/// # Panics /// /// - On duplicate entry #[cfg(feature = "codegen")] pub fn generate_trie<'d, W: std::io::Write, V: std::fmt::Display>( file: &mut W, prefix: &str, value_type: &str, data: impl Iterator, limit: usize, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { codegen::generate_trie(file, prefix, value_type, data, limit) } pub struct DictTrie { pub root: &'static DictTrieNode, pub unicode: &'static crate::DictTable, pub range: core::ops::RangeInclusive, } impl DictTrie { pub fn find(&self, word: &'_ unicase::UniCase<&str>) -> Option<&'static V> { if self.range.contains(&word.len()) { let bytes = word.as_bytes(); let mut child = &self.root; for i in 0..bytes.len() { match child.children { DictTrieChild::Nested(n) => { let byte = bytes[i]; let index = if byte.is_ascii_lowercase() { byte - b'a' } else if byte.is_ascii_uppercase() { byte - b'A' } else { return self.unicode.find(word); }; debug_assert!(index < 26); if let Some(next) = n[index as usize].as_ref() { child = next; } else { return None; } } DictTrieChild::Flat(t) => { let remaining = &bytes[i..bytes.len()]; // Unsafe: Everything before has been proven to be ASCII, so this should be // safe. let remaining = unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(remaining) }; // Reuse the prior ascii check, rather than doing it again let remaining = if word.is_ascii() { unicase::UniCase::ascii(remaining) } else { unicase::UniCase::unicode(remaining) }; return t.find(&remaining); } } } child.value.as_ref() } else { None } } } pub struct DictTrieNode { pub children: DictTrieChild, pub value: Option, } pub enum DictTrieChild { Nested(&'static [Option<&'static DictTrieNode>; 26]), Flat(&'static crate::DictTable), } #[cfg(feature = "codegen")] mod codegen { pub(super) fn generate_trie<'d, W: std::io::Write, V: std::fmt::Display>( file: &mut W, prefix: &str, value_type: &str, data: impl Iterator, limit: usize, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let mut root = DynRoot::new(data); root.burst(limit); let unicode_table_name = format!("{prefix}_UNICODE_TABLE"); writeln!( file, "pub static {prefix}_TRIE: dictgen::DictTrie<{value_type}> = dictgen::DictTrie {{" )?; writeln!(file, " root: &{},", gen_node_name(prefix, ""))?; writeln!(file, " unicode: &{},", &unicode_table_name)?; writeln!( file, " range: {}..={},", root.range.start(), root.range.end() )?; writeln!(file, "}};")?; writeln!(file)?; crate::generate_table( file, &unicode_table_name, value_type, root.unicode.into_iter(), )?; writeln!(file)?; let mut nodes = vec![("".to_owned(), &root.root)]; while let Some((start, node)) = nodes.pop() { let node_name = gen_node_name(prefix, &start); let children_name = gen_children_name(prefix, &start); writeln!( file, "static {node_name}: dictgen::DictTrieNode<{value_type}> = dictgen::DictTrieNode {{" )?; writeln!( file, " children: {}(&{}),", gen_type_name(&node.children), children_name )?; if let Some(value) = node.value.as_ref() { writeln!(file, " value: Some({value}),")?; } else { writeln!(file, " value: None,")?; } writeln!(file, "}};")?; writeln!(file)?; match &node.children { DynChild::Nested(n) => { writeln!( file, "static {children_name}: [Option<&dictgen::DictTrieNode<{value_type}>>; 26] = [", )?; for b in b'a'..=b'z' { if let Some(child) = n.get(&b) { let c = b as char; let next_start = format!("{start}{c}"); writeln!(file, " Some(&{}),", gen_node_name(prefix, &next_start))?; nodes.push((next_start, child)); } else { writeln!(file, " None,")?; } } writeln!(file, "];")?; } DynChild::Flat(v) => { let table_input = v.iter().map(|(k, v)| { let k = std::str::from_utf8(k).expect("this was originally a `str`"); (k, v) }); crate::generate_table(file, &children_name, value_type, table_input)?; } } writeln!(file)?; writeln!(file)?; } Ok(()) } fn gen_node_name(prefix: &str, start: &str) -> String { if start.is_empty() { format!("{prefix}_NODE") } else { let mut start = start.to_owned(); start.make_ascii_uppercase(); format!("{prefix}_{start}_NODE") } } fn gen_children_name(prefix: &str, start: &str) -> String { if start.is_empty() { format!("{prefix}_CHILDREN") } else { let mut start = start.to_owned(); start.make_ascii_uppercase(); format!("{prefix}_{start}_CHILDREN") } } fn gen_type_name(leaf: &DynChild<'_, V>) -> &'static str { match leaf { DynChild::Nested(_) => "dictgen::DictTrieChild::Nested", DynChild::Flat(_) => "dictgen::DictTrieChild::Flat", } } struct DynRoot<'s, V> { root: DynNode<'s, V>, unicode: Vec<(&'s str, V)>, range: std::ops::RangeInclusive, } impl<'s, V> DynRoot<'s, V> { fn new(data: impl Iterator) -> Self { let mut overflow = Vec::new(); let mut unicode = Vec::default(); let mut smallest = usize::MAX; let mut largest = usize::MIN; let mut existing = std::collections::HashSet::new(); let mut empty = None; for (key, value) in data { if existing.contains(key) { panic!("Duplicate present: {key}"); } existing.insert(key); if key.is_empty() { empty = Some(value); } else { smallest = std::cmp::min(smallest, key.len()); largest = std::cmp::max(largest, key.len()); if key.bytes().all(|b| b.is_ascii_alphabetic()) { overflow.push((key.as_bytes(), value)); } else { unicode.push((key, value)); } } } Self { root: DynNode { children: DynChild::Flat(overflow), value: empty, }, unicode, range: smallest..=largest, } } fn burst(&mut self, limit: usize) { self.root.burst(limit); } } struct DynNode<'s, V> { children: DynChild<'s, V>, value: Option, } impl DynNode<'_, V> { fn burst(&mut self, limit: usize) { self.children.burst(limit); } } enum DynChild<'s, V> { Nested(std::collections::BTreeMap>), Flat(Vec<(&'s [u8], V)>), } impl DynChild<'_, V> { fn burst(&mut self, limit: usize) { match self { DynChild::Nested(children) => { for child in children.values_mut() { child.burst(limit); } } DynChild::Flat(v) if v.len() < limit => (), DynChild::Flat(v) => { let mut old_v = Vec::new(); std::mem::swap(&mut old_v, v); let mut nodes = std::collections::BTreeMap::new(); for (key, value) in old_v { assert!(!key.is_empty()); let start = key[0].to_ascii_lowercase(); assert!(start.is_ascii_alphabetic()); let node = nodes.entry(start).or_insert_with(|| DynNode { children: DynChild::Flat(Vec::new()), value: None, }); let remaining = &key[1..]; if remaining.is_empty() { assert!(node.value.is_none()); node.value = Some(value); } else { match &mut node.children { DynChild::Nested(_) => { unreachable!("Only overflow at this point") } DynChild::Flat(ref mut v) => { v.push((remaining, value)); } } } } *self = DynChild::Nested(nodes); self.burst(limit); } } } } }