feat: added most of the functionality into the shortmute cog, time to see how broken it is!
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 108 additions and 225 deletions
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
"author" : ["SeaswimmerTheFsh"],
"install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Shortmute!\nYou can find the source code of this cog here: https://git.seaswimmer.cc/SeaswimmerTheFsh/GalaxyCogs",
"name" : "Shortmute",
"short" : "Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 60 minutes.",
"description" : "Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 60 minutes, using Discord's Timeouts feature.",
"short" : "Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 30 minutes.",
"description" : "Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 30 minutes, using Discord's Timeouts feature.",
"tags" : ["moderation, mutes, timeouts"],
"end_user_data_statement": "This cog stores no end user data."
"end_user_data_statement": "This cog stores no end user data.",
"requirements": ["pytimeparse2"]
@ -1,237 +1,119 @@
import contextlib
import datetime
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Union
from datetime import datetime
import discord
import humanize
from discord.http import Route
from redbot.core import Config, commands, modlog
from redbot.core.bot import Red
from redbot.core.commands.converter import TimedeltaConverter
RequestType = Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"]
from pytimeparse2 import disable_dateutil, parse
from discord import ui
from redbot.core import Config, commands, app_commands, modlog
class Shortmute(commands.Cog):
"""Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 30 minutes, using Discord's Timeouts feature.
Maintained by SeaswimmerTheFsh.
Original source code by sravan1946."""
"""Allows staff members to shortmute individuals for up to 30 minutes, using Discord's Timeouts feature."""
def __init__(self, bot: Red) -> None:
def __init__(self, bot) -> None:
self.bot = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=2354731, force_registration=True)
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=25781647388294, force_registration=True)
dm = True
def format_help_for_context(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> str:
Thanks Sinbad!
pre_processed = super().format_help_for_context(ctx)
return f"{pre_processed}\n\nAuthors: {', '.join(self.__author__)}\nCog Version: {self.__version__}"
async def shortmute(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, target: discord.Member, duration: int, reason: str, evidence_link: str = None, evidence_image: discord.AppCommandOptionType.attachment = None):
"""Shortmute someone for up to 30m.
async def red_delete_data_for_user(
self, *, requester: RequestType, user_id: int
) -> None:
# TODO: Replace this with the proper end user data removal handling.
super().red_delete_data_for_user(requester=requester, user_id=user_id)
async def is_user_timed_out(self, member: discord.Member) -> bool:
r = Route(
data = await self.bot.http.request(r)
except discord.NotFound:
return False
return data["communication_disabled_until"] is not None
async def pre_load(self):
with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError):
await modlog.register_casetype(
await modlog.register_casetype(
async def timeout_user(
ctx: commands.Context,
member: discord.Member,
time: Optional[datetime.timedelta],
reason: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
r = Route(
payload = {
"communication_disabled_until": str(
datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) + time
if time
else None
target: discord.Member
The member to shortmute
duration: int
The duration of the shortmute
reason: str
The reason for the shortmute
evidence_link: str = None
An image link to evidence for the shortmute, do not use with evidence_image
evidence_image: discord.AppCommandOptionType.attachment = None
An image file used as evidence for the shortmute, do not use with evidence_link
passed_info = {
"target": target,
"duration": duration,
"reason": reason,
"interaction": interaction
if evidence_image and evidence_link:
await interaction.response.send_message(content="You've provided both the `evidence_image` and the `evidence_link` arguments! Please only use one or the other.")
elif evidence_link:
evidence = evidence_link
elif evidence_image:
evidence = str(evidence_image)
if duration == 1 or duration == -1:
readable_duration = f"{duration} minute"
"readable_duration": readable_duration
readable_duration = f"{duration} minutes"
"readable_duration": readable_duration
if duration > 30:
await interaction.response(content=f"{readable_duration} is longer than the 30 minutes you are allowed to shortmute users for.", ephemeral=True)
elif duration < 1:
await interaction.response(content=f"Please shortmute the user for longer than {readable_duration}! The maximum duration is 30 minutes.", ephemeral=True)
embed = discord.Embed(title="Are you sure?", description=f"Moderator: {interaction.user.mention}\nTarget: {target.mention}\nDuration: `{readable_duration}`\nReason: `{reason}`", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None))
if evidence:
"evidence": evidence
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed, view=self.ShortmuteButtons(timeout=180, passed_info=passed_info), ephemeral=True)
await ctx.bot.http.request(r, json=payload, reason=reason)
await modlog.create_case(
action_type="timeout" if time else "untimeout",
until=(datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) + time)
if time
else None,
if await self.config.guild(member.guild).dm():
with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException):
message = "You have been"
message += (
f" timed out for {humanize.naturaldelta(time)}"
if time
else " untimedout"
message += f" in {ctx.guild.name}"
message += f" for reason: {reason}" if reason else ""
await member.send(message)
class ShortmuteButtons(ui.View):
def __init__(self, timeout, passed_info: dict):
self.timeout = timeout
self.passed_info = passed_info
self.config = Config.get_conf(None, cog_name='Shortmute', identifier=25781647388294)
async def timeout_role(
ctx: commands.Context,
role: discord.Role,
time: datetime.timedelta,
reason: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[discord.Member]:
failed = []
members = list(role.members)
for member in members:
await self.timeout_user(ctx, member, time, reason)
except discord.HTTPException:
return failed
@ui.button(label="Yes", style=discord.ButtonStyle.success)
async def shortmute_button_yes(self, button: ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction):
target = self.passed_info['target']
duration = self.passed_info['duration']
readable_duration = self.passed_info['readable_duration']
reason = self.passed_info['reason']
old_interaction = self.passed_info['interaction']
timedelta = parse(f'{duration} minutes')
edit_embed = discord.Embed(title="Shortmute confirmed!", description=f"Moderator: {old_interaction.user.mention}\nTarget: {target.mention}\nDuration: `{readable_duration}`\nReason: `{reason}`", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None))
if self.passed_info.get('evidence'):
evidence = self.passed_info['evidence']
old_message = await old_interaction.edit_original_response(embed=edit_embed, view=None)
await target.timeout(until=timedelta, reason=f"User shortmuted for {readable_duration} by {old_interaction.user.name} ({old_interaction.user.id}) for: {reason}")
await interaction.response.send_message(content=f"{target.mention} shortmuted for {readable_duration} by {old_interaction.user.mention} for: `{reason}`")
if await self.config.guild(old_interaction.guild_id).dm() is True:
dm_embed = discord.Embed(title=f"You've been shortmuted in {old_interaction.guild.name}!", description=f"Moderator: {old_interaction.user.mention}\nTarget: {target.mention}\nDuration: `{readable_duration}`\nReason: `{reason}`", color=await self.bot.get_embed_color(None))
if evidence:
await target.send(embed=dm_embed)
except discord.HTTPException as error:
await old_message.edit(content="Could not message the target, user most likely has Direct Messages disabled.")
