## This /.sqlfluff file can be used to configure the SQLFluff linter when ## used via the GitHub Super Linter. Copy it to the .github/linters folder of ## your repo, and uncomment the necessary lines to configure the Super Linter. ## ## IMPORTANT NOTE: The GitHub Super Linter configuration file for SQLFluff ## supersedes any local configuration files you might have in within your ## codebase. For this reason it should only be used when you want the same ## configuration for your entire code base. If you need different configuration ## in different folders you must leave this config commented out, and instead ## manage all your config files within your code base rather than in the ## .github/linters folder ## [sqlfluff] ## verbose is an integer (0-2) indicating the level of log output #verbose = 0 ## Turn off color formatting of output #nocolor = False ## Supported dialects https://docs.sqlfluff.com/en/stable/dialects.html ## Or run 'sqlfluff dialects' #dialect = ansi ## One of [raw|jinja|python|placeholder] #templater = jinja ## Comma separated list of rules to check, or None for all #rules = None ## Comma separated list of rules to exclude, or None #exclude_rules = None ## The depth to recursively parse to (0 for unlimited) #recurse = 0 ## Below controls SQLFluff output, see max_line_length for SQL output #output_line_length = 80 ## Number of passes to run before admitting defeat #runaway_limit = 10 ## Ignore linting errors in templated sections #ignore_templated_areas = True ## can either be autodetect or a valid encoding e.g. utf-8, utf-8-sig #encoding = autodetect ## Ignore inline overrides (e.g. to test if still required) #disable_noqa = False ## Comma separated list of file extensions to lint ## NB: This config will only apply in the root folder #sql_file_exts = .sql,.sql.j2,.dml,.ddl # [sqlfluff:indentation] ## See https://docs.sqlfluff.com/en/stable/indentation.html #indented_joins = False #indented_using_on = True #template_blocks_indent = True # [sqlfluff:templater] #unwrap_wrapped_queries = True # [sqlfluff:templater:jinja] #apply_dbt_builtins = True # [sqlfluff:templater:jinja:macros] ## Macros provided as builtins for dbt projects #dbt_ref = {% macro ref(model_ref) %}{{model_ref}}{% endmacro %} #dbt_source = {% macro source(source_name, table) %}{{source_name}}_{{table}}{% endmacro %} #dbt_config = {% macro config() %}{% for k in kwargs %}{% endfor %}{% endmacro %} #dbt_var = {% macro var(variable, default='') %}item{% endmacro %} #dbt_is_incremental = {% macro is_incremental() %}True{% endmacro %} # ## Some rules can be configured directly from the config common to other rules [sqlfluff:rules] #tab_space_size = 4 #max_line_length = 80 #indent_unit = space #comma_style = trailing #allow_scalar = True #single_table_references = consistent #unquoted_identifiers_policy = all # ## Some rules have their own specific config [sqlfluff:rules:L007] #operator_new_lines = after # [sqlfluff:rules:L010] ## Keywords #capitalisation_policy = consistent # [sqlfluff:rules:L011] ## Aliasing preference for tables #aliasing = explicit # [sqlfluff:rules:L012] ## Aliasing preference for columns #aliasing = explicit # [sqlfluff:rules:L014] ## Unquoted identifiers #extended_capitalisation_policy = consistent # [sqlfluff:rules:L016] ## Line length #ignore_comment_lines = False # [sqlfluff:rules:L026] ## References must be in FROM clause ## Disabled for some dialects (e.g. bigquery) #force_enable = False # [sqlfluff:rules:L028] ## References must be consistently used ## Disabled for some dialects (e.g. bigquery) #force_enable = False # [sqlfluff:rules:L029] ## Keywords should not be used as identifiers. #unquoted_identifiers_policy = aliases #quoted_identifiers_policy = none # [sqlfluff:rules:L030] ## Function names #capitalisation_policy = consistent # [sqlfluff:rules:L038] ## Trailing commas #select_clause_trailing_comma = forbid # [sqlfluff:rules:L040] ## Null & Boolean Literals #capitalisation_policy = consistent # [sqlfluff:rules:L042] ## By default, allow subqueries in from clauses, but not join clauses #forbid_subquery_in = join # [sqlfluff:rules:L047] ## Consistent syntax to count all rows #prefer_count_1 = False #prefer_count_0 = False # [sqlfluff:rules:L052] ## Semi-colon formatting approach #multiline_newline = False #require_final_semicolon = False # [sqlfluff:rules:L054] ## GROUP BY/ORDER BY column references #group_by_and_order_by_style = consistent # [sqlfluff:rules:L057] ## Special characters in identifiers #unquoted_identifiers_policy = all #quoted_identifiers_policy = all #allow_space_in_identifier = False #additional_allowed_characters = ""