.description)
if channel.icon:
icon_id = await self.upload_to_revolt(ctx, channel.icon, True)
embed[0].media = icon_id[0]
embed[0].colour = icon_id[1]
embed[0].colour = "#5d82d1"
await ctx.message.reply(embeds=embed)
async def channelinfo_error_handling(self, ctx: commands.Context, error: revolt.errors):
"""Handles errors from the channelinfo command."""
if isinstance(error, self.CustomError):
await ctx.message.reply("Please provide a valid text channel.\nDirect Messages are not currently supported.")
elif isinstance(error, LookupError):
await ctx.message.reply("Please provide a text channel I can access.")
raise error
async def serverinfo(self, ctx: commands.Context):
await ctx.message.reply("Command executed!")
async def userinfo(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: commands.UserConverter = None):
"""Displays information about a user."""
if user is None:
user = ctx.author
avatar_id = await self.upload_to_revolt(ctx, user.avatar, True)
user_profile = await user.fetch_profile()
presencedict = {
"PresenceType.online": "🟢",
"PresenceType.idle": "🟡",
"PresenceType.busy": "🔴",
"PresenceType.focus": "🔵",
"PresenceType.invisible": "⚫"
if user.status is None:
status_presence = "PresenceType.invisible"
status_text = "Offline"
elif user.status.text is not None:
status_text = user.status.text
status_presence = user.status.presence
if str(user.status.presence) != "PresenceType.invisible":
status_text = str(user.status.presence).split(".", 1)[-1].capitalize()
status_text = "Offline"
status_presence = user.status.presence
embeds = [CustomEmbed(title=f"{user.original_name}#{user.discriminator}", description=f"### Status\n{presencedict[str(status_presence)]} - {status_text}", media=avatar_id[0])]
if user_profile[0] is not None:
embeds[0].add_field(name="Profile", value=user_profile[0])
if not isinstance(user, revolt.Member):
member = user.to_member(ctx.server)
member = user
if member.nickname is not None:
embeds[0].title += f" - {member.nickname}"
elif member.display_name is not None:
embeds[0].title += f" - {member.display_name}"
member_roles = list(reversed(member.roles))
member_role_names = [f"$\\textsf{{\\textcolor{{{role.colour}}}{{{role.name}}}}}$" for role in member_roles]
humanized_member_roles = ', '.join(member_role_names)
embeds[0].add_field(name="Roles", value=humanized_member_roles)
highest_role_color = None
for role in member_roles:
if role.colour is not None:
highest_role_color = role.colour
if highest_role_color:
embeds[0].colour = highest_role_color
elif avatar_id[1] is not None:
embeds[0].colour = avatar_id[1]
embeds[0].set_footer(f"User ID: {user.id}")
except LookupError:
if user.display_name is not None:
embeds[0].title += f" - {user.display_name}"
embeds[0].set_footer(f"User ID: {user.id} - User is not in this server!")
if embeds[0].colour is None:
embeds[0].colour = "#5d82d1"
await ctx.message.reply(embeds=embeds)