59 lines
2.1 KiB
59 lines
2.1 KiB
var like, number;
// Use Globalize to format dates.
document.getElementById( "date" ).textContent = Globalize.formatDate( new Date(), {
datetime: "medium"
// Use Globalize to format dates on specific time zone.
document.getElementById( "zonedDate" ).textContent = Globalize.formatDate( new Date(), {
datetime: "full",
timeZone: "America/Sao_Paulo"
// Use Globalize to format dates to parts.
document.getElementById( "dateToParts" ).innerHTML = Globalize.formatDateToParts( new Date(), {
datetime: "medium"
}).map(function( part ) {
switch(part.type) {
case "month": return "<strong>" + part.value + "</strong>";
default: return part.value;
}).reduce(function( memo, value ) {
return memo + value;
// Use Globalize to format numbers.
number = Globalize.numberFormatter();
document.getElementById( "number" ).textContent = number( 12345.6789 );
document.getElementById( "number-compact" ).textContent = Globalize.formatNumber( 12345.6789, {
compact: "short",
minimumSignificantDigits: 1,
maximumSignificantDigits: 3
// Use Globalize to format currencies.
document.getElementById( "currency" ).textContent = Globalize.formatCurrency( 69900, "USD" );
// Use Globalize to get the plural form of a numeric value.
document.getElementById( "plural-number" ).textContent = number( 12345.6789 );
document.getElementById( "plural-form" ).textContent = Globalize.plural( 12345.6789 );
// Use Globalize to format a message with plural inflection.
like = Globalize.messageFormatter( "like" );
document.getElementById( "message-0" ).textContent = like( 0 );
document.getElementById( "message-1" ).textContent = like( 1 );
document.getElementById( "message-2" ).textContent = like( 2 );
document.getElementById( "message-3" ).textContent = like( 3 );
// Use Globalize to format a relative time.
document.getElementById( "relative-time" ).textContent = Globalize.formatRelativeTime( -35, "second" );
// Use Globalize to format a unit.
document.getElementById( "unit" ).textContent = Globalize.formatUnit( 60, "mile/hour", {
form: "short"
document.getElementById( "requirements" ).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById( "demo" ).style.display = "block";