# typos > **Source code spell checker** Finds and corrects spelling mistakes among source code: - Fast enough to run on monorepos - Low false positives so you can run on PRs ![Screenshot](./docs/screenshot.png) [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/crate-ci/crate-ci/_apis/build/status/typos?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/crate-ci/crate-ci/_build/latest?definitionId=11&branchName=master) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/crate-ci/typos/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/crate-ci/typos) [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-master-blue.svg)][Documentation] ![License](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/typos.svg) [![Crates Status](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/typos.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/typos) Dual-licensed under [MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or [Apache 2.0](LICENSE-APACHE) ## Documentation - [Installation](#install) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Reference](docs/reference.md) - [Comparison with other spell checkers](docs/comparison.md) - [Benchmarks](benchsuite/runs) - [Design](docs/design.md) - [Contribute](CONTRIBUTING.md) - [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) ## Install [Download](https://github.com/crate-ci/typos/releases) a pre-built binary (installable via [gh-install](https://github.com/crate-ci/gh-install)). Or use rust to install: ```bash cargo install typos-cli ``` ## Getting Started Most commonly, you'll either want to see what typos are available with ```bash typos ``` Or have them fixed ```bash typos --write-changes typos -w ``` If there is any ambiguity (multiple possible corrections), `typos` will just report it to the user and move on. ### False-positives Sometimes, what looks like a typo is intentional, like with people's names, acronyms, or localized content. To mark an identifier or word as valid, add it your [`_typos.toml`](docs/reference.md) by declaring itself as the valid spelling: ```toml [default.extend-identifiers] # *sigh* this just isn't worth the cost of fixing AttributeIDSupressMenu = "AttributeIDSupressMenu" [default.extend-words] # Don't correct the surname "Teh" teh = "teh" ``` For localized content, you might want to exclude the entire file ```toml [files] extend-exclude = ["localized/*.po"] ``` ### Integrations `typos` provides several building blocks for custom integrations - `-` reads from `stdin`, `--write-changes` will be written to `stdout` - `--diff` to provide a diff - `--format json` to get jsonlines with exit code 0 on no errors, code 2 on typos, anything else is an error. Examples: ```bash # Read file from stdin, write corrected version to stdout typos - --write-changes # Creates a diff of what would change typos dir/file --diff # Fully programmatic control typos dir/file --format json ``` ### Debugging You can see what the effective config looks like by running ```bash typos --dump-config - ``` You can then see how typos is processing your project with ```bash typos --files typos --identifiers typos -- words ``` If you need to dig in more, you can enable debug logging with `-v` [Crates.io]: https://crates.io/crates/typos-cli [Documentation]: https://docs.rs/typos