const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('discord.js'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('bosswarner') .setDescription('Checks how long until the next boss spawn.') .addNumberOption(option => option .setName('roundlength') .setDescription('Current round length. Get this by using /roundlength in-game.') .setRequired(true)) .addBooleanOption(option => option .setName('alert') .setDescription('Whether or not you want to be alerted three minutes before the boss spawns.') .default(false) .setRequired(false)), async execute(interaction) { const boss_dict = { 'Punisher': 28.3, 'X-0': 60, 'Decimator': 60, 'Galleon': 70, 'Kodiak': 120, }; const roundlength = interaction.options.getNumber('roundlength'); if (interaction.options.getNumber('roundlength') < 0) { interaction.reply('Round length cannot be negative.'); return; } if (interaction.options.getBoolean('alert') === true) { interaction.reply('Alerts are not yet implemented.'); return; } if (interaction.options.getBoolean('alert') === false) { const spawnTimes = {}; for (const boss in boss_dict) { const timeUntilSpawn = boss_dict[boss] - (roundlength % boss_dict[boss]); spawnTimes[boss] = timeUntilSpawn; } interaction.reply(`Time until next boss spawn: ${JSON.stringify(spawnTimes)}`); } }, };