# GalaxyCogs Repository for Redbot cogs developed by the Galaxy Discord Management team. **This readme is heavily outdated.** ## ExportChannels **(WIP)**[^incomplete] This cog allows you to easily export channels using Discord Chat Exporter. **THIS COG IS NOT INTENDED FOR EXTERNAL USE. YOU WILL LIKELY HAVE TO RUN THIS COG LOCALLY AND MODIFY CODE SHOULD YOU WISH TO USE IT.** ### **Credit to Tyrrrz for the bundled version of Discord Chat Exporter within this cog. The original repository can be found [here](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter).** ## Galaxy Utility cog designed specifically for use on the Galaxy Discord server. Includes: * Warehouse command * FAQ command * Unix command ## Info Combination of a few built-in Red cogs + some custom code to provide commands that show information of specific Discord objects. Currently supports: * Users * Servers/Guilds * Roles ## Podcast **(WIP)**[^incomplete] Allows users to submit questions to a specified channel, intended for use with podcasts. Also features user blacklists, both configurable per-server and globally. [^incomplete]: This cog currently is non-functional. This notice will be removed once the Cog is completed. ## Shortmute Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 30 minutes, using Discord's Timeouts feature. ## Suggestions Allows users to submit suggestions to a specified channel. Highly cut-down modification of [SauriCog's Suggestions Cog](https://github.com/elijabesu/SauriCogs). Features: * Separate approved and denied channels * Custom emoji support ## SugonCredit[^incomplete] Implements a way for moderators to give out social-credit like points, dubbed 'sugoncredits' by the community. Features: * Add Credit to people. * Remove Credit from people. * Supports custom currency names and bank names. ## YouTubeDownloader Allows users to download any YouTube video. `[p]download https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ` - Downloads the audio from [this video](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) in `.m4a` format. `[p]download https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ false` - Downloads [this video](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) in `.mp4` format.