import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import Error import discord from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, data_manager from tabulate import tabulate class SugonCredit(commands.Cog): """Implements a way for moderators to give out social-credit like points, dubbed 'sugoncredits' by the community.""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=47252584) self.config.register_guild( bank_name = "Social Credit Enforcement Agency", currency_name = "Social Credit", max_bal = 1000000000, min_bal = -1000000000 ) self.data_path = data_manager.cog_data_path(self) / "credit.db" con = sqlite3.connect(f'{self.data_path}') con.commit() con.close() def pluralize(word, count): if count == 1: return word elif word.endswith('s') or word.endswith('x') or word.endswith('z') or word.endswith('ch') or word.endswith('sh'): return word + 'es' elif word.endswith('y'): # Change 'y' to 'ies' for words ending with a consonant + 'y' return word[:-1] + 'ies' else: return word + 's' def new_guild_generation(self, guild_id): """Adds a new table for a guild to the SQLite database.""" con = sqlite3.connect(self.data_path) cur = con.cursor() try: cur.execute(f"SELECT 1 FROM '{guild_id}' LIMIT 1;") except sqlite3.OperationalError: cur.execute(f"CREATE TABLE '{guild_id}' (user_id TEXT, balance REAL);") con.commit() con.close() def new_user_generation(self, guild_id, target): """Adds a new user to the SQLite database.""" con = sqlite3.connect(f'{self.data_path}') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(f'''INSERT INTO {guild_id} VALUES ({}, 250);''') con.commit() con.close(), aliases=["sugoncredit"]) @commands.guild_only() async def credit(self, ctx): """Simple points system.""" @credit.command() @commands.guild_only() async def leaderboard(self, ctx, page: int = 1): """Shows the individuals with the highest balances.""" await ctx.send(content="This command isn't done yet!") con = sqlite3.connect(f'{self.data_path}') cur = con.cursor() await self.new_guild_generation(self, bank_name = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).bank_name() currency_name = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).currency_name() offset = (page - 1) * 10 raw_list = cur.execute(f'''SELECT user_id, balance FROM {} ORDER BY balance DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET {offset};''') await ctx.send(content=f"{raw_list}") @credit.command() @commands.guild_only() async def balance(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None): """Checks an account's balance.""" target = user if user else con = sqlite3.connect(self.data_path) cur = con.cursor() await self.new_guild_generation( bank_name = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).get_raw('bank_name', default="Bank") currency_name = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).get_raw('currency_name', default="Credit") cur.execute(f"SELECT user_id FROM {} WHERE user_id = ?;", (,)) if not cur.fetchone(): await self.new_user_generation(, target) cur.execute(f"SELECT balance FROM {} WHERE user_id = ?;", (,)) bal = cur.fetchone()[0] output_bal = f'{bal:,}' pluralized_currency_name = await self.pluralize(currency_name, bal) embed_title = f"{bank_name} - Balance" embed_color = await embed_description = f"{target.mention} has {output_bal} {pluralized_currency_name}." embed = discord.Embed(title=embed_title, color=embed_color, description=embed_description) await ctx.send(embed=embed) con.close() @credit.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.mod() async def add(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, amount: int): """Adds credits to an account.""" try: val = int(amount) except ValueError: await ctx.send(content="``amount`` must be a number! Please try again.") return con = sqlite3.connect(f'{self.data_path}') cur = con.cursor() await self.new_guild_generation({}) image = discord.File(fp=data_manager.bundled_data_path(self) / "add.png", filename="Add.png") bank_name = await self.config.bank_name() currency_name = await self.config.currency_name() max_bal = await self.config.max_bal() min_bal = await self.config_min_bal() current_bal = cur.execute(f'''SELECT balance FROM {} WHERE user_id = {};''') new_bal = current_bal + amount output_amount = (f'{val:,}') output_new_bal = (f'{new_bal:,}') output_max_bal = (f'{max_bal:,}') output_min_bal = (f'{min_bal:,}') if