# Inspired by https://github.com/jessfraz/dotfiles .PHONY: all all: info docker test ## Run all targets. .PHONY: test test: info inspec ## Run tests # if this session isn't interactive, then we don't want to allocate a # TTY, which would fail, but if it is interactive, we do want to attach # so that the user can send e.g. ^C through. INTERACTIVE := $(shell [ -t 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0) ifeq ($(INTERACTIVE), 1) DOCKER_FLAGS += -t endif .PHONY: info info: ## Gather information about the runtime environment echo "whoami: $$(whoami)"; \ echo "pwd: $$(pwd)"; \ echo "ls -ahl: $$(ls -ahl)"; \ docker images; \ docker ps .PHONY: help help: ## Show help @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' .PHONY: inspec-check inspec-check: ## Validate inspec profiles docker run $(DOCKER_FLAGS) \ --rm \ -v "$(CURDIR)":/workspace \ -w="/workspace" \ chef/inspec check \ --chef-license=accept \ test/inspec/super-linter SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_NAME := "super-linter-test" SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_URL := $(CONTAINER_IMAGE_ID) DOCKERFILE := '' IMAGE := $(CONTAINER_IMAGE_TARGET) # Default to stadard ifeq ($(IMAGE),) IMAGE := "standard" endif # Default to latest ifeq ($(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_URL),) SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_URL := "ghcr.io/super-linter/super-linter:latest" endif .PHONY: inspec inspec: inspec-check ## Run InSpec tests DOCKER_CONTAINER_STATE="$$(docker inspect --format "{{.State.Running}}" $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_NAME) 2>/dev/null || echo "")"; \ if [ "$$DOCKER_CONTAINER_STATE" = "true" ]; then docker kill $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_NAME); fi && \ docker tag $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_URL) $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_NAME) && \ SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_ID="$$(docker run -d --name $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_NAME) --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/ash $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_NAME) -c "while true; do sleep 1; done")" \ && docker run $(DOCKER_FLAGS) \ --rm \ -v "$(CURDIR)":/workspace \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -e IMAGE=$(IMAGE) \ -w="/workspace" \ chef/inspec exec test/inspec/super-linter\ --chef-license=accept \ --diagnose \ --log-level=debug \ -t "docker://$${SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_ID}" \ && docker ps \ && docker kill $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_NAME) .phony: docker docker: ## Build the container image @if [ -z "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]; then echo "GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable not set. Please set your GitHub Personal Access Token."; exit 1; fi DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker buildx build --load \ --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$(shell date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') \ --build-arg BUILD_REVISION=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) \ --build-arg BUILD_VERSION=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) \ --secret id=GITHUB_TOKEN,env=GITHUB_TOKEN \ -t $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_URL) . .phony: docker-pull docker-pull: ## Pull the container image from registry docker pull $(SUPER_LINTER_TEST_CONTAINER_URL)