"use strict"; // Copyright IBM Corp. 2018,2020. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: strong-globalize // This file is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0 // tslint:disable:no-any const util = require("util"); function noop() { } class StrongGlobalize { constructor() { this.setLanguage = noop; this.formatCurrency = this.c; this.d = function (value, options) { return value.toString(); }; this.formatDate = this.d; this.n = function (value, options) { return value.toString(); }; this.formatNumber = this.n; this.m = function (path, variables) { return util.format.apply(null, [path].concat(variables)); }; this.formatMessage = this.m; this.t = this.m; this.format = this.f; this.write = this.owrite; } getLanguage() { return 'en'; } c(value, currencySymbol, options) { return currencySymbol + ' ' + value.toString(); } Error(...args) { return Error.apply(null, args); } f(...args) { return util.format.apply(null, args); } ewrite(...args) { return console.error(args); } owrite(...args) { return console.log(args); } rfc5424(type, args, fn) { // Convert args from function args object to a regular array args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args); if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { // The first argument may contain formatting instructions like %s // which must be preserved. args[0] = type + ': ' + args[0]; } else { args = [type, ': '].concat(args); } return fn.apply(console, args); } // RFC 5424 Syslog Message Severities emergency(...args) { return this.rfc5424('emergency', args, console.error); } alert(...args) { return this.rfc5424('alert', args, console.error); } critical(...args) { return this.rfc5424('critical', args, console.error); } error(...args) { return this.rfc5424('error', args, console.error); } warning(...args) { return this.rfc5424('warning', args, console.warn); } notice(...args) { return this.rfc5424('notice', args, console.log); } informational(...args) { return this.rfc5424('informational', args, console.log); } debug(...args) { return this.rfc5424('debug', args, console.log); } // Node.js console warn(...args) { return this.rfc5424('warn', args, console.warn); } info(...args) { return this.rfc5424('info', args, console.log); } log(...args) { return this.rfc5424('log', args, console.log); } // Misc Logging Levels help(...args) { return this.rfc5424('help', args, console.log); } data(...args) { return this.rfc5424('data', args, console.log); } prompt(...args) { return this.rfc5424('prompt', args, console.log); } verbose(...args) { return this.rfc5424('verbose', args, console.log); } input(...args) { return this.rfc5424('input', args, console.log); } silly(...args) { return this.rfc5424('silly', args, console.log); } } StrongGlobalize.SetRootDir = noop; StrongGlobalize.SetDefaultLanguage = noop; StrongGlobalize.SetPersistentLogging = noop; module.exports = StrongGlobalize; //# sourceMappingURL=browser.js.map