TAP version 13
not ok 1 - powershell_bad_1.ps1
  message: \nRuleName                            Severity     ScriptName Line  Message\n--------                            --------     ---------- ----  -------\nPSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock         Warning      powershell 12    Empty catch b\n                                                 _bad_1.ps1       lock is used.\n                                                                   Please use W\n                                                                  rite-Error or\n                                                                   throw statem\n                                                                  ents in catch\n                                                                   blocks.\nPSAvoidUsingUsernameAndPasswordPara Error        powershell 4     Function 'Bad\nms                                               _bad_1.ps1       Function' has\n                                                                   both Usernam\n                                                                  e and Passwor\n                                                                  d parameters.\n                                                                   Either set t\n                                                                  he type of th\n                                                                  e Password pa\n                                                                  rameter to Se\n                                                                  cureString or\n                                                                   replace the\n                                                                  Username and\n                                                                  Password para\n                                                                  meters with a\n                                                                   Credential p\n                                                                  arameter of t\n                                                                  ype PSCredent\n                                                                  ial. If using\n                                                                   a Credential\n                                                                   parameter in\n                                                                   PowerShell 4\n                                                                  .0 or earlier\n                                                                  , please defi\n                                                                  ne a credenti\n                                                                  al transforma\n                                                                  tion attribut\n                                                                  e after the P\n                                                                  SCredential t\n                                                                  ype attribute\n                                                                  .\nPSAvoidTrailingWhitespace           Information  powershell 11    Line has trai\n                                                 _bad_1.ps1       ling whitespa\n                                                                  ce\nPSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword    Warning      powershell 5     Parameter '$P\n                                                 _bad_1.ps1       assword' shou\n                                                                  ld use Secure\n                                                                  String, other\n                                                                  wise this wil\n                                                                  l expose sens\n                                                                  itive informa\n                                                                  tion. See Con\n                                                                  vertTo-Secure\n                                                                  String for mo\n                                                                  re informatio\n                                                                  n.\nPSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment Warning      powershell 9     The variable\ns                                                _bad_1.ps1       'VariableThat\n                                                                  IsNotUsedLate\n                                                                  r' is assigne\n                                                                  d but never u\n                                                                  sed.\n
not ok 2 - powershell_bad_1.psd1
  message: \nRuleName                            Severity     ScriptName Line  Message\n--------                            --------     ---------- ----  -------\nTerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString     ParseError   powershell 2     The string is\n                                                 _bad_1.psd        missing the\n                                                 1                terminator  '\n                                                                  .\nMissingEndCurlyBrace                ParseError   powershell 1     Missing closi\n                                                 _bad_1.psd       ng '}' in sta\n                                                 1                tement block\n                                                                  or type defin\n                                                                  ition.\n
not ok 3 - powershell_bad_1.psm1
  message: \nRuleName                            Severity     ScriptName Line  Message\n--------                            --------     ---------- ----  -------\nTerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString     ParseError   powershell 1     The string is\n                                                 _bad_1.psm        missing the\n                                                 1                terminator  "\n                                                                  .\n
ok 4 - powershell_good_1.ps1
ok 5 - powershell_good_1.psd1
ok 6 - powershell_good_1.psm1