new_bal > max_bal: await ctx.send(content=f"You are attempting to set {target.mention}'s balance to above {output_max_bal}. Please try again!") return elif new_bal < min_bal: await ctx.send(content=f"You are attempting to set {target.mention}'s balance to below {output_min_bal}. Please try again!") elif == 204965774618656769: logging_channel = cur.execute(f'''UPDATE {} SET balance = {new_bal} WHERE user_id = {};''') await ctx.send(content=f"{target.mention} now has {output_amount} more SugonCredit, with a total of {output_new_bal}!") if amount == 1 or amount == -1: await target.send(content=f"You gained {output_amount} SugonCredit! Good work community member! You now have {output_new_bal} SugonCredits.", file=image) else: await target.send(content=f"You gained {output_amount} SugonCredits! Good work community member! You now have {output_new_bal} SugonCredits.", file=image) logging_embed=discord.Embed(title="SugonCredit Added", color=await, description=f"{}#{} ({}) added {amount} SugonCredit to {}#{target.discriminator} ({})! They now have {new_bal} SugonCredit.") await logging_channel.send(embed=logging_embed) elif != 204965774618656769: embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{bank_name} - Add", color=await, description=f"{target.mention}'s {currency_name} balance has been increased by {output_amount}.\nCurrent balance is {output_new_bal}.") cur.execute(f'''UPDATE {} SET balance = {new_bal} WHERE user_id = {};''') await ctx.send(embed=embed) con.commit() con.close() @credit.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.mod() async def remove(self, ctx, target: discord.Member, amount: int): """Removes credits from an account.""" try: val = int(amount) except ValueError: await ctx.send(content="``amount`` must be a number. Please try again!") return image = discord.File(fp=data_manager.bundled_data_path(self) / "remove.mp4", filename="MEGA_BASE.mp4") data_path = data_manager.cog_data_path(self) / "credit.db" con = sqlite3.connect(f'{data_path}') cur = con.cursor() await self.new_guild_generation({}) bank_name = await self.config.bank_name() currency_name = await self.config.currency_name() max_bal = await self.config.max_bal() min_bal = await self.config_min_bal() current_bal = cur.execute(f'''SELECT balance FROM {} WHERE user_id = {};''') new_bal = current_bal - amount output_amount = (f'{val:,}') output_new_bal = (f'{new_bal:,}') output_max_bal = (f'{max_bal:,}') output_min_bal = (f'{min_bal:,}') if new_bal > max_bal: await ctx.send(content=f"You are attempting to set {target.mention}'s balance to above {output_max_bal}. Please try again!") elif new_bal < min_bal: await ctx.send(content=f"You are attempting to set {target.mention}'s balance to below {output_min_bal}. Please try again!") elif == 204965774618656769: cur.execute(f'''UPDATE {} SET balance = {new_bal} WHERE user_id = {};''') logging_channel = await ctx.send(content=f"{target.mention} now has {output_amount} less SugonCredit, with a total of {output_new_bal}!\nIf this is a punishment, do better Galaxy Player! Re-education mods will be sent to your DM's if your SugonCredit drops to a substantially low amount!") if amount == 1 or amount == -1: await target.send(content=f"__MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF THE MEGA BASE__\n\n(我们的) {output_amount} SugonCredit has been taken from your account. Citizen, do not continue to preform bad actions! Glory to the Galaxy Communist Party!", file=image) else: await target.send(content=f"__MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF THE MEGA BASE__\n\n(我们的) {output_amount} SugonCredits have been taken from your account. Citizen, do not continue to preform bad actions! Glory to the Galaxy Communist Party!", file=image) logging_embed=discord.Embed(title="SugonCredit Removed", color=await, description=f"{}#{} ({}) removed {output_amount} SugonCredit from {}#{target.discriminator} ({})! They now have {output_new_bal} SugonCredit.") await logging_channel.send(embed=logging_embed) elif != 204965774618656769: embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{bank_name} - Remove", color=await, description=f"{target.mention}'s {currency_name} balance has been decreased by {output_amount}.\nCurrent balance is {output_new_bal}.") await ctx.send(embed=embed) cur.execute(f'''UPDATE {} SET balance = {new_bal} WHERE user_id = {};''') con.commit() con.close()