mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 06:49:11 -05:00
Bumps alpine/terragrunt from 0.15.4 to 0.15.5. --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: alpine/terragrunt dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-patch ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
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405 lines
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## Dockerfile to run GitHub Super-Linter ##
# Get dependency images as build stages #
FROM cljkondo/clj-kondo:2021.04.23-alpine as clj-kondo
FROM dotenvlinter/dotenv-linter:3.0.0 as dotenv-linter
FROM mstruebing/editorconfig-checker:2.3.5 as editorconfig-checker
FROM yoheimuta/protolint:v0.31.0 as protolint
FROM golangci/golangci-lint:v1.40.1 as golangci-lint
FROM koalaman/shellcheck:v0.7.2 as shellcheck
FROM wata727/tflint:0.28.1 as tflint
FROM alpine/terragrunt:0.15.5 as terragrunt
FROM mvdan/shfmt:v3.3.0 as shfmt
FROM accurics/terrascan:1.6.0 as terrascan
FROM hadolint/hadolint:latest-alpine as dockerfile-lint
FROM assignuser/chktex-alpine:v0.1.1 as chktex
FROM garethr/kubeval:0.15.0 as kubeval
# Get base image #
FROM python:3.9-alpine as base_image
# Set ARG values used in Build #
# PowerShell & PSScriptAnalyzer
ARG PWSH_DIRECTORY='/usr/lib/microsoft/powershell'
# arm-ttk
ARG ARM_TTK_NAME='master.zip'
ARG ARM_TTK_URI='https://github.com/Azure/arm-ttk/archive/master.zip'
ARG ARM_TTK_DIRECTORY='/usr/lib/microsoft'
# Dart Linter
## stable dart sdk: https://dart.dev/get-dart#release-channels
## install alpine-pkg-glibc (glibc compatibility layer package for Alpine Linux)
# Run APK installs #
RUN apk add --no-cache \
bash \
coreutils \
curl \
file \
gcc \
git git-lfs\
go \
gnupg \
icu-libs \
jq \
krb5-libs \
libc-dev libcurl libffi-dev libgcc \
libintl libssl1.1 libstdc++ \
libxml2-dev libxml2-utils \
linux-headers \
lttng-ust-dev \
make \
musl-dev \
npm nodejs-current \
openjdk8-jre \
openssl-dev \
perl perl-dev \
py3-setuptools python3-dev\
R R-dev R-doc \
readline-dev \
ruby ruby-dev ruby-bundler ruby-rdoc \
rustup \
zlib zlib-dev
# Install rustfmt & clippy #
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/rustup-init /usr/bin/rustup \
&& rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl \
&& rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain=stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl \
&& rustup component add clippy --toolchain=stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl \
&& mv /root/.rustup /usr/lib/.rustup \
&& ln -s /usr/lib/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/bin/rustfmt /usr/bin/rustfmt \
&& ln -s /usr/lib/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/bin/rustc /usr/bin/rustc \
&& ln -s /usr/lib/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/bin/cargo /usr/bin/cargo \
&& ln -s /usr/lib/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/bin/cargo-clippy /usr/bin/cargo-clippy \
&& echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > /usr/bin/clippy \
&& echo 'pushd $(dirname $1)' >> /usr/bin/clippy \
&& echo 'cargo-clippy' >> /usr/bin/clippy \
&& echo 'rc=$?' >> /usr/bin/clippy \
&& echo 'popd' >> /usr/bin/clippy \
&& echo 'exit $rc' >> /usr/bin/clippy \
&& chmod +x /usr/bin/clippy
# Copy dependencies files to container #
COPY dependencies/* /
# Installs python dependencies #
RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir pipenv \
# Bug in hadolint thinks pipenv is pip
# hadolint ignore=DL3042
&& pipenv install --clear --system \
# Run NPM Installs #
&& npm config set package-lock false \
&& npm config set loglevel error \
&& npm --no-cache install \
&& npm audit fix \
# Installs ruby dependencies #
&& bundle install \
# Install DotNet and Dependencies #
&& wget --tries=5 -q -O dotnet-install.sh https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh \
&& chmod +x dotnet-install.sh \
&& ./dotnet-install.sh --install-dir /usr/share/dotnet -channel Current -version latest \
&& /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet tool install --tool-path /usr/bin dotnet-format --version 5.0.211103
# Installs Perl dependencies #
RUN curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -sL https://cpanmin.us/ | perl - -nq --no-wget Perl::Critic \
# Install Powershell + PSScriptAnalyzer #
# Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-core-on-linux?view=powershell-7
