embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{bank_name} - Balance",color=awaitself.bot.get_embed_color(None),description=f"{target.mention} has {bal}{currency_name}.")
embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{bank_name} - Balance",color=awaitself.bot.get_embed_color(None),description=f"{target.mention} has {bal}{currency_name}s.")
embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{bank_name} - Add",color=awaitself.bot.get_embed_color(None),description=f"{target.mention}'s {currency_name} balance has been increased by {amount}.\nCurrent balance is {new_bal}.")
awaitctx.send(content=f"{target.mention} now has {amount} less SugonCredit, with a total of {new_bal}!\nIf this is a punishment, do better Galaxy Player! Re-education mods will be sent to your DM's if your SugonCredit drops to a substantially low amount!")
awaittarget.send(content=f"__MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF THE MEGA BASE__\n\n(我们的) {amount} SugonCredit has been taken from your account. Citizen, do not continue to preform bad actions! Glory to the Galaxy Communist Party!")
awaittarget.send(content=f"__MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF THE MEGA BASE__\n\n(我们的) {amount} SugonCredits have been taken from your account. Citizen, do not continue to preform bad actions! Glory to the Galaxy Communist Party!")
embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{bank_name} - Remove",color=awaitself.bot.get_embed_color(None),description=f"{target.mention}'s {currency_name} balance has been decreased by {amount}.\nCurrent balance is {new_bal}.")