@commands.cooldown(1, 1, commands.BucketType.user)
async def timeout(
ctx: commands.Context,
member_or_role: Union[discord.Member, discord.Role],
time: TimedeltaConverter(
allowed_units=["minutes", "seconds", "hours", "days"],
) = None,
reason: Optional[str] = None,
Timeout users.
`<member_or_role>` is the username/rolename, ID or mention. If provided a role,
everyone with that role will be timedout.
`[time]` is the time to mute for. Time is any valid time length such as `45 minutes`
or `3 days`. If nothing is provided the timeout will be 60 seconds default.
`[reason]` is the reason for the timeout. Defaults to `None` if nothing is provided.
`[p]timeout @member 5m talks too much`
`[p]timeout @member 10m`
if not time:
time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) + time
timestamp = int(datetime.datetime.timestamp(timestamp))
if isinstance(member_or_role, discord.Member):
check = await is_allowed_by_hierarchy(ctx.bot, ctx.author, member_or_role)
if not check:
return await ctx.send("You cannot timeout this user due to hierarchy.")
if member_or_role.permissions_in(ctx.channel).administrator:
return await ctx.send("You can't timeout an administrator.")
await self.timeout_user(ctx, member_or_role, time, reason)
return await ctx.send(
f"{member_or_role.mention} has been timed out till <t:{timestamp}:f>."
if isinstance(member_or_role, discord.Role):
await ctx.send(
f"Timeing out {len(member_or_role.members)} members till <t:{timestamp}:f>."
failed = await self.timeout_role(ctx, member_or_role, time, reason)
return await ctx.send(f"Failed to timeout {len(failed)} members.")
@ui.button(label="No", style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger)
async def shortmute_button_no(self, button: ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction):
message = await self.passed_info['interaction'].edit_original_response(content="Command cancelled.", view=None, embed=None)
await message.delete(delay=3)
@commands.cooldown(1, 1, commands.BucketType.user)
async def untimeout(
ctx: commands.Context,
member_or_role: Union[discord.Member, discord.Role],
reason: Optional[str] = None,
Untimeout users.
`<member_or_role>` is the username/rolename, ID or mention. If
provided a role, everyone with that role will be untimed.
`[reason]` is the reason for the untimeout. Defaults to `None`
if nothing is provided.
if isinstance(member_or_role, discord.Member):
is_timedout = await self.is_user_timed_out(member_or_role)
if not is_timedout:
return await ctx.send("This user is not timed out.")
await self.timeout_user(ctx, member_or_role, None, reason)
return await ctx.send(f"Removed timeout from {member_or_role.mention}")
if isinstance(member_or_role, discord.Role):
await ctx.send(
f"Removing timeout from {len(member_or_role.members)} members."
members = list(member_or_role.members)
for member in members:
if await self.is_user_timed_out(member):
await self.timeout_user(ctx, member, None, reason)
return await ctx.send(f"Removed timeout from {len(members)} members.")
async def timeoutset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manage timeout settings."""
async def timeoutset_dm(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change whether to DM the user when they are timed out."""
current = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm.set(not current)
w = "Will not" if current else "Will"
await ctx.send(f"I {w} DM the user when they are timed out.")
# https://github.com/phenom4n4n/phen-cogs/blob/8727d6ee74b40709c7eb9300713dc22b88a17915/roleutils/utils.py#L34
async def is_allowed_by_hierarchy(
bot: Red, user: discord.Member, member: discord.Member
) -> bool:
return (
user.guild.owner_id == user.id
or user.top_role > member.top_role
or await bot.is_owner(user)
async def shortmute_dm(self, ctx: commands.Context, enabled: bool = None):
"""This command changes if the `/shortmute` slash command Direct Messages its' target."""
old_value = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild.id).dm()
if enabled:
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild.id).dm.set(enabled)
await ctx.send(content=f"Shortmute Direct Message setting changed!\nOld value: `{old_value}`\nNew value: `{enabled}`")
elif old_value is True:
await ctx.send(content="Shortmute Direct Messages are currently enabled!")
elif old_value is False:
await ctx.send(content="Shortmute Direct Messages are currently disabled!")
Add table
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