# Slightly modified to always retrieve latest stable Powershell version
# If changing PWSH_VERSION='latest' to a specific version, use format PWSH_VERSION='tags/v7.0.2'
&& mkdir -p ${PWSH_DIRECTORY} \
&& curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -s https://api.github.com/repos/powershell/powershell/releases/${PWSH_VERSION} \
| grep browser_download_url \
| grep linux-alpine-x64 \
| cut -d '"' -f 4 \
| xargs -n 1 wget -q -O - \
| tar -xzC ${PWSH_DIRECTORY} \
&& ln -sf ${PWSH_DIRECTORY}/pwsh /usr/bin/pwsh \
&& pwsh -c 'Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -RequiredVersion ${PSSA_VERSION} -Scope AllUsers -Force'
# Install Azure Resource Manager Template Toolkit (arm-ttk) #
# Depends on PowerShell
# Reference https://github.com/Azure/arm-ttk
# Reference https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/templates/test-toolkit
ENV ARM_TTK_PSD1="${ARM_TTK_DIRECTORY}/arm-ttk-master/arm-ttk/arm-ttk.psd1"
RUN curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -sLO "${ARM_TTK_URI}" \
&& unzip "${ARM_TTK_NAME}" -d "${ARM_TTK_DIRECTORY}" \
&& rm "${ARM_TTK_NAME}" \
&& ln -sTf "${ARM_TTK_PSD1}" /usr/bin/arm-ttk
# Install shellcheck #
COPY --from=shellcheck /bin/shellcheck /usr/bin/
# Install Go Linter #
COPY --from=golangci-lint /usr/bin/golangci-lint /usr/bin/
# Install TFLint #
COPY --from=tflint /usr/local/bin/tflint /usr/bin/
# Install Terrascan #
COPY --from=terrascan /go/bin/terrascan /usr/bin/
# Install Terragrunt #
COPY --from=terragrunt /usr/local/bin/terragrunt /usr/bin/
# Install protolint #
COPY --from=protolint /usr/local/bin/protolint /usr/bin/
# Install dotenv-linter #
COPY --from=dotenv-linter /dotenv-linter /usr/bin/
# Install clj-kondo #
COPY --from=clj-kondo /bin/clj-kondo /usr/bin/
# Install editorconfig-checker #
COPY --from=editorconfig-checker /usr/bin/ec /usr/bin/editorconfig-checker
# Install hadolint dockerfile #
COPY --from=dockerfile-lint /bin/hadolint /usr/bin/hadolint
# Install chktex #
COPY --from=chktex /usr/bin/chktex /usr/bin/
# Install kubeval #
COPY --from=kubeval /kubeval /usr/bin/
# Install shfmt #
COPY --from=shfmt /bin/shfmt /usr/bin/
# Install ktlint #
RUN curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -sSLO https://github.com/pinterest/ktlint/releases/latest/download/ktlint \
&& chmod a+x ktlint \
&& mv "ktlint" /usr/bin/ \
&& terrascan init \
&& cd ~ && touch .chktexrc \
# Install dart-sdk #
&& wget --tries=5 -q -O /etc/apk/keys/sgerrand.rsa.pub https://alpine-pkgs.sgerrand.com/sgerrand.rsa.pub \
&& wget --tries=5 -q https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/${GLIBC_VERSION}/glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.apk \
&& apk add --no-cache glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.apk \
&& rm glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.apk \
&& wget --tries=5 -q https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/stable/release/${DART_VERSION}/sdk/dartsdk-linux-x64-release.zip -O - -q | unzip -q - \
&& chmod +x dart-sdk/bin/dart* \
&& mv dart-sdk/bin/* /usr/bin/ && mv dart-sdk/lib/* /usr/lib/ && mv dart-sdk/include/* /usr/include/ \
&& rm -r dart-sdk/ \
# Create and install Bash-Exec #
&& printf '#!/bin/bash \n\nif [[ -x "$1" ]]; then exit 0; else echo "Error: File:[$1] is not executable"; exit 1; fi' > /usr/bin/bash-exec \
&& chmod +x /usr/bin/bash-exec
# Install Raku and additional Edge dependencies #
# Basic setup, programs and init
RUN echo "http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community/" >> /etc/apk/repositories \
&& apk add --no-cache rakudo zef \
# Install CheckStyle #
&& CHECKSTYLE_LATEST=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/checkstyle/checkstyle/releases/latest \
| grep browser_download_url \
| grep ".jar" \
| cut -d '"' -f 4) \
&& curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -sSL "$CHECKSTYLE_LATEST" \
--output /usr/bin/checkstyle \
# Install luacheck and luarocks #
&& wget --tries=5 -q https://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.3.5.tar.gz -O - -q | tar -xzf - \
&& cd lua-5.3.5 \
&& make linux \
&& make install \
&& cd .. && rm -r lua-5.3.5/ \
&& wget --tries=5 -q https://github.com/cvega/luarocks/archive/v3.3.1-super-linter.tar.gz -O - -q | tar -xzf - \
&& cd luarocks-3.3.1-super-linter \
&& ./configure --with-lua-include=/usr/local/include \
