import { AnyObject } from './config'; export declare const ENGLISH = "en"; export declare const PSEUDO_LANG = "zz"; export declare const PSEUDO_TAG = "\u265A\u265B\u265C\u265D\u265E\u265F"; export declare const MSG_TAG = "message"; export declare const HELPTXT_TAG = "helptxt"; export declare const AML_ALL = "all"; export declare const AML_NONE = "none"; export declare const AML_DEFAULT = "none"; export declare const BIG_NUM = 999999999999; export declare const MSG_GPB_UNAVAILABLE = "*** Login to GPB failed or GPB.supportedTranslations error."; export declare function hashKeys(p: string): boolean; /** * @param {string} Override the root directory path */ export declare function setRootDir(rootPath: string): void; export declare function getRootDir(): string; export declare function isRootPackage(): boolean; export declare function initGlobForSltGlobalize(rootDir?: string): void; export declare function isLoadMessages(rootDir: string): boolean; export declare function validateAmlValue(aml: string | string[]): false | string[] | "all" | "none"; export declare function msgFileIdHash(fileName: string, rootDir: string): string; export declare function registerResTag(fileIdHash: string, fileName: string, lang: string, tagType: string): boolean; export declare function resTagExists(fileIdHash: string, fileName: string, lang: string, tagType: string): boolean; export declare function stripBom(str: string): string; export declare function enumerateFilesSync(rootDir: string, blackList: string[] | null, targetFileType: string | string[], verbose: boolean, checkNodeModules: boolean, callback: (content: string, filePath: string) => void): void; export declare function alreadyScanned(fileName: string): boolean; export declare function enumerateFilesSyncPriv(currentPath: string, rootDir: string, blackList: string[] | null, targetFileType: string | string[], verbose: boolean, checkNodeModules: boolean, callback: (content: string, child: string) => void): void; /** * @param action A function to be invoked for each target language. * If it returns `true`, the enumeration will be terminated. */ export declare function enumerateLanguageSync(action: (lang: string) => boolean | undefined): void; /** * @param {string} lang Supported languages in CLDR notation * @param {Function} * If callback returns err; if err, stop enumeration. */ export declare function cloneEnglishTxtSyncDeep(rootDir?: string): number; export declare function enumerateMsgSync(rootDir: string, lang: string, checkNodeModules: boolean, callback: (jsonObj: AnyObject, filePath: string) => void): number; export declare function enumerateMsgSyncPriv(currentPath: string, rootDir: string, lang: string, checkNodeModules: boolean, cloneEnglishTxt: boolean, clonedTxtCount: number, callback: (json: object, file: string) => void): number; export declare function removeObsoleteFile(dir: string, fileNames: string[]): void; export declare function directoryDepth(fullPath: string): number; export declare function maxDirectoryDepth(): number; export declare function requireResolve(depName: string, currentDir: string, rootDir: string): string | null; export declare function unsymbolLink(filePath: string): string | null; export declare function resolveDependencies(currentDir: string, rootDir: string, moduleRootPaths?: string[]): string[] | null; export declare function readToJson(langDirPath: string, msgFile: string, lang: string): any; export declare function normalizeKeyArrays(keyArrays?: string | string[]): string[][]; export declare function scanJson(keys: string[], data: AnyObject, returnErrors?: boolean): string[] | AnyObject; export declare function replaceJson(keys: string[], data: AnyObject, newValues: any[]): string[] | AnyObject; export declare function scanJsonPriv(keys: string[], data: AnyObject, newValues: any[] | null, returnErrors?: boolean): string[] | AnyObject; export declare function sortMsges(msgs: { [name: string]: any; }): { [name: string]: any; }; /** * Initialize intl directory structure for non-En languages * intl/en must exist. * it returns false if failed. */ export declare function initIntlDirs(): boolean; /** * @param {string} lang Supported languages in CLDR notation * Returns true for 'en' and supported languages * in CLDR notation. */ export declare function isSupportedLanguage(lang?: string): boolean; /** * Returns an array of locales supported by the local cldr data. */ export declare function getSupportedLanguages(): string[]; export declare function getAppLanguages(): string[]; /** * Returns trailer of file name. */ export declare function getTrailerAfterDot(name: string): string | null; /** * Returns package name defined in package.json. */ export declare function getPackageName(root?: string): any; export declare function getPackageVersion(root?: string): any; export declare function getPackageItem(root: string | undefined, itemName: string): any; /** * @param {string} name to be checked * @param {Array} headersAllowed a list of strings to check * Returns directory path for the language. */ export declare function headerIncluded(name: string, headersAllowed: string[]): boolean; /** * @param {string} lang Supported languages in CLDR notation * Returns directory path for the language. */ export declare function intlDir(lang: string): string; /** * %s is included in the string */ export declare function percent(msg: string): boolean; /** * %replace %s with {N} where N=0,1,2,... */ export declare function mapPercent(msg: string): string; export declare function mapArgs(p: string, args: any[]): string[]; export declare function repackArgs(args: any[] | { [name: number]: any; }, initIx: number): any[]; /** * Get the language (from the supported languages) that * best matches the requested Accept-Language expression. * * @param req * @param globalize * @returns {*} */ export declare function getLanguageFromRequest(req: { headers: { [name: string]: string; }; }, appLanguages: string[], defaultLanguage: string): string; export declare function myIntlDir(): string; /** * Load messages for the language from a given root directory * @param lang Language for messages * @param rootDir Root directory * @param enumerateNodeModules A flag to control if node_modules will be checked */ export declare function loadMsgFromFile(lang: string, rootDir: string, enumerateNodeModules?: boolean): void; /** * Remove `{{` and `}}` */ export declare function removeDoubleCurlyBraces(json: AnyObject): void; /** * If an language has alias name that SG supports, return the alias name. * * The known aliases are hard-coded to solve issue * * @param lang */ export declare function getLangAlias(lang: string): string;