import ShiftBy from "@components/shift-by" import { Button, Popover } from "@geist-ui/core" import ChevronDown from "@geist-ui/icons/chevronDown" import CodeIcon from "@geist-ui/icons/fileFunction" import FileIcon from "@geist-ui/icons/fileText" import { codeFileExtensions } from "@lib/constants" import type { File } from "@lib/types" import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react" import styles from "./dropdown.module.css" type Item = File & { icon: JSX.Element } const FileDropdown = ({ files, isMobile }: { files: File[] isMobile: boolean }) => { const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false) const [items, setItems] = useState<Item[]>([]) const changeHandler = (next: boolean) => { setExpanded(next) } const onOpen = () => setExpanded(true) const onClose = useCallback(() => setExpanded(false), [setExpanded]) useEffect(() => { const newItems = => { const extension = file.title.split(".").pop() if (codeFileExtensions.includes(extension || "")) { return { ...file, icon: <CodeIcon /> } } else { return { ...file, icon: <FileIcon /> } } }) setItems(newItems) }, [files]) const content = ( <ul className={styles.content}> { => ( <li key={} onClick={onClose}> <a href={`#${item.title}`}> <ShiftBy y={5}> <span className={styles.fileIcon}>{item.icon}</span> </ShiftBy> <span className={styles.fileTitle}> {item.title ? item.title : "Untitled"} </span> </a> </li> ))} </ul> ) // a list of files with an icon and a title return ( <> <Button auto onClick={onOpen} className={styles.button} iconRight={<ChevronDown />} style={{ textTransform: "none" }} > Jump to {files.length} {files.length === 1 ? "file" : "files"} </Button> <Popover style={{ transform: isMobile ? "translateX(110px)" : "translateX(-75px)" }} onVisibleChange={changeHandler} content={content} visible={expanded} hideArrow={true} onClick={onClose} /> </> ) } export default FileDropdown