--- - name: Wait for admin port to open block: - name: Wait for Admin port to come up (Port 8443) ## Doc: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/wait_for_module.html ## Helpful Google: ansible wait_for ansible.builtin.wait_for: host: "{{ ansible_host }}" port: 8443 delay: 5 timeout: 300 state: started changed_when: false ################################# # Wait for successful open port # ################################# - name: Wait for http status 200 changed_when: false ansible.builtin.uri: url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}:8443" validate_certs: "no" register: http_result # ignore_errors: true until: http_result.status == 200 retries: 100 delay: 3 ####################################################### # Copy License file to GHE to decrypt file and upload # ####################################################### # Copy of the file will allow for Ansible Vault to decrypt the file # and place it on the new remote machine - name: Copy collectd-settings.json File to GHE become: true ansible.builtin.template: src: "collectd-settings.json.j2" dest: /tmp/collectd-settings.json owner: admin group: admin mode: 0644 ######################################################## # Set up Admin password, License, and Initial Settings # ######################################################## - name: Setup Grafana # yamllint disable ansible.builtin.shell: curl --fail -Lk \ -X PUT "https://api_key:{{ github_admin_password }}@{{ ansible_host }}:8443/setup/api/settings" \ --data-urlencode "settings=`cat /tmp/collectd-settings.json`" # yamllint enable retries: 10 delay: 5 register: http_collectd_config_result until: http_collectd_config_result.rc == 0 notify: ghe config apply ##################################### # Edit forwarding.conf with metrics # ##################################### - name: Copy forwarding.conf File to GHE become: true ansible.builtin.template: force: true src: "forwarding.conf.j2" dest: /etc/collectd/conf.d/forwarding.conf owner: root group: root mode: 0644 ########################################### # Restart Collectd service to take effect # ########################################### - name: Restart Collectd service become: true ansible.builtin.service: name: collectd state: restarted ###################### # Set the tags block # ###################### tags: - metrics - github - ghe_primary - initialize