name: 'Upload a Build Artifact' description: 'Upload a build artifact that can be used by subsequent workflow steps' author: 'GitHub' inputs: name: description: 'Artifacts name' default: 'artifacts' path: description: 'A file, directory or wildcard pattern that describes what to upload' required: true if-no-files-found: description: > The desired behavior if no files are found using the provided path. Available Options: warn: Output a warning but do not fail the action error: Fail the action with an error message ignore: Do not output any warnings or errors, the action does not fail default: 'warn' retention-days: description: > Duration after which artifact will expire in days. 0 means using default retention. Minimum 1 day. Maximum 90 days unless changed from the repository settings page. artifact-per-file: description: enable otption for uploading one artifact per file default: "false" artifact-name-rule: description: > // // Modified from path.parse() path.parse('/home/user/dir/file.txt'); // Returns: // { root: '/', // dir: '/home/user/dir', // path: 'home/user/dir' // base: 'file.txt', // ext: '.txt', // name: 'file' } ┌─────────────────────┬────────────┐ │ dir sep base │ ├──────┬──────────────┼──────┬─────┤ │ root │ path │ name │ ext │ " / home/user/dir / file .txt " └──────┴──────────────┴──────┴─────┘ (All spaces in the "" line should be ignored. They are purely for formatting.) Every key need in wrapper: ${} sep just for prompt, can't be used default: ${base} runs: using: 'node16' main: 'dist/index.js'