&& make \
&& make -b install \
&& cd .. \
&& rm -r luarocks-3.3.1-super-linter/ \
&& luarocks install luacheck \
&& mv /etc/R/* /usr/lib/R/etc/ \
&& find /node_modules/ -type f -name 'LICENSE' -exec rm {} + \
&& find /node_modules/ -type f -name '*.md' -exec rm {} + \
&& find /node_modules/ -type f -name '*.txt' -exec rm {} + \
&& find /usr/ -type f -name '*.md' -exec rm {} +
# Grab small clean image #######################################################
FROM ghcr.io/assignuser/lintr-lib:0.2.0 as lintr-lib
FROM alpine:3.13.5 as final
# Get the build arguements #
## install alpine-pkg-glibc (glibc compatibility layer package for Alpine Linux)
ARG ARM_TTK_DIRECTORY='/usr/lib/microsoft'
# Label the instance and set maintainer #
LABEL com.github.actions.name="GitHub Super-Linter" \
com.github.actions.description="Lint your code base with GitHub Actions" \
com.github.actions.icon="code" \
com.github.actions.color="red" \
maintainer="GitHub DevOps <github_devops@github.com>" \
org.opencontainers.image.created=$BUILD_DATE \
org.opencontainers.image.revision=$BUILD_REVISION \
org.opencontainers.image.version=$BUILD_VERSION \
org.opencontainers.image.authors="GitHub DevOps <github_devops@github.com>" \
org.opencontainers.image.url="https://github.com/github/super-linter" \
org.opencontainers.image.source="https://github.com/github/super-linter" \
org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://github.com/github/super-linter" \
org.opencontainers.image.vendor="GitHub" \
org.opencontainers.image.description="Lint your code base with GitHub Actions"
# Set ENV values used for debugging the version #
ENV ARM_TTK_PSD1="${ARM_TTK_DIRECTORY}/arm-ttk-master/arm-ttk/arm-ttk.psd1"
# Install Phive dependencies and git #
RUN wget --tries=5 -q -O /etc/apk/keys/sgerrand.rsa.pub https://alpine-pkgs.sgerrand.com/sgerrand.rsa.pub \
&& wget --tries=5 -q https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/${GLIBC_VERSION}/glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.apk \
&& apk add --no-cache \
bash \
ca-certificates \
git git-lfs \
glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.apk \
gnupg \
php7 php7-phar php7-json php7-mbstring php-xmlwriter \
php7-tokenizer php7-ctype php7-curl php7-dom php7-simplexml \
&& rm glibc-${GLIBC_VERSION}.apk \
&& wget -q --tries=5 -O phive.phar https://phar.io/releases/phive.phar \
&& wget -q --tries=5 -O phive.phar.asc https://phar.io/releases/phive.phar.asc \
&& PHAR_KEY_ID="0x9D8A98B29B2D5D79" \
&& ( gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys "$PHAR_KEY_ID" \
|| gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys "$PHAR_KEY_ID" \
|| gpg --keyserver keyserver.pgp.com --recv-keys "$PHAR_KEY_ID" ) \
&& gpg --verify phive.phar.asc phive.phar \
&& chmod +x phive.phar \
&& mv phive.phar /usr/local/bin/phive \
&& rm phive.phar.asc \
&& phive --no-progress install --trust-gpg-keys \
31C7E470E2138192,CF1A108D0E7AE720,8A03EA3B385DBAA1,12CE0F1D262429A5 \
--target /usr/bin phpstan@^0.12.64 psalm@^3.18.2 phpcs@^3.5.8
# Copy the libraries into image #
COPY --from=base_image /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/
COPY --from=base_image /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=base_image /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
COPY --from=base_image /usr/local/share/ /usr/local/share/
COPY --from=base_image /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
COPY --from=base_image /usr/libexec/ /usr/libexec/
COPY --from=base_image /usr/share/ /usr/share/
COPY --from=base_image /usr/include/ /usr/include/
COPY --from=base_image /lib/ /lib/
COPY --from=base_image /bin/ /bin/
COPY --from=base_image /node_modules/ /node_modules/
# Install Litnr #
COPY --from=lintr-lib /usr/lib/R/library/ /home/r-library
RUN R -e "install.packages(list.dirs('/home/r-library',recursive = FALSE), repos = NULL, type = 'source')"
# Add node packages to path and dotnet #
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/var/cache/dotnet/tools:/usr/share/dotnet:/node_modules/.bin"
ENV ARM_TTK_PSD1="${ARM_TTK_DIRECTORY}/arm-ttk-master/arm-ttk/arm-ttk.psd1"
# Copy scripts to container #
COPY lib /action/lib
# Copy linter rules to container #
COPY TEMPLATES /action/lib/.automation
# Run to build version file and validate image #
# Set the entrypoint #
ENTRYPOINT ["/action/lib/linter.sh"]