## Dockerfile Lint rules ##

# Default is 'on' for all rules #
#  You can disable as needed.   #
# Additional Info can be found at:
# https://github.com/replicatedhq/dockerfilelint

# Set the rules
  # All commands in a Dockerfile require at least 1 argument
  required_params: on

  # For clarity and readability, all instructions in
  # a Dockerfile should be uppercase
  uppercase_commands: on

  # The first instruction in a Dockerfile must specify
  # the base image using a FROM
  from_first: on

  # This line is not a valid Dockerfile line
  invalid_line: on

  # Use of sudo is not allowed in a Dockerfile
  sudo_usage: on

  # Consider using a `--no-install-recommends` when `apt-get`
  # installing packages
  apt-get_missing_param: on

  # Consider using a `--no-install-recommends` when `apt-get`
  # installing packages
  apt-get_recommends: on

  # Use of `apt-get upgrade` is not allowed in a Dockerfile
  apt-get-upgrade: on

  # Use of `apt-get dist-upgrade` is not allowed in a Dockerfile
  apt-get-dist-upgrade: on

  # All instances of `apt-get update` should have the `apt-get install`
  # commands on the same line to reduce image size
  apt-get-update_require_install: on

  # Consider using a `--no-cache` (supported in alpine linux >= 3.3) or
  # `--update` followed by the command `rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*`
  # when `apk` adding packages.  This will result in a smaller image size
  apkadd-missing_nocache_or_updaterm: on

  # Consider using a `--virtual` or `-t` switch to group multiple packages
  # for easy cleanup.  This will help ensure future authors will continue
  # to clean up build dependencies and other temporary packages
  apkadd-missing-virtual: on

  # Exposing ports should only be valid port numbers
  invalid_port: on

  # Only valid commands are allowed in a Dockerfile
  invalid_command: on

  # Expose Only Container Port
  expose_host_port: on

  # Using LABEL should be in key=value format
  label_invalid: on

  # Base images should specify a tag to use
  missing_tag: on

  # Base images should not use the latest tag
  latest_tag: on

  # This command has extra arguments and will be ignored
  extra_args: on

  # This command requires additional arguments
  missing_args: on

  # All files referenced in an ADD command should
  # be part of the Docker build context
  add_src_invalid: on

  # When adding multiple files, the destination should be a directory
  add_dest_invalid: on

  # Using a WORKDIR parameter that has spaces should be escaped
  invalid_workdir: on

  # The arguments to this command are invalid
  invalid_format: on

  # Use of apt-get update should be paired with
  # rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* in the same layer
  apt-get_missing_rm: on

  # This INSTRUCTION is deprecated as of Docker 1.13
  deprecated_in_1.13: on