
43 lines
991 B
Executable file

# Credit to this blog post for this script:
# https://blog.entrostat.com/install-byobu-on-any-linux-distro/
set -e
echo "Please make sure you have the following dependencies installed:"
echo " [+] tar"
echo " [+] screen"
echo " [+] tmux"
echo " [+] make"
which tar
which screen
which tmux
which make
echo "Downloading byobu version ${BYOBU_VERSION}..."
echo "Setting up a temporary folder..."
UNIQUE_FOLDER=$(date +%s)
cd /tmp
mkdir /tmp/${UNIQUE_FOLDER}
cd /tmp/${UNIQUE_FOLDER}
echo "Downloading source package..."
wget "https://launchpad.net/byobu/trunk/${BYOBU_VERSION}/+download/byobu_${BYOBU_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz"
echo "Extracting the source files..."
tar -xvf "byobu_${BYOBU_VERSION}.orig.tar.gz"
BYOBU_FOLDER_NAME=$(ls | grep byobu | grep -v .tar.gz)
cd "byobu-${BYOBU_VERSION}"
echo "Configuring and building..."
sudo make install
byobu-select-backend tmux
byobu-ctrl-a screen
echo ""
echo "You're ready to go! Just type:"
echo "byobu"